Chapter 12

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"Harry, please, you're scaring Daya." I spoke quickly as I opened the door to a fuming Harry. "Please stop yelling, just let m-"

"No, shut up!" He screamed in my face, sending chills down my spine. "You are not supposed to be alone with Daya! Do you understand? Do you want me to get your custody rights taken away? Huh?" He got close to my face as I backed up into the room.


"Do not EVER, try and pull one over on me when it involves my daughter. You think you're slick planning to show up unannounced so you can see Daya with out me or the lawyer present? You're not. If anything you're stupid. Now you've jeopardized ever getting her back." His words stung like all hell. I felt like I'd been knocked off my feet.

"Why are you doing this to me?" My voice was quiet as it cracked, Harry taking a step back to put some space in between us. "Why are you ruining my life? I can't take it anymore! You're the fucking worst Harry! You can't take my daughter from me just because you've decided you want to be dad after 3 years of nothing! Fuck you! Fuck you!" I slammed my fists against his chest as he fell back into the hallway.

"Luna, calm do-" I felt Liam's hands graze my back but I shook him off.

"You, you're the reason I was even in that fucking accident! You stressed me out so much that I passed out! It was you! It was all fucking you!" I pushed Harry to the ground and climbed on top of him.

He grabbed my wrists as I tried to hit him, his strength much greater than mine. "Luna, stop!" He was struggling to get me off of him, his face becoming red. "You need to calm down!"

"No, I don't need to do anything! I need my daughter and you're doing everything in your power to keep me from her! You absolute fucking prick!" I wriggled my hand from his grasp and grazed his face, red nail marks sketched into his cheek as small blood droplets began to form.

I felt myself being lifted from him, Liam's arms wrapped tightly around me.

My world was spinning as I saw security coming down the hall, Niall carrying Daya into a room a few doors down and the boys faces looking completely shocked.

I felt a deep sob leave my chest as a deep crumpling feeling rolled through me. Liam put me on the ground, his arms still wrapped around me as Harry held intense eye contact with me. "You broke me."

The security came over and helped Harry off the ground, his hands wiping at his face, blood staining his finger tips.

"Are you okay, sir?" The bigger security guard asked Harry.

"I'm fine. You guys can go, everything is fine here." His words sounded muffled as I put all my weight back against Liam. If he wasn't holding me I would surely be on the ground in a crumpled mess.

I watched as the security guards hesitantly left, Louis handing Harry a towel to clean up his face.

"I want to see Daya." I whispered to Liam and Harry's head snapped in my direction.

"Are you insane? You just assaulted me and now you want me to let you around my daughter? This just proves how unstable you are. You can't be trusted with her. I'm calling my lawyer." Harry pulled out his phone and held it up to his ear.

I shimmied out of Liam's grip and stepped to the side running my hands over my face. "Fuck." I muttered. I was never going to see Daya again. I can't live without her. She's my entire life. She's the reason I had the strength to go through all that physical therapy. It was all for her.

I paced back and forth before noticing the door Niall had gone in wasn't closed all the way.

I looked at all the boys as they stood around waiting for Harry to be done on the phone.

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