Chapter 4

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I woke up to the all too familiar feeling of Daya jumping all over me. I didn't even care though. "Momma wake up!"

I groaned and rolled onto my back as she came right down onto my stomach. "Jesus, Daya." I breathed out rolling her off me.

"Oh, momma. Nana says your not supposed to say Jesus' name like that!" Oh right how could I forget that Daya spent most of her time with my extremely Christian mother.

"Sorry baby. Mommy is so happy to see you." I smiled pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her head. "I love your big room, it's so pretty!"

"I know! And daddy let's me write all over the walls. He never even yells at me!" She cheered jumping off the bed and running around the room in her Ariel night gown.

"Wow." I mumbled rolling my eyes. "Did you have fun this weekend?" I asked knowing it was a loaded question. Daya loved to ramble. When she got excited about something she talked about it forever and extremely fast.

"It was so so so fun momma! We went to the aquarium and we painted and we saw Uncle Louis and Liam and Zayn and Niall and they all gave me candies! It was so much fun! And now your here to have fun with me!" She exclaimed spinning in circles before falling right onto her bum.

"Geez Daya, take a breather." I laughed sitting up from the bed.

"Momma, I'm hungry. Let's go make breakfast." She walked over to me and tugged on my arm helping me up. It was only 7 am and I was almost positive Harry wouldn't be up. Daya was an early riser which meant I was too. I'm sure Harry has been dying these past couple days.

We walked into the kitchen to the smell of pancakes and bacon. Harry was standing over the stove, a huge surprise to me. He never cooked when we were married. This was all shocking.

"Daddy, look momma is here!" Daya grinned running over to Harry and tugging on his t shirt.

"I know I see. Sit down at your seat, i made a special breakfast for you." He bumped her with his hip and she ran over to chair with a booster seat on it. She climbed up and sat at the table, a princess place mat in front of her that said her name.

I sat down beside her and she looked over at me making her grumpy face. "No, that's daddy's seat. You have to sit there." She pointed her little finger to the seat across the table from her and I scooted around to it. "Much better."

Harry came over and put a stack of pancakes on the table all in the shape of... princess crowns?

"My mum got me all these fun cooking molds to use when Daya is here." He told me when I had looked up at him with a funny expression. He placed a plate of bacon on the table before taking Daya's plate and putting a pancake on it.

"No bacon." I told him as he reached for it. "I don't let her eat bacon, it's too greasy." I told him and he obviously has fed her bacon before.

"Luna, it's no big deal. It's just one piece." He chuckled reaching for it again.

"Harry, no." I argued, trying to keep my voice low.

"Momma, I want it!" Daya declared, her big pouty face on.

"Look what you've done now." I groaned looking on as Daya started to throw a fit. Harry and me were rarely together around Daya and when we were it was for a very breif amount of time and that was for a reason. We couldn't get along and I didn't want Daya to look at one of us as the mean parent and the other as the fun one.

And right now I was the mean one, not fun.

"Daya, don't you want some fruit? You love when mommy makes you a fruit salad." I said in a calm voice trying to calm her down.

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