Chapter 3

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(This is back to present day)

I stopped at the traffic light watching as some of the younger kids crossed the street in their costumes. I was running a little late to pick up Daya, okay a lot late.

There was huge accident and it's nearly 5 now. I felt terrible about it and as soon as I realized I was going to be late I texted Harry, not like he ever replies anyway.

I missed Daya like crazy this weekend, she's usually my source of entertainment. Instead I got dragged out to one to many girls night outs.

I pulled into the garage under Harry's flat and hurriedly ran up the stairs. I caught my breath as I knocked on the door waiting for Harry to answer. After a few minutes of no answer I got extremely impatient and knocked louder.

The door flew open and behind it was a tall girl with dirty blonde hair and very defined features. A model no doubt. Great. "Hey, can I help you?" She questioned looking extremely confused.

"Yeah, I'm Harry's ex-wife here to pick up my daughter." I didn't have time for games, I was just glad this one had clothes on. I walked past her and into the house scanning the living room. "Where are they?"

"He took her out trick or treating a little while ago." She told me shutting the door. "I'm Melanie, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen and getting a drink. I opened the fridge and Harry had a collection of different alcoholic beverages, nice.
Oh, look a single apple juice box.

"Uh, do you want me to call Harry and tell him your here?" Melanie asked awkwardly coming into the kitchen.

"No, it's fine. He won't answer anyway." I chuckled opening up a cabinet looking for a glass. I had never really looked at Harry's flat, it was really nice. I walked past her and down the hall looking for where Daya sleeps.

I peeked in each room till I found one with drawings all over the wall. I walked in and saw a cute little bed shaped to look like a castle. The walls were a very light pink and had Daya's drawings all over them. No wonder she always tried to right on the walls when I brought her back home.

I walked over and looked through all the toys Harry had for her and there were plenty. On her dresser were pictures of the three of us along with some of her with his parents and my parents. I picked up the picture of her with my parents. Must've been when she was about 1 or so.

Such a cute sill picture. I smiled at it, a pang in my heart. I missed my dad. He passed away earlier this year, it was devastating. It was so sudden and out of nowhere, which was even worse.

My moms been doing good though, she's kept herself busy. She's taken up some new organizations and hobbies and she watches Daya any chance she can get. I worry about losing her too, I don't know what I would do without the two of them. Between her and my sister, they're my biggest help with Daya.

I put the picture back down and walked back out of the room into the living room. "Uh, so how are you?" Melanie asked awkwardly as I sat on the other end of the couch.

"There's no need to try and talk to me. This is uncomfortable as it is." I laughed turning on the television and flipping through the channel. "Just go back to your phone. But honestly, let me give you some advice. He's not all that." I smirked at her, and her face got red. "I mean I'm sure it's just a one time thing considering when i dropped my daughter off there was a different girl here."


"Yeah, it's okay. I mean good for you. Now you can say you shagged Harry Styles and how good it was. I don't blame you but i'm just letting you know, run." I kicked my feet up on the coffee table and stopped on the home channel.

She didn't say anything back but I could tell she was extremely uncomfortable. I was just saying the truth.

A few hours went by and it was nearly 9 at night. I was growing impatient, I had to drive back home and they weren't even back yet. Daya is 2, she shouldn't be up this late anyway.

A few moments later Harry walked in with Daya in his arms, sound asleep. She had on the cutest princess costume. "It's about time." I sighed standing up and walking over to Harry.

I took Daya from him and she stirred a little. "Momma." She smiled looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey baby, go back to sleep." I hushed, holding her against my chest. She rested her head down as Harry took the bag of candy from her grip.

"Sorry, I brought her by all the boys places. They wanted to see her since it's been so long." Harry told me as I stood in the middle of the living room rocking Daya. "Oh, I see you met Melanie."

"Yeah, we had such lovely conversation." I smiled sarcastically at him. Melanie excused herself and went down the hall into the bedroom.

"Sorry, we were having so much fun I lost track of time." Harry walked over to the television turning it off. He looked just as tired as Daya. "It was a good weekend. I took her to the aquarium, they were having some halloween thing where the kids could trick or treat inside the aquarium. I'll send you all the pictures." He scrolled through his pictures showing me all of them. Even one with Daya taking a piece of candy out of a penguins mouth.

He pressed the home button and for a quick second I could see the screensaver. It was me, him and Daya on our first christmas in front of the fireplace at Ann's house.

I ignored it and just smiled commenting on how cute she looks. "Yeah, uh, Melanie did her make up and stuff. Daya said I didn't know how to." He chuckled scratching the back of my neck.

"Cute, well I better get going. Can you go and get me Daya's stuff?"

"Oh, no you guys shouldn't drive back tonight. Plus, some of her clothes are in the washer. She had some fun with paint too. I can pay for a hotel for you if you don't want to stay here with Daya." He sleepily stretched up uncovering the small of his belly.

I never felt bad about divorcing Harry. I never really missed him because I was so wrapped up in how badly he hurt me. He was always the civil one throughout the divorce, the one to try and make nice. The only times he was rude to me was when I caught an attitude with him. I mean don't get me wrong he's a smug asshole, but that's different than being flat out rude.

"Oh, yeah that's fine I guess. I'll go put Daya to bed." I walked down the hallway in front of Harry stopping at Daya's room. "Night Harry."

"Goodnight Luna." He gave me a small smile before going into his bedroom. Probably awaiting a not so great conversation with Melanie.

I walked into Daya's room and put her on her big comfy bed. I guess the perks of having a rich daddy was that your bed was a queen and you were only two. I walked over to her dresser and pulled out her pajamas quickly changing her into them. I walked into the bathroom and found a washcloth, wetting it with some warm water.

I wiped Daya's face of the little bit of sparkles she had on to make her look like the perfect princess. "Momma." She whined moving her face away from me.

"I'm sorry baby." I cooed, putting the washcloth on the floor and crawling into the bed next to her. I pulled her close to me, her soft breathing the only sound in the room.

I didn't even care I was falling asleep in jeans and a blouse, I was just happy to have my Daya back.


this book is only going to be a few more chapters long. It's just a short little cute story I had thought of so enjoy!

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