Chapter 18

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5 years later

"Daya, hurry up! You're going to be late!" I shouted up the stairs. I heard a loud grunt of frustration as the bathroom door upstairs closed.

"Stop rushing me!" She shouted back, her foot steps rumbling down the hall. "Mom, I'm 8. I have a lot more things to do in the morning!" She huffed as she walked down the stairs. "It's my first day of year 4. I had to put on my bra and put on my deodorant and body spray now. I'm a growing woman!" She climbed up onto the bar stool and began to eat her cereal. 

I let out a little laugh. I felt like my 8 year old was 13. Girls in her grade are already into all the body sprays and eye shadows. I couldn't keep up. 

"You're right, you're right. I'll just start waking you up earlier." I smirked. She gave me a nice eye roll before finishing her breakfast and getting ready for the bus. I let out a deep sigh as I finished off my coffee and rubbed my eyes. 

"Mum, the bus is here!" Daya shouted as she shoved her feet into her shoes. 

"Okay, love. Have a great first day. I'll see you later tonight." I gave her a kiss on the forehead before opening the front door. I watched as she ran down the driveway  and onto the bus joining all her friends. 

I shut the front door and headed back into the kitchen to clean up a bit before leaving for work. I felt my pocket buzz as my phone went off. "Hey you." I smiled, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hey love, how are you?" His deep voice seemed to ooze through the phone. 

"I'm good. Tired. A lot happening this week, ya know?" I huffed, putting the bowls onto the drying rack.

"I know. But you're absolutely killing it right now. I'm so proud of you and can't wait to see the venue tonight. And you of course." He said, his voice ragged on the other end. He must be working out.

"Can't wait to see you too." I smiled, stopping and leaning against the counter. "Daya's excited too. I told her about our little trip this weekend. I couldn't keep it a secret." 

"Luna!" He playfully scolded. "Well I'm excited too. I'm just about done working out. I've got to head back to the hotel and get ready for my show. I love you, I'll see you in a few days." 

"Love you too. Bye, Casper." I gave a little kiss before hanging up the phone, my stomach doing butterflies. 

I hadn't seen him in a month. He's been in the states doing art shows all month. I was nervous and excited for him to see the venue my team did for his show tonight. It's a beautiful layout and it'll show off his pieces so well. 

I finished getting ready for work and headed out of the house, locking the big double wooden doors before walking to my car.

As soon as I was ready to plug my phone in it went off. "Luna!" Jenna's frantic voice on the other side.

"Hi Jenna. I'm heading to the office now, can this wait till I get there?" I questioned, hoping she'd say yes. I just wanted to listen to my music and get 15 minutes of peace and quiet before this absolutely hectic day.

Owning my own company was great. It definitely had it's perks but the biggest down side was how I was at the center of everything. Anything goes wrong, call Luna. Anything goes right, call Luna. 

It took me a long time to get to this position. I had worked at a venue agency for years before taking the leap to start my own company. We had grown so much over the last 3 years and this year was our busiest time yet. Today alone we're putting on Casper's show in New York, as well as 3 other shows in Europe. To say I was anxious was an understatement. 

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