Foxy's Prov.

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I remember her, very well... Jazz was just 7 the first time I saw her, she looked so inocent, she was cute, but... for someone who was so inocent she knows so much... especially about us! I... I don't really remember how I died. All I do remember is that there was a man. He had a very sinister smile, and these wide eyes! I'll never forget those eyes...Never. it was somewhere around 2:00am, and Jazz was just sitting in her office checking the camras... she new what would happen if she didn't check on me as much. "Where the heck is Bonnie?!" I heard her from down the hall. She doesn't want to die... Freddy thought she was threat to us... so Freddy being Freddy wanted us to stuff her in a suit so she die a weird death... sort of like us, I guess? But me, Bonnie, Goldie, and Chica didn't want her to die. She was are only hope of moving on to the after life. I've been a robot fox for... all my life I suppose. "Hi... it's me again, look I'm gonna do the best I can to help you guys i promise" she came by the stage one day and started talking to us. We heard every single word she said.i now she's going to help us, and she will! I don't care what Freddy says any more I'm taking a stand! I'm going to help Jazz out... even if it means getting put out of order again. I looked at her warm brown eyes... she made me feel happy, something I haven't felt in a long time. She was beautiful. I know, I know, it's stupid to say these things but... it was the truth she is! She has these sweet brown eyes that sparkle every time you look at them, and a smile that makes my Hart melt every time she gets happy or whenever she's smiling, and she's just beautiful... although I heard her say it before... (one time... she said to herself when she thought she was alone) She said that she was useless and ugly....and... and I remember it pretty well 'Jazz Schmidt why the Hell are you so fucking stupid! No one likes you! Everyone in this shitty planet Hates you!' I don't know why she called herself ugly and stupid? She was pretty a girl for her age... but Pay Phone told me something before. "People at her school make fun of her hehehe... it's sad... people made fun of me when I was young... hehe I guess we got some of the same problems uh?" Pay Phone knows we talk so it's safe to talk around him "what do you mean they make fun of her?" I asked "They call her things... thing to make her hehe... 'fade away' but I think it's because of something else Jazz keeps secrets you know?" He said with a worried smile I know that Pay Phone cares for Jazz as much as I do but I do it in a friend way... as for Pay Phone... well that's a completelydifferent story. But Jazz trying to kill her self?! No! Jazz couldn't have done that... but Pay Phone (as much as he's a pain in the Ass) never lies. "YO PAY PHONE!" She yelled across the room "WHAT!!!" He yelled, "GET YOUR ASS OVER HEAR! GOD DAMN IT!" He walked over to her but didn't go to the office he sat on the stage and ended up listening to music instead "Pay Phone shouldn't ye be going to Jazz?" He didn't hear me the first time. But that's when Jazz walked in and saw Pay Phone sitting on the stage looking down at his phone listening to music. But that was also when she saw me she saw me talk "foxy?" She said I looked at her "ummm Jazz?" She walked passed Pay Phone who had no idea what was going on and stood up on the Pirate Cove and looked at me "I always knew you could talk" she hugged me, witch for some people mentioned a red flag to hug an animontronic... especially me "foxy I'm going to do the best the best I can to help you guys i promise" I smiled "I know ye will lass" after that she hoped of the stage and smack Pay Phone across the head and walked to her office "What was that for!?" Pay Phone yelled and Jazz did was show the middle finger and went back into her office. "Why did she do that?" He looked at me "I don't know ye be the one that bugs the little lass" I said "pfft whatever Foxy I'm going to go see where Mr. FuckBear went of to alright haha" He went of. Know that Jazz knows that we talk and that stuff I guess I won't be alone no more.

I hoped you guys liked this chapter. Vote. Follow. And comment on this story and some of my other stories ok!!!! Bye my Fabulous Nerdz!!!

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