Pirates with flower crowns!

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Jazz came in the Pizzaria with a box of random things "hey jazz!" Said Mangle popping out of the Celine "Holy shit! Mangle don't do that!" Mangle hoped down "so what's in the box?" Said Mangle peeking over Jazz's shoulder "well sence school is over for summer the drama club was giving away a box of random things they had so I called frist dibs on it and now I have this box" Jazz went over and placed the box on one of the party tables "so what exactly is in the box?" Asked Mangle "thats the thing I dunno? So let's see?" Just as jazz was gonna open the box Pay Phone came walking by "ooo! A box what's inside?" Said Pay Phone like a little kid "thats the thing I dunno" Jazz opened the box and a bunch of stuff was there "ok let's see what's the frist random thing we gonna pull out" she put her hand inside and pulled out a lot of flower crowns in different colors "flower crowns?meh whatever might as well wear them?" She put one on her head "Boom now I look Fabulous!!!" She said doing Jazz Hands "so Jazzy did Jazz Hands? Pfft!" Pay Phone laughed a bit at the fact that jazz did that. She just rolled her eyes "Oh look another flower crown" she put it on Pay Phone's head and he immediately stopped laughing "why did you put this thing on my head" He said looking at jazz "Cuz you were laughing at me and I have nothing else to do with these butt load of stupid ass flower crowns... like siriously there's a lot of them" she said pulling out all the flower crowns the box had "well dang! That's a lot of them" Said Pay Phone "yep... I wonder what the drama club used them for?" Jazz shrugged it off and started pulling out a lot more things. As she was pulling out random things she found a tiny box with a lot of bracelets "yes! Thank God they have this shit!" Pay Phone looked at Jazz with a weird look "what with you and bracelets?" He asked "it hides my Scars and sence I kinda have a lot of scars... the more bracelets the better I guess?" She already had three bracelets on each wrist and with other bracelets she found each wrist had at least six of them. "Ok so what's next in the box?" Asked Mangle shaking her tail "well there's some crazy sun glasses" Said Jazz handing them to Mangle "whoa! These are cool" she put them on "I'm fabulous!". Jazz just kept on pulling stuff out "Oh look a pirate hat" Said jazz pulling it out. Just as she was pulling it out everyone heard something running "What's that noise?" Asked Jazz as the sound got faster and closer "duck" Pay Phone jestered Jazz to get down "what?" "Just duck!" They doth got down as they saw foxy jump over them and face plant himself onto the stage "ow!" Said foxy "Foxy you ok?" Asked Pay Phone know sitting on the edge of the stage "I be alright lad! But I want that hat" He said pointing to the pirate hat Jazz was holding "ok you can have it but you don't need to jump over us and scare the fucking shit outta us!" She said handing the hat to a now happy foxy "what be in the box?" He asked pointing to it "just some random stuff the drama club at my school doesn't need so I grabbed it before anyone else could so it's all mine now!" She said being a bit dramatic at the end. Foxy looked inside and pulled out a bunch of stuff out "this be amazing!" He pulled out all the pirate themed stuff and started decorating Jazz, Mangle, and Pay Phone "see! now ye all be part of me crew!" said foxy with a smile "ok? but what about the flower crowns? we need to get rid of them" said jazz "hmm... dat be true... i have an idea!" foxy grabbed the flower crowns at put them on everyone's heads even on his own head! "see know the crew be complete!" foxy then pulled out a little wooded sword and honestly he looked bad ass! "yay! now we get more landlubers to be part of me crew! on ward!" Everyone followed foxy until he found Bonnie and (still pregnant) Chica "hey ye want to be part of me crew?" Asked foxy handing them flower crowns "sure!" Said Bonnie putting on the flower crown followed by Chica "great! Now we find Freddy" He went of walking along with everyone else following him "freddy!" He exclaimed waving at him "what do you want?" Said Freddy sounding a bit Pissed of "ye want to be part of me crew?" Freddy glared at him "no, plus your not a real pirate, and you never were or will be ok? Stop dreaming foxy for the love of God wake up already" Foxy gave a little sad face. Mangle noticed this "hey just who do you think you are!" Said Mangle with her little pirate self "It's not my fult... I'm just telling him the truth" Jazz decided to also stand up for Foxy "well maybe your just jelous that foxy has his own pirate crew and you don't... I mean that's does explain why your sad sack loner all the time!" Everyone had wide eyes "BURN!!!" Yelled Bonnie in the background everyone started laughing, Freddy just rolled his eyes and went into the shadows. Foxy went up and hugged Mangle and Jazz "thanks lassies" He said "sure no problem" Said Jazz "anything for you foxy I mean that's what friends are for right?" Foxy smiled with his little ears all perked up and happy "well this looks like a happy ending for the two of them" Said Pay Phone coming up from behind Jazz "yep... I ship it" Pay Phone looked at Jazz and then smiled. Everyone continued being pirates and having fun!

Well Guys it's official... foxy is a bad ass pirate!!! Well until the next chapter bye!!!

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