The Interview

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{Jazz's Prov}

"Is this thing on? Ok it's on! Yippy! Ok so hi this is Mavis and today I'm with my cousin Jasmine and I am going to interview everyone that she works with and ask them some questions so.... lets do this shoop!" {I bet your wondering who this little brat is... that is my cousin Mavis Schmidt, my dad's sister gave birth to her and ever since that day Mavis has been bugging me, annoying me, and even getting involved in my personal life! It's a good thing I don't have little annoying siblings but Mavis is the closest thing that I have to a little annoying sibling. So here she is interviewing every single one of us.}

Frist Interview: Mike & Jeremy

Mavis: ok frist question how's it like working here?
Mike: it's hell
Jeremy: i-it's ok I guess?
Mavis: ok? Next question, is jasmine adopted?
Mike & Jeremy: No
Mavis: wait?! Male pregnancy is real?!
Jeremy: yes (in this book it is real!)
Mavis: ok? What can you tell me about the bite of 87?
Jeremy: w-well all we know is that something w-went wrong w-with a-an animontronic and i-it bit t-the frontal lobe o-of a child
Mavis: did the kid live?
Mike: nope! Kid died in under a week!
Mavis: whoa! Ok? So how old is jasmine?
Mike: 17 years old and yet she still rides the carousel and the carnival... oh well
Mavis: ... so how is jasmine doing now that she's working here in this hell hole!
Jeremy: w-well she's d-doing good i-i m-mean she doesn't r-really complain so.. ya?
Mavis: wow... well thank you guys for your time! Now to the next interview!

{I'm going to be honest with you guys... Mavis is a real pain in the ass... frist of all I have to keep an eye on her mainly because she's always helping you with problems and also causing them. If I had a dollar for every little problem she help make and fix I would be the richest woman alive!}

Second interview: Vincent & P.G

Mavis: so frist question... how long have you guys been working here?
P.G: a Long time you have no idea
Vincent: a couple years I guess?
Mavis: ok so how long you two been a couple?
Vincent: a long time
Mavis: Favorite Song, food, color, and how is it like working with the other night grauds?
Vincent: Favorite Song... it's never to late by Three Days Grace, I think?, Favorite Food Toast, and my Favorite Color is Purple! And working with these assholes is ok...
Mavis: Purple? i never noticed
P.G: I don't have a favorite song so... whoops? My favorite food is spaghetti, my favorite color is Red, and working with everyone else is good.
Mavis: ok! So what can you tell me about the Bite of 87?
Vincent: w-what?
Mavis: the bite of 1987? What can you tell me about it?
Vincent: n-nothing... c-can w-we please talk a-an out s-something e-else
Mavis: are you crying?
P.G: Mav can you just change the topic... please?
Mavis: uhhh ya sure? So how many kids do you guys have?
P.G: 3 all boys
Mavis: names?
P.G: the oldest are Victor, he speaks Russian and Hindu (I think that's how you say it sorry if I'm wrong), Sin and the youngest is Pay Phone.
Mavis: how old? *le derpy face*
P.G: 19 and 17
Mavis: they single?
P.G: nope!
Mavis: shit.... oh well it was worth it
Vincent: you do realize that they are way! Older that you right?
Mavis: I'm 14... oh... I see it now... well anyways thank you for your time! To the next interview!!!

{Ya... if you haven't noticed Mavis Likes to get into detail with things}

Third interview: Pay Phone & {me} Jazz

Mavis: so... you two a couple
Jazz: yep
Pay Phone: ya why?
Mavis: if you hurt my cousin I swear to the llama god above us! I will tear you to peaces! Got it four eyes!
PayPhone: ok? And if you were trying to offend me it didn't work... I literally have four eyes
Mavis: ya i can see that... so how did you guys meet?
Jazz: well I was walking down a hall and then this guy comes over and he's like Hi! And then I'm like Hi! And then we became friends even though he annoyed the crap outta me
Pay Phone: what?
Jazz: nothing! And later on we have feelings for each other and boom!couple!
Mavis: ok? Well then what can you tell me about the bite of 87?
Jazz: that's what we're working here for
Pay Phone: to findout what really happened to this place?
Mavis: but I thought this place got shout down one time and then reopened or something?
Pay Phone: that's what everyone in this town says but, we're looking for the truth.
Mavis: whoa... well can't wait for it! So tell me what do you guys do when your bored or something?
Jazz: how about we show you?
Mavis: what do you mean by that?
Jazz: just grab your camera and come with us
Mavis: ok whatever

{She ended up following us to the mini recording studio that we have in the Pizzaria and she filmed everything about the studio! She even tested it out herself to be honest she looked like one of those 5 year olds looking at the world's biggest playground}

Mavis: you guys make music?
Jazz: ya pretty much... it's like an escape from the real world. It's like it's just you and no one can interfere with your thoughts or you... it makes us feel free from all the crap in this world
Pay Phone: whoa... that's deep... I never really thought of it like that but I did always feel like it was an escape
Mavis: holy nachos you guys were MADE for each other!!! Omg! OTP!!! YAZ!

{Did I forget to mention that Mavis is kinda in to the whole shipping everyone thing?.... no? Well then now you know!}

Jazz: so... We're your OTP?
Mavis: yep! I mean you guys are so cute together! Holy nachos! I have to make a ship name for this.... umm JazzPhone? Nope! PayJazz? Nope! Phonez? Ugh! Making ship names are hard... oooo! I think I got it! Pazz! Ooo dang that sound good! The name Jay could also work but Pazz is way better!
Pay Phone: that sounds weird? It sounds like Pass but with Z's
Jazz: eh it's kinda cute? But in the weirdest way possible... get what I'm saying or?
Mavis: no, no I totally get. Ok question for you Pay Phone do you speak any Languages or just English?
Pay Phone: I speak English and Russian, Sin speak English and Hindu and my older brother Victor speaks both
Mavis: and English?
Pay Phone: nope... he understands English but he can't speak it
Mavis: ok? And what about you jazz learn any Languages?
Jazz: I am officially fluent in French and a little bit of Japanese
Mavis: wow... I can speak Spanish!
Jazz: cool... I have a couple of friends that can speak Spanish too.
Mavis: well thank you guys for your time and now I will be ending the video
Pay Phone: wait but what about the Animontron-
{Frist of i covered his mouth cuz Mavis can't know that the animontronics have a 'human' form! Is she does then this would be over! I mean think about it if a fangirl figured that out and told the whole fnaf Fandom it would be over! So no telling}
Mavis: the what?
Jazz: nothing just go
Mavis: ok? Well bye guys!

Hey guys I hoped you guys liked this chapter! and also I hoped you guys liked this Fourth wall breaking thing! I got it from DeadPool (Obviously) and so until the next chapter! bye my wonderful magical nerdz! ! !

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