a jacked up Jazz story?

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I didn't want to get up and honestly I didn't want to "Ugh... here we go again" I mumbled to myself as I got up and made my way to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror "yep.... still look like complete and utter shit!" I brushed my teeth and went down stairs "wait... on second thought no" I always had second thought on eating or not I never knew why I just sometimes felt like I shouldn't eat. I made my way back upstairs to my room, and the frist thing I noticed was a little black cat with a white Diamond shape on his furry chest and white paws at my window meowing to come in "hmf stupid cat... your lucky I let you come in" I said as I opened the door as let the small kitten walk around. He wasn't even my cat he was just a cat that followed me home one day and started busting in threw my window whenever he felt like it "so Mr. Midnight what's new in the naborhood?" I said looking at the cat. He just looked back "hmm thought so? Welp time to actually do something I guess?" Just as I said that my phone started to vibrate, I went over and looked to see what the notification was about "Oh look another text message" I said rolling my eyes as i looked at the message " 'no one likes you you freak' welp can't say I heard that one over and over again" I sighed and got up and decided to take a bath. I looked at the cat one more time " you do realize It's rude to look at a lady when she gets undressed, right?" I picked up the cat and put him back outside my window "stay there ok? When I'm done you can come back in ok Mr. Midnight?" The cat almost nodded back in response "good". I went and took a bath and then got dressed i put on my jeans, convers, and Jacksepticeye tanktop and over that I put on blue hoodie "ok..." I said to myself. I went downstairs to see both my dad's watching TV "morning jazz" Said Mike and jeremy "good morning" I looked all around and then I saw romin noodles! "Yes! Jackpot!" I made the noodles and ate them when out of nowhere something hit me " holy shit I'm living of just romin noodles... holy fucking shit... meh i'll still live". Later on i heard a knock at the door I opened it "hey jazz!" "Hey Jenny" thats Jenny she's a really good friend of mine and honestly if it wasn't for her I would've probably been beaten up by some random bitches in school or even worse, dead from suicide "so anyways why are you here?" "Because I got something you might wanna check out" she wispered to me "ok? Come in then" I let her in my house and we both went upstairs to my room "so what the hell you wanted to show me?" I asked "nothing I lied I just want to hang out in your room Hahaha!.... Life" I rolled my eyes "what kind of a friend are you?" "I'm your Best friend silly! And that means I can come in and out of your house whenever I feel like it" I was just going to say something back to her but just as i was gonna say something my phone vibrated again 'shit' I thought to myself. Jenny grabbed my Phone before I could and looked at the message "oooo who's Pay Phone? .... is he your boyfriend?! Dang Jazz its about time you found someone... life is going good for you I can tell, I can tell" she said doing little finger guns and me. I blushed like crazy and then snatched my phone out if her hands "what the fuck woman!" I looked at the message it just said 'hey what's up love u' I soghed a bit and texted back 'I'm bissy can't talk love ya too' and then it ended there "well! Are you going to tell me!" Said Jenny "ok, ok... yes he's my Boyfriend... happy?" She gave me that one smile, you know that smile that your friend gives you when your crush walks by in class? Uhhh ya that's the look, "you likey!" She said like a little kid "ok jeez we all get it now" she was just happy for me "woman I am so happy for you! But if he breaks your heart I swear to God I have the right to snap his neck!" My eyes went wide "whoa! Take it easy... you don't have to save me from every little thing that comes my way, you know that right?" Jenny just have me a bland look "so if a bully comes your way I don't have to save you? So if you try to kill yourself I don't have to save you? Woman I dare you to push me away from you because you my best friend and I will make sure nothing happens to you got that!" I laughed a bit "Ya sure? But siriously kick it down a notch will ya?" "Ya whatever I'm just trying to prove a point" I looked around and eventually faced my window and saw Mr. Midnight looking at me "whoa... creepy" I said as I let the cat inside my room "awww who's this little kittypet" Said Jenny "he's Mr. Midnight he's kinda my cat I guess? I mean I don't really own him but he just comes and vists me every night so I guess he's my cat?" I said as the small cat rubs his head against my legs "well he's the cutest cat I have ever seen in my life" I bent down to pet the cat, I wasn't paying attention to what Jenny was doing "Jazz what's this?" She said with a very sirious tone, I looked up to see her holding a small blade "uhhh... wait why are you even looking threw my stuff?!" I said knocking the small blade out of her hand "Uhhh why are you still cutting!" I stopped "..... it's... it's not easy" I said looking down "I told you before if you ever need someone to talk to you can go to me or your dad's or someone that'll listen! Jazz your not alone and you shouldn't have to go threw it alone either" she hugged me. "Ya I guess your right" I hugged her back. After a moment of hugging I decided to get something to eat "woman wait here and Don't touch my shit.... on second thought come with me cuz I know you to well" I brought Jenny downstairs with me but the frist thing I was greeted by was Jeremy screaming in Panic "whoa! Ok, ok, ok what the fuck is going on!" I yelled out leaning against the wall "Oh nothing just that your dad here is screaming.... over mother fucking anime!" I looked up to see that Death Note was on TV, it was the part were L dies "Ya I felt the same way" I said holding my fist over my chest "r.i.p L.... r.i.p" I saw Mike roll his eyes "i don't get what's so good about anime? It's just some stupid fucking Japan - a -mation that the two of you are fucking obsessed with!" He said looking at the two if us like if we were complet idiots "dad don't say that! It's not stupid! It's beautiful! You just don't get it!" I said. Jeremy looked over the couch "I w-was just s-shocked that h-he d-died he was a g-good character a-and he's dead!" Basically we were upset with the death of an anime character while the other one was confused as fudge! After a good while of arguing we decided to call it even and hug it out. Buy the time we finished Jenny was already up in my room with a bag of chips "what the heck are you doing?" I asked "you and your dad's were talking about anime, usally that's a sirious topic around your house so I stayed out of it, well knowing you you probably hugged it out or called it even or did something! I mean isn't death note your favorite anime or something?" She looked up at me "no... my favorite anime is Tokyo Ghoul, but death note another good anime.... so is Akame Ga Kill, and one punch, and soul eater, and-" just as i was going to say something else she stopped me right there "I get it you like anime, but you don't need to go all crazy about it!" I laughed a bit "ok fine... Hey it looks like you should be going home so... ya" she shook her head "well I will see you later I guess? Welp bye Jazz" she hugged me and went outta my house. And then once again I was left alone... well not really i looked in the cornor of my room and saw Mr. Midnight coming up to me "hey Midnight... how did you get in the cornor huh?" He just looked at me and meowed "hmm silly kitty" I decided to go back to the kitchen so I went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat. I looked through the frige "on second thought maybe I should skip out on eating.... not like I'm gonna live anyways" I mumbled to myself hoping nobody would hear. as I closed the frige door I look over to see my dad standing right there "hey jazz" Said Mike "Oh h-hey dad" he startled me for a second "you ok?" "Y-ya I'm fine why?" I titled my head to the side "just asking you haven't been coming out if your room lately, just wanted to make sure everything is ok" I sighed "Ya everything is fine" I said "are you sure? Remember you can always talk to us? There's no shame in that" He laughed a bit "ya, ya i know.... I'm just tired I guess? And plus all the crazy school stuff other random shit I guess?" I shrugged my shoulders. He just sighed "ok? I'm just letting you know if you ever need to talk to someone let us know frist ok? We love you sweetheart" He went and hugged me "love you too dad" I said hugging back. After the hug I went up stairs and started listening to music, I put on the song Jenny by Studio Killers and started singing to it "Jenny, darling, you're my best friend But there's a few things that you don't know of Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case I wanna ruin our friendship We should be lovers instead I don't know how to say this 'Cause you're really my dearest friend Jenny, darling, you're my best friend I've been doing bad things that you don't know about Stealing your stuff now and then Nothing you'd miss but it means the world to me I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend I wanna ruin our friendship I don't know how to say this 'Cause you're really my dearest friend Jenny take my hand 'Cause we are more than friends I will follow you until the end Jenny take my hand
I cannot pretend Why I never like your new boyfriends Oh, your love for them won't last long Forget those amigos
Oh, your love for them won't last long Forget those amigos
Forget those amigos I wanna ruin our friendship We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this 'Cause you're really my dearest friend Oh, your love for them won't last long We should be lovers instead Oh, your love for them won't last long 'Cause you're really my dearest friend We should be lovers instead
'Cause you're really my dearest friend Jenny..."
I loved the song frist of because this song just yells out Lesbian witch i think is cute for some reason? And second just cuz.

Hoooooi!!! Wazzzz up! Dis is ProxyLovesFNAF12 how is it going guys!!! XP so ya i hoped you liked this chapter! and also I hoped you guys are new character Jenny witch is inspired by a real life friend of mine and I honestly couldn't have found a better inspiration for her. Also hoped you guys liked Mr. Midnight witch is inspired by the game Fran Bow I recommend you play dat game!!! So yep dat's it for dis chapter see ya in da next chapter my wonderfulmagical nerdz! ! !

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