Christmas special: bonus scene

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It was around the middle of the night, Pay Phone and Jazz were sleeping close together in the break room with a blanket covering them. Pay Phone kept waking up over and over again from the recurring nightmares that he had.

{Pay Phone POV.}

It was dark. I looked all around trying to feel my way around seeing if there was something there or if I was just walking in circles. That's when I saw it, a single beem of light shining onto the dusty floor. I walked up to the light as I got closer I realized that there was a little boy around 5 plushies, each of them looked like the animontronics, Feddy, Bonnie, Foxy, Chica and... "Goldie?" I wispered. I eventually got close enough to hear that this little boy was crying? I bent down to see what was wrong "hey, what's wrong?" I asked. The kid turned around to face me, he still had Tears streaming down his face he "i-i... d-don't w-want to g-go" He cried "go? What do you mean?" I asked. I was worried and I wanted to help this kid out "i-i got no t-time.... I-i got no time t-to l-live.... and i can't say g-goodbye" this kid was clearly in pain. He went up and hugged me unexpectedly "hey kid it's ok" I hugged him back rubbing his back making sure it was ok "... promise we won't end up like this again?..." my eyes grew wide "we?" I let go of the hug only to see this giant black animontronic, it had these sharp teeth and claws, a second mouth in its stomach, and these blood red eyes, it could only be described as a nightmare. It grabbed the little boys arm and took on of its sharp pointy fingers and cut his wrist. Blood was coming out and slowly dripping down his skin, I quickly felt a sharp pain on my wrist and saw that I was also bleeding. I was freaking out "SHH... IT ONLY HURTS FOR A BIT SIDNEY... IT'LL BE OVER SOON" I saw that thing talk and it's voice was nowhere near human at all. I tried to stop the blood from coming out my wrist and make the pain stop, but it was no use "help me..." I reached out for the boy and tried to take him out of that things grip but before I could I heard a heart monitor go off... the boy had died. I new I woke up. I sprung up from the nightmare breathing fast "what the hell was that? " I said to myself, I looked around and sighed with relief... I was still in the Pizzaria with everyone else. I looked next to me to see Jazz sleeping soundly I smiled slightly "thank God your ok". I took notice that the blanket wasn't covering us completely so I decided to bring it up more on Jazz's side. Sure the couch was small but it was still big enough for two people. As i brought it I noticed that the sweater Jazz was wearing was lifted up just a little showing her side a bit, even though it wasn't much... I still kinda blushed..... it didn't take me long enough to notice that there wasn't something right I looked carefully at her side and saw that, she had a scar "no... Jazz please don't tell me..." I tried to make sure that I wasn't waking her up, I lifted her sweater up more and then I saw what I didn't want to see "Jazzy... why did you do this?" I wispered as I looked at a whole row of scars starting from the middle of her ribs to her hips "you promised" I lowered her sweater back and put the blanket over us. I hugged her closer and rested my head on in between her shoulder and neck. I wish I could stay like this with her forever.... I don't want to lose her...

*Le Time skip. Brought to you  by: TEMMIE FLAKES*

(Third person POV)

It was finally Christmas morning and everyone was already up and ready. Pay Phone was still sleepish can tried to go back to sleep after waking up multiple times. He rolled over hoping Jazz would be on the other side, but when he did he felt nothing "jazz....?" He mumbled still with a sleepy mood he moved his hand up and down the couch hoping to feel something "Jazz?" He opened all four of his eyes and waited for his vision to go clear "Jazz!" He looked around the room a bit worried wondering were she went of too "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Jazz yelled from behind him scaring him "don't do that!" He exclaimed calming himself down "jeez sorry" Jazz hugged him from behind and kissed him on his cheek "merry Christmas you idiot hehe" Pay Phone smiled "Come on, it's time to open gifts! " She said as she dragged Pay Phone out of the couch "whoa ok slow down" Pay Phone sighed with relief, but was still kind worried about his dream last night, and Jazz's scars. He came out of the break room and saw all the animontronics were there all talking and shaking there presents wondering what was inside of them. One by one they all came and opened them, Freddy got a new bow tie, Bonnie got a new guitar, Chica got a cook book so she could make more than just pizza cooking really interested her, Foxy got a new pirate hat and hook "yay! Thank ye lads!" He said with excitement as he replaced his old one with the new, Mangle got what they wanted the most... they got fixed "Oh my gosh.... thank you guys so much!" Mangle got emotional and cried a bit "aww Mangle don't cry" Said Jazz hugging them "you guys just gave me the best thing ever, thank you so much" Mangle whiped their tears and smiled. Frederick got a new microphone, Bon Bon didn't ask for anything so he was ok, Chi Chi got new shoes "Oh my gosh! I love these shose! You guys are the best! Haha!" She went up and blew kisses to everyone because she didn't knew who got them for her. The shadows got new bow ties as well, the kids got what they wanted for Christmas. And so did the night guards, Mike got a beanie, Jeremy got more sailor moon mangas, PG didn't really ask for anything... he just wanted food (That's what we all secretly want!), and Vincent got a toaster "yes finally!" He said to himself. Pay Phone held up a little Christmas ribbon "hmm?" He slapped it onto his head and looked at Jazz "Jazz hands" she turned around with a very small box in her hand and looked at him "pfft! What are you doing?" She giggled "I'm your Christmas presents now" He said with a slight smirk in his face "you idiot... merry Christmas" she handed him the box she was holding and gave it to him "It's really small dis you get me one of those gift cards or something?" He said observing the box "no" she sighed. He opened it and it was a Three days Grace band bracelets "cool" He smiled and put it on "I know it's not much" Jazz said "but I hope you like it" she gave a nervous smile "It's not about the present its about the thought you put into it" He said hugging her "thanks Jazz hands, I love it" while they were hugging Pay Phone gave her a big flat box, Jazz took notice of it and smiled "Merry Christmas Jazz Hands" He said with a smile "aww thanks" she opened it "Oh my gosh! I love it it's so cute" it was a Gir (invader Zim like if you remember that show!) Hoodie. She hugged it for a couple of seconds "It's so cute I love it!" Pay Phone laughed "put it on then?" Jazz quickly nodded and put the hoodie on "I love it!" She kept on squealing to herself "hehe glad you like it Jazz hands" They both hugged each other, but then Mangle lowered themselves with a mistletoe in there hand and looked at them from above "look what you two are under sugar" They both looked up "Oh wow" Pay Phone faceplamed himself while Jazz blushed like crazy "ya'll two gotta kiss now!"  They said with a wide smile "ok then?" Pay Phone said and he brought Jazz close to him, Jazz was still blushing like crazy but quickly looked up at Pay Phone, they looked into each other's eyes and leaned in and kissed "YAZ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE SHIP HAS SAILED! I GIVE YOU JAZONE! WHOO!" Said Mangle and Chi Chi in sync, both fanning over the moment. Everyone knew this was a Christmas too remember.

Merry Christmas.... and to all a happy new year...
                 - ProxyLovesFNAF12

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