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Justin's pov.

At my parents house, we were done eating and now we were drinking champagne.

My mother, as she is, invited some close friends and I didn't even know them. My parents were surprised about the engagement.

They know that she's the reason I have so much work and they know that I don't like her most times because of her controlling issues.  I had to make up so many lies and they finally accepted it and they like Alex.

She was very polite and she was really respectful just like always.

We were drinking champagne and talking to my parents and my grandma. Alex and I were standing next to them an inch away from each other.

Mom: So honey, you guys don't seem like a couple right now. Why is that?

Justin: Well, we're trying to be respectful towards you and the house.

Mom: Oh honey. I want to see you guys love each other like you do.

Grandma: Yea kiss!

My grandma is a little outgoing. She's crazy but who doesn't love a crazy grandma?

Alex looked at me like she didn't want to. But she smiled sweetly and we both leaned in and pecked each others lips.

Grandma: BORINGGGG! Kiss her like you mean it Justin!!

Everyone laughed and my mom gave her a look and my grandma shrugged her away. I laughed and so did Alex.

Grandma: So, what are you waiting for? KISS HER!

I got close to her and she whispered, "Do it."

I leaned in and kissed her. It didn't feel right but we kissed a bit longer and the kiss felt amazing. My stomach was flipping out and i enjoyed every moment of it.

Alex's pov.

He slowly leaned in, kissed me and I hesitated to kiss back but i did. After a few moments, the kiss felt so right.

We kissed in sync and my stomach felt so weird. It was a right kind of weird. I felt a weird sensation inside me.

It's the best kiss I've ever had. The best.

We slept there and we left the next day at night. We arrived home at 8 in the night and we have no work tomorrow.

We might go only for an hour to work on some things but we're coming back right after.

I called Sabrina to see if she wanted to come over with Zayn. We haven't really had time to do anything together.

They will be here in 15 minutes and in the meantime, I'm going to put on sweatpants and a comfortable sweater. The door knocked and i walked to the door and opened it.

S: Heyyyyyy.

Alex: Hey. come in. Hi zayn.

Zayn: What's up.

They came in and said hi to Justin. Zayn and Justin stayed in the living room and Sabrina and I walked to the kitchen.

Sabrina: I have something to tell you.

Alex: What happened?

Sabrina: Do you remember Jacob?

Alex: Yea. your ex right? What's up with him?

Sabrina: Ok so he called me last week and he wanted to meet up but i told him i had a boyfriend. He said we were only going to dinner to catch up and I asked Zayn and after a few hours of being jealous, he finally said Ok. He's still kind of mad but he's getting over it. When i saw him we talked and he said he missed me and he wanted me back. I still think he's super hot and i felt different when i was with him. I don't know what to do.

Alex: Holy shit...

S: Right?! I love Zayn but I don't know what to do. Jacob was really sweet and he made me feel super special. I feel like Zayn loves me but he doesn't show it.

Alex: Oh god baby. I don't know. Ummmm, but aren't you happy with Zayn?

S: Yea we're good but it's always the same thing. Jacob is more outgoing and he's really fun but I love Zayn. Get me?

Alex: Of course I do. But i think you should give yourself some time.

S: Yea i need to clear my head. Jacob has been texting me.

Alex: Oh no. What has he said?

S: Well he's been really sweet and he keeps telling me he wants me back and I've been telling him to stop but he won't give up.

Alex: If you want, i could talk to him.

S: Um no thanks. Last time you talked to one of my exes he almost ended up in the hospital.

Alex: That's cuz he wouldn't let me talk.

S: Oh shut up Alex. You have no idea, i feel so bad.

She started laughing and covered her mouth. I smiled and laughed a bit.

Alex: What did u do?

S: Well he sent me flowers to work and I got them and gave them to a friend at work because it was her birthday.

I started cracking up.

Alex: Oh my God. That's my girl.

We kept laughing and Justin and Zayn came in.

Zayn: What happened?

Alex: Oh it's cuz Sabrina almost fell and we were laughing because it was funny.

Lamest excuse to be laughing but nothing came to mind at the moment.

Justin: Oh.

Zayn: So, are you guys ready for the wedding?

Justin: Super ready huh baby?

Alex: Oh yea super super ready. I'm so excited.

I looked at Justin and he smiled. He's so dorky i love it. Wait what the fuck am i saying?

Oh my God no.

I can't be falling for him.

Not Justin.

Please God help me through this. I'm begging you.

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