Chapter 3 : Surprise?

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Chapter 3

We sat down on the bed. Today she had her bedspread very pink and red with hearts. Why is it so? I couldn't let go the thought that maybe she had found her <<étoile>>. "Spit it out quick!" I begged.

"Well, you know about that guy whom I told you about. The one who took English tuition with me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I remember him. He's the one who has a twin sister right? What's his name?.. yeah, Lucas...Luke..Ahh, so it's about Luke!" I said teasingly.

"Yeps, so you remember when yesterday I asked you to accompany me on a shopping trip. Well, you know what.. uh.. Actually...It's good you said you can't come cause I ...I went to the seaside with him!!" She said as if she would scream out of joy at any moment. And then we exchanged glances and we both started screaming. Lucky, we were that there was nobody at home.

So, she told me a really long story with every small details and I could see it going in front of my eyes like a movie. She had a great time with him, and moreover they were alone. Alone! Nothing happened. He was not the type of guy who takes advantage of being alone with a girl. Then Hayden and I had our little law if we could say it like that. What is the law? Well, a little law to be applied when we'll start going out with our you-know-who.

"Wow, you really had a great time! I can see how much you enjoyed from you're so enthusiastic story telling. When will I find mine?," I said dreamily. "Forget it, tell me are you guys just friends or something more now?"

"Still friends actually but you know we discussed about it and he said that he doesn't want to push things but I can always count it as a YES on his part!! It's actually me who told him to wait a little. I wanted to consult you before, I know you always take the right decision. You're a good judge of character."

"No need to ask me! It's your life and you go out with people you like. I like him. He's nice from what you've been telling me so far. And he's not forcing you or anything about having a relationship. You choose what's best for you." I told her sincerely that it's not me who has to decide for her. In this matter, she's the one who has to choose. " So when are you introducing me him? Like in real..." I asked tickling her.

"Very soon. I think I'll tell him that I want to get to know a little better before we start going out. That's a better idea, right?" She said getting away from my hands.

"Yeah, that's what you should do." I said as if it was a very mature thing to do. "If you can wait.." I teased her again and we both started laughing.

After we both had a great time doing things like, braiding our hair and taking photos, we did manicure and then it was time to get back home. Her dad was home by then and she came to drop me at my house.

I rushed inside and found my sister coming out of her room. " Jake called and told you that it's urgent." She said making a grimace with her face. She did not like my friends and who told her to? Again? What happened now? I thought. Hadn't we just met a few hours ago?

I went into my room, sat on my bed and dialed his number. It was ringing but no answer. I tried three times which meant that I had to listen to his stupid caller tune. What did he found nice in that tune? It was just uh loud noise. I had nothing to do. I went downstairs and found my mum cooking, my sister was watching TV and I wasn't really in the mood of watching anything. I went upstairs again and found The Undomestic Goddess written by Sophie Kinsella on my shelf. This book is actually amazing and I would never be fed up of reading it again and again. I opened it on the page where I left my bookmark and started reading. Sophie Kinsella had such a sense of humour that once you're caught up in the story, you actually start laughing unless it's not funny. I reached the chapter where Nathaniel and Samantha were in the garden of the Geigers and that Sam was barely dressed and Nathaniel made as if he was not even noticing her, my phone rang.

What the...

It was Jake. Why does he need me only at the wrong moment? Guys would always surprise me. What was so urgent? Could someone tell me? He just needed to know if I would be free tomorrow. And what did he tell me then? That he was not. Did I ask? "What's so urgent in that?" I asked showing him my annoyance.

"You'll tell me yourself when you'll find out. Trust me, you'll have a shock and I hope you'll be able to handle it. Now let me plan further." He said and I could sense that he was smirking at the end of his phone. What was going out in his head? I really wished that my telepathy would work but he was not in front of me and it was difficult to find what was going in his mind. Wait. Did I heard someone else voice right now?

"What are you doing? Who's with you?" I asked.

"Uh someone. I can't tell you or else you'll guess the surprise."

"Surprise?" I was astonished. He was planning something and he was not alone in that. My bestfriend was the worst person at giving hint. He made it certain that you won't guess anything from his hint. And this was cheating but he never admit it so it was unnecessary to ask for a hint, because after giving his "not so useful" hint he would always say, " you asked for only one and I told you." So I just told him that I had to go, in fact I wanted to continue with my reading.

A surprise? I'll have a shock and he's planning...

My birthday was far away, it was like five months away. I could no longer concentrate on the book. This guy will one day make me go crazy. I called Hayden and asked her if she knew something about it but to no avail. She said that she'll try to find out. Who was with Jake? It was not a girl, it was a guy, but who? Maybe it was his best friend Kyle. No, I would have recognised his voice. Who else could it be?

I wondered for a while about it when my sister informed me that my favourite show was on. I placed the book back on the shelf and went down. I watched TV till dinner time. We were having pizza that night, so I relished three pieces. It was so good. After that the whole family sat and watched a film together. It was family time.

The next day, I woke up late again. School was over, so why should I even bother. I stumbled in the bathroom yawning. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. The time I had finished and got downstairs to take my breakfast, my parents were already off to work and my sister to school. I opened the microwave and found that the breakfast was ready or it was for my sister but she didn't had time to have it. Good for me. It saved me from hard labour.

I put down the bowl of cereal on the table and sat onto the couch, turning on the TV. There was the film " Lemonade  Mouth " playing. I was just about to put the first spoon in my mouth when I heard my phone ringing. Shit... It was in my room. I was feeling extremely lazy and continued eating.

It was Hayden calling. I had four miss calls. Oops...Oh, I even had a message.

   Going to Italy today.Won't be able to contact you for two days! Take care :)

Oh shit...I totally forgot. How did I forget that? It was still eleven o'clock so she was probably on the way to the airport. I immediately called her.

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