Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 (Keira's P.O.V)

I was really angry at him. I couldn't believe it. I really thought that he had changed his mind. But clearly he was one of those insensitive selfish people. At least, that was what I thought until I turned to him to shout at him again. That was when I noticed that he was crying silently. I hadn't even heard it. Seeing him cry made my tears come back. 

''Now please stop!''

But his tears continued to flow and I couldn't make out his feelings since he was staring the other way. I really wanted to know what game he was playing. I moved to the other side of the bench and looked at him.

He clearly didn't seem to be wanting to explain anything to me by the way he looked. He was purposedly avoiding eye contact.

''Give me some time. I'll explain everything.'' He managed to say.

Since I had no choice, I waited.

''When I saw you, I couldn't think of anything else. I was just so happy to see you again and then those thieves had distracted me. It didn't occur to me that you were part of that project. I trusted Mr Robert so much that I didn't even check who were shortlisted. If I had, I would have stopped you from coming here.'' He explained.

''If you didn't want to see me again then why did you pay so much attention to me?'' I interrupted, still angry.

''You're getting me all wrong. I didn't fake anything. My feelings for you are as sincere as yours but then I have already accepted this life and I'm bound by the contract I signed. When I broke up with you, I thought it would fade away since our relationship was new. We hadn't spent much time together. I thought everything would be as it was before we met.'' He continued.

''It wasn't even a break up. You just plainly left me without an explanation and you nearly broke my long friendship with Jake. Are you conscious of all that?'' I interrupted again. But I couldn't help it. I had to get my feelings out too.

''Please Keira. Listen to me first. Then I'll accept whatever decision you take. I know whatever I did was in the wrong way but I didn't know how to do it. I only realised that you may want to stay when you told me you wanted. I hadn't anticipated it. I hadn't considered that seeing me might make you want to stay. Listen, I've adapted myself with great difficulty here. You're very attached to your parents, your sister and your two best friends. Have you imagine how you would live without them? Don't tell me that you're already living away from them. It isn't the same thing. You staying here would mean that you would be able to send your parents one letter per month and there would be no way to have more contact with them.You'll say that you'll stay with me but you can't. You won't be able to stay here. Once you've accepted to stay you won't be able to go back. Only time managers can after they've served for a number of years. I would have fallen in a depression if my friends didn't take care of me. It's really difficult to live here. I really wished I could come back just after one week here but that wasn't possible.''

''And how many years do you have to stay?''

''I have to stay for at least eight years. That's only if I want to come back.''

I was taken aback by his answer. Didn't he intend to come back?

''You don't want to come back?'' I asked, my voice barely audible.

''I don't know.''

''You didn't tell me why you didn't drop me at a hotel.''

'' How could I drop you at a hotel when I had the opportunity to spend some time with you? I thought a lot about it this morning. I felt I was being selfish by wanting to take you out and then ask you to leave once your time has elapsed. But then I thought that I didn't want you to stay and if I stayed with you the whole time maybe you'd listen to me and go. Please don't choose to stay. I'm telling you this for your own good. You're going to fell trapped in here.''

''Is that how you feel?''

''Not anymore but I used to and this homesickness isn't nice to bear with.''

Maybe he was right. I was really attached to my parents and just one letter per month didn't seem suficient. Inside I knew it wasn't sufficient. I only agreed to this project for fun. I thought it would be fun but it wasn't. I could see the reality but being with Logan had made me believe that maybe it was not such bad place to be.

''What are you thinking? If you want me to take you to a hotel, I would. I can understand that I've hurt you.''

He looked so sincere that I wanted to bring a smile to his face. Maybe I needed to be practical and just enjoy till it's time to leave. Maybe I was destined to spend only this much time with him. 

''Maybe I could let you be selfish and spend time with you until I need to leave.''

I felt he couldn't believe what I just said for he looked confused.

''I just wanted you to have a great time here before going back. Actually, I wanted to create a memory i'll always remember. It was really very selfish of me. You don't need to feel forced to come.'' 

''Now, before I change my mind, what's our next destination?'' I asked adding a little excitement to my voice to convince him I wanted to enjoy myself.

''I thought we could go down and see the waterfalls closer but your shoes wouldn't allow that.''

I could feel that he was still upset and he wasn't even keen on his plan.

''Listen to me Logan. Let's forget whatever happened. Make as if we never fought. C'mon let's be as happy as we were in the morning. Stop sulking over it and let's make a move. Time is limited!''

Though he still looked sad, he gave me a forced smile.

''Let's go,'' he said taking my hand. ''Just take off your shoes. You'll wear them on the other side.''

We went down where the waterfall ended in a sort of pond but it  was really kind of big with a sort of fairy tale surrounding. It was féerique !


''No way. I'm not crossing that!'' I stood still. Surely he is not expecting me to cross that bridge. It looked so dangerous but he tugged at my hand, encouraging me to move.

''No, i'm not!''

It was the sort of wooden bridge that had a little space between each plank of wood. I've always be so scared of such bridges and I was certainly not stepping on it. But Logan kept pulling my hand. Even though the other side seemed to be attractive, the bridge was too scary.

''C'mon,'' he encouraged.

Finally after being scared to death on the middle of the bridge, I successfully reached the other side.

''See, it wasn't that scary.''

''Oh,no... .it wasn't...absolutely not.'' I said with obvious sarcasm.

The look on my face made him laugh and for some reason I had to laugh to. While crossing the bridge, we were splashed with water and luckily for me , only Logan was drenched.

Author's note:

Hello dear readers, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please tell me if you find any mistakes or have some recommendations to make :) 

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