Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Hayden was finally meeting Logan today. It was Logan's suggestion that we plan to spend a whole day out. An outing with everyone of our little circle of friends, that is, Hayden, Luke, Jake, Logan and me.This was a brilliant idea. Hayden would finally meet Logan and I will finally meet Luke.

 We were all ready by eight in the morning, ready to go to the beach. We  met at Jake's place as he was going to be our driver. The fun had already started in the car.

"We could have rented a bungalow or something!" Jake said.

"Yeah! That would have been fun!" agreed Hayden.

"We could have stayed at least three day!" Logan added.

"Why does your mind always work when it's too late, Jake!" I said.

"It's not too late!" Luke added.

"It's too short notice, maybe next time!" Jake said.

"Looks like the sun is waiting for us!" Hayden said excitedly on reaching the beach.

We chose a place where we could enjoy both the sun and shade and placed our bags and other things we brought. The guys exchanged looks to each other talking in signs. I glanced at Hayden and it seemed like she also knew nothing of what they could be talking about.

"Uh..."Jake started. "We are going to buy some things and be right back."

Hayden and I frowned.

"If you're thinking about alcoholic drinks, I'll kill you!" I said.

"You can drive!" He said. As if it made a difference.

"That's not a reason!"

I glared at Logan and Jake while Hayden glared at Luke. They hopped in the car anyway. We both sighed.

"Guys are hopeless!" Hayden sighed.

"I agree."

 We admired the sea for a few minutes, then we decided to hit the water. We had already put on our swimsuit under our dress. We enjoyed the warm water waiting for the boys to be back.

She raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"How did you find him?" She asked eagerly.

"Really, the right guy for you." I said. "He complements you well!" I continued. "And how's my choice?"

"The one for you. Just like you described him and maybe more." She winked. "But, hey! Jake still beats them!" She said as she realised it.

"That's true! Jenny should be really lucky!"

"I haven't heard of her for a long time!" She stated.

"He told me about her last time but I didn't give him much attention as I had to come at your place."

"Oh! I hope she realises what she's missing!" She said.

"I really hope they end up together, but Jake doesn't talk about her much.."

"Yea but we can always hope!" She said. Then we engaged ourselves in a water splashing fight. We were indulged in having fun and having our usual girly talks that we didn't notice that the guys were already back and probably taking their first can of beer already.

"Luke is not having more than two cans!" Hayden announced.

"Neither Logan!" I continued.

"Nor Jake!" We chorused and laughed.

We came out of the water and suddenly we felt both very body conscious. We were wearing a one piece but still...

We joined them and sat on the beach towel after wearing our 'paréo'. We didn't look at them but we could feel them staring.

"Luke! You're not having more than two!" Hayden said breaking the embarrassing moment.

"But.." He started but the glare Hayden gave him made his comply to her condition. Anyway, it was better than they accept two as a limit instead of none.

The other two laughed at him.

"This also applies to you, Logan! "I warned. He frowned as the other two laughed.

"To you as well!" Hayden and I snapped at Jake and the other two laughed.

"That's not fair!" He said.

"We bought you soft drinks!" Luke said handing them to us.

Then, the guys decided that they'll go get a swim. They were not yet drunk, so we let them go. We stayed on the sand watching them and talking.

Jake was the first one to get out, or so we thought he was. He approached us.

"Hey!! Get up! I want to sit next to Hayden!" He said giving me a hand to help me up. I took his hand and then realise what mistake I made. But it was too late. He removed my 'paréo' swiftly and threw it at Hayden as  he grabbed me by my waist and carried me to the sea in bridal style. I screamed trying to get myself free of his grip but he was far too strong for me. He was laughing his heart out at my unsuccessful attempts. Logan was smirking and Luke had a mischievous smile on.

"Heyy!" I screamed as he threw me next to Logan. Logan caught me and laughed. "Not funny!" I exclaimed and punched him with the little strength I had.

Immediately after, Jake made his way to Hayden. Lucky her, she already knew what was awaiting her. She got up amd started running away from Jake. Running in the sand was difficult and Jake was successful in catching her and she landed in Luke's arm. Jake then started another water splashing fight. We were having lots of fun until our stomach started rumbling and we decided to have our lunch. In the meanwhile, the boys drank their second beer. They had bought three for each of them and Hayden and I had hid the third one in our bags when the guys were swimming.

When they started looking for the third, it was out of sight. Both Hayden and I raised an eyebrow at them with a mischievous smile.

"We were damn serious, guys!" Hayden laughed.

"Why me?" Jake retorted. "Give orders only to your boyfriends!"

"You're our boy friend!" Hayden teased.

"Haha." He said sarcastically.

We stayed until the sunset. We sat together watching the sun set, Logan and me; Luke and Hayden and Jake. We couldn't leave him without a partner. Consequently, we sat in this order; Luke, Hayden, Jake, me and Logan. Like this nobody was without a partner or without a girl. Lucky Jake, he had two by his sides. Believe it or not, Jake was still hotter than Logan and Luke. He did make eyes turn to stare at him but he didn't pay much attention. He was not a player. Despite his good looks, he was still a really nice guy unlike others and that's what Hayden and I loved about him.

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