Michael Imagine For Angel-Emma

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Angel's POV

"I'll kick your ass!" Calum screamed, struggling to keep up with me. I just giggle and keep running ahead. I run faster, nearing the Hemmings household, I stop at the front gate waiting for Calum. A few minutes later Calum runs up behind me, panting.

"God your fast." He huffed, as he tried to catch his breath.

"That's what she said!" I winked; Calum shook his head at me. I just darted around the front gate and dashed to the front door, knocking three times.

"Do you always have to be in a hurry?" Calum asked, dawdling up the path behind me. I shrugged.

"It's fun." I reasoned. Suddenly the door swings open and there is Luke Hemmings, one of my best friends and my brothers' band mate/ best friend.

"LUCUS!" I scream, jumping on him in a flying hug.

"My god, you've put on weight, Angel." He groaned. I tighten the grip around his neck and kicked him playfully in reply.

"I'm joking Angel" he surrendered.

"No he's not. You really have." I loosen the grip from Luke and look over and see Michael standing the frame of the kitchen door.

"He's kidding Angel. Aren't you Michael?" Ashton said elbowing Michael in the ribs.

"Yeah." He grunted, walking off. Calum and Ashton followed him into the other room. I sighed. Ever since Calum has been in 5 Seconds Of Summer, I've always had a crush on Michael. I don't know what it is that draws me to him, but it's something, something is always there; keeping me interested. But he'll never feel the same way, even since we've all known each other Michael has had this thing for teasing me and being mean to me. Well basically he hates me; everything I do seems to piss him off something shocking.

"So, how have you been? It's been what? 6 months? " Luke asked as he put his arm over my shoulder and steering me towards the lounge room. I smile, pretending that Michael's comment meant nothing.

"Oh Shit has it really been that long." I say as we sit down on the couch. "Well, everything is excellent! School, school, and more school. Year 12 will kill me." I laugh. Luke laughs too.

"Good to know. So is there any guys in your life that Calum doesn't know about?" he asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"Um, no." I hesitate.

"There so is! Who is it? Do I know him? Does he go to your school? How old is he?" he gushes, I laugh.

"Calm down Luke. You're starting to act like a teenage girl." I laugh again.

"Sorry, but I need details." He whines.

"Fine. Yes you know him, no he doesn't go to my school and he is 18." I say, answering his questions.

"Hmm. Who is it?" he asks cheekily.

"I'm not telling you!" I laugh.

"What aren't you telling him?" Ashton laughs as they all sit down on the other chairs in the room.

"Nothing." I half smile as I watch Michael sit down across from me.

"It has to be something if you're keeping it a secret." Calum interjects.

"That is true. Spill. Now. Angel." Ashton says coming and sitting next to me.


"Why not?" Michael joins in mockingly; not really caring.

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