Sleep Talks- Michael Imagine-Emma

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Request: Hey there. Could you please write an imagine with Mikey where he finds out that you talk in your sleep and he finds it really cute because he can ask you questions and youll answer them??

Michael's POV

The engine turns silent as I pull up in front of her house. I look out into the black night sky. I was supposed to be here hours ago, but I got held up at the studio. Y/N was so understanding, but I felt so bad for having to stay late. I looked at my phone; the time read 11:49pm. Y/N told me she would stay up for me, I really hope she didn't though. She needs the sleep more than I do, she studies at university, works part time and also puts up with me and my career. I climb out of my car, locking it behind me and making my way to her front door. I reach the door and reach up to the frame and move my hand around to find the spare key that she keeps here. I finally find it and open the door. I quietly make my way into the house. I make my way into the kitchen where there is a note left in the bench. I recognise the cursive handwriting writing to be Y/N's.
'Hi babe, I'm so sorry I couldn't stay up :( come join me for cuddles when you get here? Xxx'
A smile tugged at my lips. I leave my keys and phone on the bench top next to the note and make my way through the house to her bedroom. When I get there the door is open. The light from the hallway behind me illuminating her room in a dull light. I stop in the door way when I see Y/N's sleeping body curled up in the blankets. Her hair placed in a ponytail like it every night because she can sleep with it down and her arms pulling the blankets up and around her chin.  My smile grows bigger, she looks so beautiful and peaceful. I don't want to wake her. After a minute or two I walk over to the bed where she lies. I walk to the other side of the bed and begin to strip down to my boxers. I pulled the blankets back across the bed and slide under them next to Y/N. My arm wrapped around her body as I pull her in close to my chest. Suddenly she starts to stir.
"No don't touch me. " she says as she rolls around to face me. To my surprise. But when she rolls over it shows that she is still fast asleep. 
"But why Bub?" I ask her, mainly just to see if she was actually asleep it just playing with me.
"Cause only my boyfriend can do that. If he catches you touching me, he'll probably kill you." She chuckles, still in her deep sleep state. I laugh; since we began dating this is the first time I have ever heard Y/N talk in her sleep.
"But I am your boyfriend. " I tell her, my finger tips tracing patterns across her skin.
"No you're not. My boyfriend's name is Mikey and has bright red hair. You in the other hand are some creepy guy who is hitting on me! And you have brown hair. How normal!" She scoffs at the last part which causes me to laugh even more. She's so adorable. I love her so much. But I don't know how to tell her. Maybe I could try something.
"Well answer me this then. Do you love him?" I hesitate a bit not wanting to say it. But I do anyway.
"Yes. With all my heart." She says with a huge smile on her face. My heart rate quickens and the butterflies in my stomach multiply.  My gaze stays focused on her sleeping face.
"I love you too Bub." I smile and the. Kiss her on the cheek as I lay my head down on the pillow ready to fall asleep. Minuets passed of silence; my eyes now are growing heavier.
"Mikey?" A tired voice speaks out. I open my eyes to see the bright eyes of my girlfriend.
"Hey Y/N." I smile as my fingers begin to trace patterns over her skin again.
"When did you get here?" I look at the alarm clock which sits on the bedside table behind Y/N; which now reads 12:09am.
"About 20 minutes ago."
"Why didn't you wake me up?" She asks pouting a little.
"Because when I was going to, someone decided to talk in their sleep." Her eyes go wide. I chuckle at her response. "I guess you didn't know you talked in your sleep?" She shakes her head and then buries it into the crook of my neck; hiding the already visible blush.
"It's cute! You were actually being very loyal."
"How do you mean?" She mumbles from her spot against my body.  I roll over onto my back; pulling Y/N on top of me. My fingers grazing over her exposed  lower back.
"Well I guess you were having a dream about some guy who was hitting on you and when I cuddled you, you became very. Well let's just say you told him that if I ever found him that is kill him." She laughed and looked up at me with pleading eyes asking for me to tell her more. "And you thought that I was him. And I asked you; do you love him-" she stopped me before I could continue speaking by placing her lips to mine gently yet passionately kissing me. When we finally broke the kiss, I finished what I had already started.
"And I love you too. "

Hi lovelies!
So here is another imagine that I've written, this one was requested on my Tumblr. If you like it please don't forget to vote, comment and follow. And please feel free to request as well
~Emma xxx <3

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