"One more move and I'll fucking kill you." A cold voice boomed. And the thing was it was very familiar.
It can't be-! I searched the owner of that voice and I was right!
" Chief! You're back!" I dropped my hand that was ready to punch a blue-haired guy who was being held by my peers, and took a step closer to where he stood.
"We've been looking for yo-"
"One more fucking move and I swear that's the last you'll do." I froze.
At that moment, I knew something changed. I was scared of him. He slowly walked ignoring my frozen state. As his shoulder brushed mine I swear, I shivered with fear. He had a cold air around him and it was fucking thick!
Was he this scary before?! I can't remember getting this scared because of him! The last time he hung out with us, he wasn't like this! He was openly laughing with all of us! His bark was worse than his bite! And I was damn sure that I was a little stronger than him; the reason why I was his right man. What the hell happened?! It seems like...he could now take care of himself. Not like before. How did he become this... intimidating?
What the fuck just happened? What happened to the once friendly, dorky gangster best friend I had?
"Vincent!" I called out making him stop, "What the hell happened?" I asked
He looked at me coldly and I was hurt by his next words, "You happened."
He turned back and surprisingly helped our previous foes. I was surprised that he was HELPING them, while back the days, he just stares at his comrades getting up after a fight. HE was HELPING them, especially with the black haired tall girl, I just met (more like hit on) a while ago.
"RH? RH?!"
I turned to a black-haired guy not realizing that he was already shaking me (for five minutes).
"RH! Are you alright?!"
I shook away from his hand, "Yeah.", I walked around thinking back what happened. I can't believe that was 'him'.
"RH, was that guy really the Chief?" He followed me to the alleyway.
"The Chief?! THAT GUY WAS THE CHIEF?!" Luce, the guy with neon-green hair.
"Yeah. I think that was him..." Oran, the orange haired, looked unsure of what he was saying. Why would he babble if he's not sure?
"Why do you think so?" I asked
"I'm not really sure but at the same time, I'm sure..." I can't help notice the abusive use of the word 'sure'.
"Are you an idiot?" I glared at him.
"Well, he was always an idiot." Luce chirped. As if he was smarter than Oran.
"Luce, 1+1." Black , the black haired, challenged.
Luce applied the numbers on his fingers, "Two.", he grinned.
"But it can be ten you know?" Oran butted in. Oh, so Luce was smarter than him.
"HAH! IDIOT!" Luce shouted pointing at Oran.
"Well, for your information that was how One plus One is added in the Computer Language, sucker! The Zero's and One's?! Why do you think the favorite background of the mat*ix are composed of 0 and 1?! Because that is the most basic code in the language of technology. And to slap this in your face, that code is the code of codes!"
"Well, wow, Oran, I, I didn't know all that." Black said dumbfounded.
"No shit Sherlock, I'm already in college." He seethed and I gasped along with the group.
"You, you're older than us?!!"
Everyone was awed. The shortest guy in the group ....is the oldest. Well Oran sure is full of surprises.
"So...we still don't know a lot about each other." I concluded and everyone nodded. Maybe that's the reason why Vince left the group.
"I suggest that we have a heart-to-heart talk!" Luce exclaimed happily while raising his hand.
"That's a good idea-" Me
"That's stupid-"Oran
I stared at Luce coldly. How dare you.
"Uh, that's a marvelous idea, Luce." He stammered while I still stared at him. Silence followed.
"But was that really the Chief, RH?" Luce was the first to speak. He was just that dense when it came to these situations.
"Yeah I think I'm sure he was..." Again, Oran, with the 'sure'.
"How so?" Me.
"Because of his pins. He has a weird fetish for pins right?"
All of our eyes veered to Oran who squirmed at our gazes.
All of us realized that in spite of our long friendship with Vince, we overlooked such a small thing. And only Oran remembered that. I patted his head, while others, his shoulders. Oran, you are a FUCKING genius.
"So...the heart-to-heart talk?" Luce suggested innocently. Now that I think about it, doesn't heart-to-heart sound girly?
Luce lead us to our hang-out, to the living room. Just as we were passing the kitchen, I heard a series of growl, my stomach included.
"We have to get Vince back." I said, and the rest agreed as another series of growls went by. We proceeded to the living room and decided to call pizza.
I went to my own chair, leaned back resting both of my feet to one arm of the chair.
"We have to get Chief back." I said in a low voice. Everyone said their words of approval.
He changed, Vincent Derriz changed, and I know the reason.....I'm about to know the reason.
"Ah, so how do we get him back?" Black asked out of the blue.
"I! I!" Luce was raising his hand, and I nodded at him to continue.
"I insist, we do the operation Stalk Vincent Derriz until we get him-" instinctively, I threw him the thing closest to me which was a pillow. Such a girly-girl! I can't believe I even accepted him in the group. It's thanks to his knife skills. I guess he took it the wrong way because the pillow fight started.
3 hrs. later
"Is that why he's called the Chief? Because he cooks?" Oran asked and Black nodded.
"Then why isn't it Chef?" he continued, and we all hummed thinking of an answer to our newbie. Before he joined the group, Vincent was already called Chief and I honestly didn't know the reason why. Vince just suggested it rather than chef. I don't think it has anything to do with positions though (Vincent that time was smirking at everyone because they agreed).
I came up with an answer, "Well...because it sounds cool.", the others agreed. Luce slapped his face, that would hurt. Why'd he do that?
"Then why are you called RH, RH?" Luce asked.
"I know the answer RH! Let me!" Oran volunteered. Even though I was a little irritated, I let him,
"It's because of his love for sex! He's called Reproductive Health-" In a blink of an eye, I was being held back by Black. The abusive use of letter 'b'.
"It's right hand you sonovabich!"
"I guess Luce is really smarter than Oran." I heard Black say before I got to punch Oran.

Correct Aim
Short StoryI was thinking that I will never miss my goal. I glanced at the bleachers and saw my schoolmates watching how I draw my arrow except one, him. He was staring at me in the eye and it felt like he was controlling my breath, and my heart as I became fl...