Part 5: The Run

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The competition was drawing near and I can't help myself have sweaty hands. One hour was left for me to overcome my nervousness.

     Blaise was nowhere to be found hitting on some girl we've met before. I think it was a woman with dark clothes... oh! The woman who said she was crazy ,correction , the woman who was crazy. Well, at least they are perfect match. He's crazy, she's crazy, they click, make a crazy family and die together. The end.

My smile disappeared when my thoughts flew back to my training. Could I do this? I reminisced and all I remembered was that Blaise helplessly trying to catch up with me whenever I ran and afterwards, his spine will crack like an old man's. I smiled more when I rejected all his ideas.

My smile faded when I found out that he was stalking my Facebook. The creeps! But it was definitely worth it when we did his first request which was video gaming and boy was I full. I'm still waiting for the cinema and the other stuff. I just hope his family's store won't go bankrupt.

Thinking about it, I wonder why Blaise was giving me the special treatment? Why does he spend a lot of time with me? Maybe he's treating me as a brother. 'Ya know? Um...when the right time comes? That day when I will stand down that aisle and wait for- Realization hit right through me- or MAYBE he's gay! Yes he's gay! That's it!

I shook my head, realizing I was flustered and I was making weird faces. Other guys started to look at me. What the hell? I knew it! I was nervous. VERY nervous at that.

I looked at my watch and saw that I had some minutes to spare. Better take a breath. I stepped out of the crowded room and when I shut the door there was silence.


I scratched my head and look both ways. Now, where's the way to the exit? I decided to take the right. Letting my mind wander to some magazine I saw a while ago, the horoscope specifically... I vaguely remember what it said, 'Beware of the path you chose for whichever will determine your entire being.'


*palm face*

I think I have a headache. Why the hell am I even thinking about horoscopes. Talk about girly. I sighed and brush my hair backwards, not knowing what danger lies ahead.

Sam's POV

                Where do we go, where do we go, where do we go?!!!


                I took sharp turn to the right and lost a few people but there were more. Damn how am I supposed to escape a bunch of monkeys? A little flashback happened.

                I was desperately hiding my face with a towel while I was jogging. I dunno when this happened but ever since I was grade six, people started to take notice of the rookie who was supposed to be a beginner that miraculously shoots a bull's eye per round. Well, I wonder why that rookie has a cousin, an uncle, and an aunt that had a professional record when it comes to archery, and it might be a very small possibility why she inherited that trait.

                "Miss Samantha! We just want to interview you!!!"

                "Stupid! Why won't you just ask the question?"

                And that was their cue to ask questions while chasing me.

                "Samantha, what do you say to your cousin that he quits archery for-hey!"

                "Samantha, are you willing to be the next child protégée of archer-!"

                "Miss, will you enter the regionals?"


                "Miss Sam!"

                "Miss Samantha!"

                "Look out!"

I looked at the front an-

I was being dragged by a guy and we were sprinting the other way. I can still hear shouts from my pursuers but one made my ears perk.

                "VINCENT! WHY ARE YOU-!HEY! WATCH IT B**CH! VINCE!!!!" Only one dragon could screech like that and if it were not for this scenario, I will get red and preach the girl how to clean her dirty mouth.

But there's another reason why my face is flushed and running was an exception. I'll give you a hint. It's the guy.

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