I kicked the guy who went at me, effectively making him K.O.!
"Samantha Playton! Get you and your troublesome butt away from here!" Blaise barked.
"OH NO,YOU ARE NOT-!", I grabbed the nearest guy's shirt ,"-THE BOSS-!", aimed him at an advancing group, "-OF MEEE-!",I growled whilst throwing the guy towards the group making them fall. Poor guy though.
My face was elbowed out of the blue! "Hey! I wasn't ready for that, dumb dog!", I hit all of his back's vital points as revenge. Aware of the guy behind me, I revolved and hit him at the chest making him fall backwards and creating a domino effect. "Didn't you know you shouldn't shout when you're supposed to attack your foe?" I asked recklessly, unaware there was another, charging at my back.
"Oi! Keep your brain in your head!" Ford yelled at me whilst taking down the opponent.
"What a coward!" I remarked, pissed!
"Stop judging! Girls aren't supposed to be in this warzone!" Ford replied, at the same time, swinging a person around hitting a column of enemies.
"Same to you idiot!" I answered as I sent a series of kicks towards the guy who stormed at her direction.
"Don't talk using your mouths! Talk using your fists you retards!" Blaise commanded in the middle of giving a huge guy a smack down!
Even though we've fought for quite some time it seems that our enemies are having the upper hand.
I quickly landed a punch on the face of another guy near me. I swiftly kicked an approaching enemy then, using the motion, I circled and punched another behind me. That was close!
After giving another kick, another was advancing towards me, "They're getting too many for us to handle!" I growled punching the guy where the sun doesn't shine! I am very much angry!!!
I swung my leg, kneeing a guy who planned to attack me. I didn't realize there was another behind me who hit my shoulder violently making a loud thud but ignored it, instead, elbowing him straight to the nose.
I took my defense stance and noticed the ones I've previously taken down we're getting up again. Stubborn worms!
"We need to get out of here!" I shouted to no one in particular and I heard an annoying answer, "State the obvious unicorn!" it was Ford!
I kicked some crawling guys back to the ground but most were recovering and slowly regrouping.
"Tch! We aren't going to win any time now." I hissed, flinching, when a pair of tiny hands embraced me. Mother of-! I forgot Vicky was still here! I was in a pinch!
I fought random guys carefully aware that Vicky was behind my back. How could I be so careless forgetting she was here?!! I was too busy with the attackers at my front not realizing there we're others at my backside.
I felt Vicky pull me back as I tend my front. Vicky pulled harder, this time, she was shouting. I gasped when her arms slipped away from my stomach. I turned and caught the snatcher's arm, giving it a good blow as he released Vicky. However his good arm punched my right side leaving me shocked at the intense pain I felt at my right rib cage. In spite of the pain, I aimed my fist at his best vital spot: his little man; I threw my punch towards my target torturing my aching right side.
I started to chant help in my mind without knowing that a guy was about to hit my head with a random wall brick.
"One more move and I'll fucking kill you." A stranger announced coldly making all movements stop. I took a glance at the newcomer adapting his black aura, his sharp glare, and his murderous intent. The one I haven't seen in a month.
Oh, thank God.
It was Vincent.

Correct Aim
Short StoryI was thinking that I will never miss my goal. I glanced at the bleachers and saw my schoolmates watching how I draw my arrow except one, him. He was staring at me in the eye and it felt like he was controlling my breath, and my heart as I became fl...