Yeah, so, yeah. So that was the first chap folks.
Gee, how could this girl be so serious it's not like she's carrying the world though. Oh and yeah, did'ya realize that the previous character was a girl?
I had the feeling I need to tell you, just to be informed.
I kept taking a few peeks knowing that she wouldn't see any of my glimpses with my ninja eyes. Well, its not like I'm interested, I'm just ...... observing .....the specimen.
The specimen is approaching! As you can see, her- it's hair is as silky as before, it's stance is confident. It has chocolate irises and....damn....the specimen is just freaking perfect!
I mean, I AM handsome but how can this girl be .... this handsome? But of course, not as handsome as I but still. You see, I was still the campus prince, and with just one dazzling wink, every one, will sputter varies of embarrassment, while I, the handsome prince, gracefully leads his horse away towards the classroom and of course this would happen every day day... just what the hell happened.
It just so happens that there was someone who could charm more people than me and I was left alone, unneeded, unloved, unnoticed.....but no! I will not give up! I will fight! I will stand my ground! I (blah blah blah)
And that's what got me here. The archery club, a den full of lioness that's ready to scratch me if ever I mutter a single word of disapproval to their master and these lionesses weren't actually part of the club, they were just watchers.
Anyway, joining the club I did my job impressing everyone in order to have a reputation, and so far.... I still have no reputation which was pretty weird. I was really doing my best you know? Wooing the players; giving them 'good mornings' with a smile and smiling at them while I shoot my arrow which doesn't really even hit the target.
I think I get it now why I don't have any reputation.
The last part... I guess? Well, who is stupid enough not to even look where he aims at and just shoots recklessly? The last time that happened, our club manager was nearly hit at the leg, then beside her arm, then near her hip and the final blow, it was just at the right side of her head. The next day there was a new face, saying that she was the new manager; the old one was probably traumatized. The dumb player who nearly killed the previous manager was banned for the whole week's practice. What an idiot.
Anyway, I've been sitting here for a week, coach won't just let me hold the bow and I wonder why? Damn, I am bored. My mind just fluttered towards our ace player, the girl who stole my title as the prince. Yup, girl.
*sigh* The girl has a d@mn charm. She has this weird aura around her that builds her unique and deadly and poisonous charm. Though you could remove the poisonius 'cause it ends up being deadly. A charm that benefits her 'muteness'. A charm that enslaves different gender whether you're a boy\girl, either you look up at her or have feelings for her. A charm that can make you think of her all the time. A charm that took the interest of three fourths of our school. And the very same charm that made me one of the three fourths of our school.
Pity, I know. The boyfriend material of the school is now, unavailable 'cause he likes his rival.
I took another peek but my view is blocked by the school's greatest jerk. Well, not a literal jerk. But the girl jerk. Um, I don't know how to describe her but I think making snarky comments, doing mean things, being a bit bully, always chewing a gum, dressing up in a slutty outfit but not that kind of slutty outfit (kinda hard to explain), and pressing her hands on her hips kinda made her pass the jerk test, right?

Correct Aim
Short StoryI was thinking that I will never miss my goal. I glanced at the bleachers and saw my schoolmates watching how I draw my arrow except one, him. He was staring at me in the eye and it felt like he was controlling my breath, and my heart as I became fl...