Part 8- Hanging Out

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Stretching the bowstring, I slowly aimed my bow towards the target. Seeing the three red circles made me feel like I was still in the match for a second. I released and watched the arrow fly towards the inner second circle, a centimeter away from the first circle.

Tch. Again! Releasing the second arrow, it hit the same circle, now, two centimeters away from the circle. Damn! I aimed three, four, five more arrows and they just kept hitting further away from the bull's eye.

I aimed the sixth and my mind drifted to the time we ran together. How our hands locked together and how I felt like my heart would be a goner in a second. I remembered how I stretched my mouth for a huge laugh and for a minute, it seemed that she chuckled with me. My body relaxed, readjusting my aim, I did my best releasing the arrow and observe it zoom into the middle target.

It seems that she had more effect on me than I thought.

Looking around, I saw the tree where I was shot out of the blue. This is where everything started.


"Daaaamn..." I groaned caressing my swollen cheek.

"She had the nerve to slap me." God, did it hurt like fuuuu*k!

I poked it ," Augh! Women suuuuuuuucks!" I shouted then I heard a zhiink! I spun my neck to the right and swore rainbows. There was a freaking arrow just about a freaking few inches away from me and I swore I heard a crack.

Realizing there was an arrow, not that I cracked my neck, I was freaked out, like, a lot! Looking at the opposite direction I saw a girl aiming at me and released her arrow. If not for my superb ninja skills, I would have died that instant!

I saw her turn back and walk away ,"HEY YOU!", she didn't even flinch. "YOU BEEEEYAAATCH!" I quickly followed a loving curse.

Later on, I found out she was my rival and she was the one who slapped me oh and she's from the archery club. Smirking, I decided to sign up to show who's the boss.

End of Flashback

I laughed at myself, realizing that I became a target three times. The first, when I didn't know her yet. The second, when I was puffing out my frustrations while peeking at her. And lastly, when I realized she already shot through my heart.

It took exactly three seconds to take in what I thought and blushed. Eherm! Well, I already knew I like her very much. Stop embarrassing yourself Vincent.

I heard my ringtone going off. It was Blaise.


"Son of a bleach did you just 'oi'my face?!"

"Well, your ear actually."

"Pitch off jerk. It's still attached to my face loser." He ranted emphasizing the 's' like a 'z'.

Same old Blaise.

"Why'dya call?"

"So now, you're changing the subject." Knowing that he won't let it go, I sighed, "Wha-! Sighing won't change the fact that you lost the competition jerk."

"Ok thanks for hitting a nerve. Bye."



"Are you really serious with Samantha?" His voice became serious.

I gave a tired sigh, "Do you even have to ask that." Was my immediate reply.

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