40. Straight line

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"Isn't this great?" Juci asked as he was smoking his cigarette. We were laying on the long bench behind the facility, our heads next to each other.

"What is?" I asked, when I laid my eyes on the tree above us.

"You know nothing about me, I know nothing about you. But we both are willing to trust each other because we're both hurt" he said.

"Who said I trust you?"

"You don't have to say it" he sighed, "You showed it"

"And how's that?" I turned my face toward him, seeing his black hair messed up, his eyes scrolling around.

"You wouldn't have come with us to the garage" he said, throwing the cigaret burn away.

"Why did you even ask me? It's not only because the shirts I wear" I said, getting myself up to sit, leaning my elbows against my knees.

"Jason said you were one of them" Juci said, getting himself on the same position.

"Them?" I asked confused.

"The ones who don't care anymore" he muttered.

I had a long look on him. His short black hair flying because of the wind. I turned my look away, and he broke the small silence.

"You know... I wanna know things about you, I wanna know who you really are... Why are you here?" Juci asked.

"Why do you wanna know me?" I chuckled. "What is so interesting about me?"

Juci looked at me. "I wanna have you as my friend"

I sighed. "I don't wanna load my shit on your shoulder, you must have your own problems"

He smiled, "Tell me"

I kept looking at him.

"My family passed away 4 years ago. It was a fire. It was too much for my mind. I ended living with grandparents but after all, they couldn't keep me sane. They sent me here 6 months ago. I've been way too fucked up for way too long" he said, looking to nowhere.

I swallowed as he finished. I rubbed my head, muttering "I'm sorry for your family"

Juci nodded. "What happened to you?"

"Depression happened, I guess. I was bullied, and my abusive father didn't make it any better" I muttered.

"You were suicidal, weren't you?" he asked, looking at me.

"How you know?" I asked, confused once again.

"I've seen lots of people. That facility is hot as hell and you're still wearing a damn sweaters all the time" he chuckled.

"It doesn't mean I'm suicidal, even Jason wears them" I shrugged.

Juci kept looking at me, until he turned his gaze away, not saying a word.

"Oh" I said quietly.

"But i'm not here to talk about Jason's issues" he chuckled.

I chuckled back. "Is he really gay?"

"At least bi. But he's deeply inside the closet, you know?"

"Yeah, I know" I muttered.


Mike. His chest raising and falling slowly. I looked at his closed eyes, sighing to myself.

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