chapter 16

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A/n- okay this chapie will be a little different. I'm going to write in third person. I feel this way you can feel all the characters emotions. And sometimes it gets boring switching povs. Enjoy Skittles <3 -="">

The boys woke up in the morning to silence. The mood of the whole house was tense and something felt wrong. Niall especially felt that something wasn't right. He slipped off his fluffy, green duvet and walked out of the room and into the lounge. He found the other boys crowded over the counter in the kitchen. The look on Zayn's face was a look of pure pain and regret. He looked up from the counter and made eye contact with Niall and in Zayn's eyes Niall found sadness. It made his large heart ache, yet he still doesn't understand what was wrong. Niall questioned what was wrong with his eyes and Zayn walked over and handed him a note written in the neatest hand writing he has ever seen. He recognized it too. Bryanna. Instantly Niall's stomach turned. He remembered her saying something about leaving yesterday and now that he thinks about it, he can't find her anywhere in the kitchen.

He read her scribbled hand writing aloud, a single tear sliding down his check. "She's really gone?" he croaked. Niall looked around and looked at Louis and Liam, who both had sad expressions on their face. Then he looked at Harry. He couldn't read Harry's face. It was expressionless, and Zayn was jus as upset as Niall.

Suddenly anger burst through Niall. His fare cheeks turning red with rage."THIS IS ALL YOUR GUYS FAULT!" he screeched. "IF YOU TWO TOSSERS WOULD STOP THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF MAYBE YOU COULS SEE HOW BROKEN SHE WAS! SHE HASEN'T EATEN IN A WEEK AND STAYED IN HER ROOM FOR A LONG TIME! SHE DIDN'T DO IT FOR FUN." Niall was shaking all over and Zayn was sobbing himself. Harry finally gave it some thought, and realized what he had said was very harsh. It was Zayn who kissed her in the first place. "And you two." Niall looked at Louis and Liam. "How come I was the only one who cared if she was okay? I didn't see you check up on her once. Some friends you are. I hope you lot are happy. We have lost one of the most important people in our life."

Niall threw the letter and stormed away. The other boys looked at each other speechless. Never had they heard Niall yell so much. They knew he meant every word too. Liam looked at Zayn and walked up to him. He put his arm around his shoulder. "Zayn mate, you need to sort things out. and Harry, you need to realize that Bree didn't use you. I could tell she loved you, but I know, and the whole house knows that she likes Zayn and he likes her. You need to find her Zayn. Make it right."

Zayn looked up at Liam with tear filled eyes and nodded. "I love her." he whispered. "I need to find her." All the other boys nodded, even Harry. Harry, although still hurt that he ended up in the situation walked up to Zayn and hugged him. "I'm sorry mate, I know you love her and I will help you find her."

Zayn smiled up at Harry and they both hugged each other for a while."I appreciate it mate." Zayn mumbled into Harry's neck.

While all this was happening, little did the boys know, a certain blonde haired girl was listening to the whole conversation. Rage ran through her. How dare someone mess with her fame, She was finally at the high point of her career and no little nobody was going to screw that up. Did Perrie love Zayn? not at all. He is all part of her little game. Once her and her band become extremely famous she will dump him. Leave him the dust. Although she did have fun messing with him. She is going to do everything in her power to make sure Zayn and Bryanna never get together. The sneaky little blonde chuckled to herself.

"Good luck Bryanna Benson, but there is now way you are messing with my fame." the blonde whispered to her self.


It's a room. It's dark and you can almost feel the sorrow, On the middle of the bed is a small figure. She looks drained. defeated. The once beautiful smile doesn't show. Her beautiful hazel eyes lost their sparkle. Dull. Lifeless. That's exactly how she feels. A part of life has been ripped from her. There is a hole in her chest and there is now way for it to be filled.

Riley has tried everything, but can only get her out of the room for work. Bryanna now works at a local diner in Leeds. She moved there with Riley to get away from her old life. She has a good amount of money to live off that she has saved from working for Simon.

Her days seem to drag on though. She slowly get's out of bed at eight. and goes to work her shift at the diner. Occasionally she sings at a local bar for a few hours to earn a couple extra pounds. She does what she needs to survive. That's it.

She won't allow anything her life that might remind her of them,,or him. Zayn. He has come across her mind, but she brushes it off. She can't think about. She keeps telling herself that they aren't meant to be and that's final. Perrie made that perfectly clear.

It was an ordinary day for Bryanna. She woke herself up at eight. Took a 10 minute shower and then blew-dry her auburn hair. She put her long hair into a bun and put on her uniform. A pink dress with a white apron that ties around the waist. She hated it.

She took her usual 10 minute walk to the diner and heard the door ding as she entered. She smiled at the little-old lady in the corner, one of her usuals. "Good morning Mrs. Lane how are you?"

The lady smiled up at her. "I'm doing fine Bree how are you dear?" Bryanna told Mrs. Lane everything. And what she liked most was how much of a good listener she was. Mrs. Lane would sit there and listen to Bryanna go on and on. She was the only one that Bree could really spill her heart out to.

"I'm coping Mrs. Lane." Bryanna shot her a smile before going to start her shift.

It was a long day, but she still had about 2 hours left to her shift. By this time, 3:00, people didn't come in as much. Very slow. Bryanna was at the counter wiping it off when she heard the familiar bell to notify someone coming in. Her head snapped up, and her smile Instantly faded.

"what are you doing here?"


A/N- CLIFFHANGER? who do you think it is? Harry? Zayn? perrie?

you will soon find out (;.

I GOT THIS BOOK TO 5.5K OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL. please let me know how you like this book in third person (: and please tell me if I should continue writing it like that.\



fan me <3

thank you skittles! <3>

-Haley <3

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