Chapter 3

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[A/N- I would really appreaciate some feedback, negative or positive. It really helps a lot :).]

Bryanna's POV

Things between Zayn and I aren't the best. He ignores me and avoids me. I truly thought we were going to be friends after that talk a few nights ago, but I guess not. Whenever he sees me, he will quickly walk the other way, and it hurts because I have no idea what I did. This is so frustrating.

I was taken out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I ran out of my room and ran to the door. I opend to see two beautiful girls standing infront of me.

One had extremly curly hair, very small body. You could tell she was a dancer by how long, and lean her legs where. She had flawless tan skin and a pretty smile on her face.

The other girl also had a small body, Long brown wavey hair that went to a little past her shoulder. They were both gorgeous girls, I suddenly felt insacure in front of them.

"um, can I help you?" I ask

"Uh Yeah I'm Danielle....Liam's girlfriend...and this is Eleanor Louis' girlfriend. Mind if we come in?" The tan girl asked.

I didn't know the boys had girlfriends..especially louis...I always thought he was gay. I mean he always acts so sassy and feminine.  I kinda thought he was with Harry, guess not.

"Oh of course. Sorry. Oh and I'm Bryanna, the boys..erm...I have no idea. I guess nanny?" Yeah we'll go with that.

"Oh so your're Bryanna? Louis has said so much about you. You seem to be the best nanny they've had so far, well according to Lou. Well anyway it's a pleasure to met the famous Bryanna, your're really pretty by the way." Eleanor said. I blushed. That was very nice of her.

"Um, Thanl are too! And you too Danielle."  That was the truth, both of them are very pretty.

"Oh well thank you! and you have no idea how nice it is to finally have another girl around here, we should go shopping together sometime!" Danielle said.

I think I just made two new friends. They are really nice.

We talked for a while about random things like hair, nails, and of course boys. By the way Danielle talks about LIam you can tell she is in love. They really do look cute together.

We were talking about the boys when they came home from recording for the newest album. Liam spotted the two girls and instantly ran over to Dani and envolped her in a hug. Aw, they are so cute. Louis came over and hugged Ele and kissed her head. In that moment I realized how much I want that. I'll admit I was jealous, but who wouldn't be?! Both couples looked so happy and, well I want that.

'Hey boys, how was recording and what do you want for dinner?" I asked. I was supposed have dinner ready when they came home but I sorta got distracted.

"Um, doesn't matter as long as it's edible" Niall stated. God that boy and his food.

I ran to the kitchen and made pasta and sauce. All I could prepare in small amount of time. Everyone filed into the little dinning room and we all ate. And once again the whole dinner, Zayn didn't talk to me, or even look my way. Ugh what did I do?

He continued that the whole rest of the night. It's so annoying.  I need to tell someone how I feel. I'd tell the girls but they left already. Maybe Liam could help? I meant he seems to be Zayn's best mate.

I slowly truged my way to Liam's room and knocked on the door lightly, then I hered "Come in." I opend the door a little. "Li, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course you can, come on in and tell LiLi what's on your mind." He said with a smile.

I shut the door and walked over to where he was. He patted the spot next to him on the bed letting me know to sit down. I sat down and just let my thoughts poor out.

"I'm so confused Li. I want to know what I did to Zayn to make him hate me." I said with tears brimming my eyes.

"What makes you think that Bree?" He asked

"Well he totally ignores me and tries his best to avoid me. Whever I try to talk to him and he finds an excuse to walk away. I don't understan Li. I thought we were finally going to be friends and I just don't get what happend or what I did?" I said with a single tear falling down my cheek.

'Oh, come here Bree." He said and enveloped me into a bear hug, he wiped the tear away with his thumb and kissed my forehead.

"Bree, Zayn doesn't hate you. If Zayn hated you, he would have told you by now. This is not like him at all. Maybe it's because he's not used to having a nanny around. Whatever it is I'm sure he will get over it. I'll make sure of it. I will even talk to him if you want." Well maybe since I can't talk to him Liam can. It's better than not knowing. Usually I can stand up for myself but in the situation I kinda feel helpless, it's not the best feeling in the world.

"Ok,sounds good. Thanks again Li I really appreciate you listening, it helped to finally tell someone." I said. It felt good to get it off my chest.

"No problem Bree I'm always here.Now get some sleep, you look horible." he said with a wink. He kissed my forehead again and then I left his room and went to mine. I changed into my PJs and tried to sleep, but there was too much on my mind. All I could think about was Zayn.

Liam's POV

Poor girl, I feel so bad. This is so not like Zayn and I'm wondering why he is acting like that. I need to talk to him.

I make my way over to Zayn's room and knock on the door, I heared "come in" so I entered his room an d laid down on his bed.

"Hey Liam what's up?" He asked.

"Well, just a little while ago Bree came into my room and asked me a very interesting question." I informed him.

"Oh..what question?" He asked all of the sudden interestead in her.

"Well she was wondering why you hated her..any idea why she would ask me that Zayn?" I asked kinda harshly.

"" was all he replied with.

"Really Zayn? Because what Ive heared you have been ignoring her and just avoiding her at all costs?" He suddenly got really tense and I knew he knew what I was talking about. "Zayn she was crying because she thought you hated her. This isn't like everything ok mate?" I tried to lighten the conversation up because I didn't want him to get mad.

"I-I made her cry?" he questioned and I just nodded in response.

"I DON'T HATE HER OK! I THINK I LIKE HER, IN MORE OF A FRIEND WAY AND I'M SCARED LI!" I was confused on why he would be scared?

"Why would you be scared mate?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid she won't like me back." I could tell this was really bothering him. But why wouldnt Bryanna like him back, I mean he was charming and sweet. And ver homo. But still there isn't a reason why he should be scared?

" need to tell her so she doesn't think you hate her. She deserves to know why you have been acting so weird." which she does.

"Ok...I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Zayn's POV

I cant believe I made her cry. That was the opposite of what I wanted to happen. God I'm so stupid! I tried to avoid her so I couldn't say something stupid or look stupid in front of her. I just like her so much. I love everything about her. They way her smile lights up the room. How her eyes have a certain sparkle in them when she is happy. And how her hair just falls messily but still looks cute. She gives me butterflies evertime she says my name. I'm just afraid she won't like me back. I'm not so good with rejection. I just need to tell her how I feel and maybe she does feel the same way. I guess I'll only know if i ask. God this is so complicated.


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