Chapter 15

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Ok guys I'm back. Thanks to sabrina for writing a lovely chapter <3 

I think I haven't left my room in a week. Maybe to pee, but that's it. I have no motivation to move or to do anything for that matter. I just can't wrap my head around what happened, and what Harry had said to me.  A slut? Really? I wasn't the one who kissed Zayn, he kissed me. And then Perrie, I'm pretty sure she want's nothing more than for me to just leave, she made it very clear. I'm actually pretty afraid of what she is capable of, it's scary to think about. Under that purply, pink hair is seriously devil horns. Not even exaggerating. Another reason for me not leaving is I'm scared to run into Harry, Perrie, or worst Zayn. Look at this huge mess he caused. He caused the end to my relationship, which I wanted to be out of anyway, he cost my friendship with the boys. The only one who even tried to talk to me was Niall. He's tried to give me food and ask how I was, but I just stare, no answers, I don't speak.

I honestly have nothing to say. I am debating on weather I want to stay or not. Why be at a job when you are miserable and more importantly not wanted. I can tell I'm not wanted here at all. Riley even offered me to stay with her. She knows how upset I am. We also share this intense hatred towards Perrie. 

I heard a slight knock on my door and Niall's faint voice asking to come in. I just groaned, which he took as an invitation to come  in. The blonde boy burst in the room,but closed it quietly. He took in my lazy figure, which is now coverd in blankets, and slowly made his way over to me.

"Hey Bree, I just came to bring you your mail, looks you got your pay check from uncle Si." I looked up at him and he gave me a weak smile. I really appreciate Niall right now. He is the only hear for me. He can look past the mistakes. He's a good friend. I mumbled a thanks and he nodded. There was an awkward silence between us, but he eventually broke it. "Look Bree, I know you are upset, but this isn't normal. You are scaring us all. you haven't left your room in like a week. All you do is sit here and cry. Don't you know how much we care about you?" That's when I finally broke my silence.

"How can you say that Niall! If thy cared for me so much then how come you are the only who checks to see if I'm okay. I could have been dead and they wouldn't even know! and I know for a fact that Harry doesn't care about me. He has made that perfectly clear." Niall looked at me with pleading eyes, full of sorry. "Just leave me alone Niall." He just nodded his head and slowly made his way out. 

About an hour after he left I made my decision. I'm leaving. I will call Simon and tell him that I quit and that I will be packing and leaving. I texted Riley and she was more than happy to let me stay with her till I can get back on my feet. It's honestly what's best for me. It's unhealthy to be in a place where I am not happy. Plus I'm making others unhappy.

I'll leave when everyone is asleep. That way no one can stop me, although I know no one will try and stop me. Maybe now I can try to make a career in music. I can finally make something of myself. I will no longer be controlled. No more fake relationships, no more losing sleep over someone. I will be happy again. And so will Harry and Perrie. They don't have to worry about me making their life miserable. 


I looked around my now empty room. No clothes in the closet, no pictures on the wall, no laptop on my dresser. The bed is made, and the room is tiddy. You could never tell anyone was ever here. I talked to Simon, and with a lot of remorse, he let me go, but not with-out pleading and offering more money. I told him I can't be in this type of atmosphere of chaos. I didn't go into detail of why I'm leaving though.

I made my way down to the kitchen, trying my best not to wake anyone. I decided to leave a note before I leave, just a little explanation, nothing to drastic and sappy. I had Simon promise me he won't tell the boys. They will find out on their own.

Dear, to whom it may concern,

By the time you are reading this I will have been long gone. I have decided to leave. It's for the best really. Now you wonb't have to deal with me, and I woin't be the cause of drama or the cause for certain people to be miserable. I just want to thank you all so much for being my friends. You are all incredible people and I'm so thankful I got to know you. No you will probably not see me again, like I said, for the best. 

Niall- thank you for being an incredible friend to me. I don't know how I could repay you. You were their for me in every situation. I've never met anyone so kind hearted, and also eat so much and still stay skinny. please share your secret. I'll miss you so much Ni, stay cute.

Liam-  You have such a big heart. Thanks for being a friend. Thanks for the vent sessions, you are a great listener. You should be a therapist honestly. I love you Li

Louis- I'm gunna miss you so much Lou. You know how to lighten my mood and how to cheer me up. You are very energetic and I love that about you. Stay forever young, and treat El right. Or I will find you. I love you Lou.

Harry- I know you hate me, and quite frankly I deserve it. I never meant to hurt you. I did love you. you are the sweetest person I have ever met. You showed me how much fun you are and how much of a caring person you are. I'm sure you will find a great girl, and she will be extremely lucky to have you. I don't expect you to forgive me, but just know I love you haz, really. I will never forget you.

Zayn- I really don't have much to say to you. But you are a really nice guy who just needs to get his priorities in check. You need to think about things. I will miss you Zayn. 

Well that's it guys. Once again thank you so much for allowing me in your home. I'm so sorry for the trouble I caused. But I'm now out of your hair. No worries right? 

your friend,

Bryanna Benson x

I left the note, but I also left a picture of me and all the boys. I don't want a reminder of what it was like. We all look so happy, and we looked like we all loved each other. These boys were the best friends I have ever had. It's sad to think I'm leaving. I need to do what is right for me. I also left Harry's bracelet he gave me. Another reminder of how much of a horrible person I am. 

I took on last look around the house that had grown on me. Tears started to form,but I refused to let them fall. I need to stay strong or else I will give in and stay. I took my suitcase and walked to the door. 

"Good-bye" I whispered before leaving my old life behind.

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