Chapter 17

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I AM SO SORRY! I promise I didn't for get you guys or my story. I just when through a big move and was adjusting, but I'm good now :) Thanks for being so patient. Love you guys!


Bryanna was shocked to see him standing there. Her first thought was, How in the hell did he find me here. She locked eyes with him, feeling sick to her stomach. Was that actually him standing there, or a figment of her imagination. In some strange sick way, she hopped it was both. Although Bryanna wanted to move on, she couldn't help but to miss her five crazy boys. 

The boy before her looked disheveled and tired. His hair pointing in many different directions, his face so pale, almost like a gohst. He was only clad in grey jogging bottoms and a maroon jumper. A beanie on his head to some what hide his identity, but Bryanna knew exactly who it was.

"Harry?" she whispered. He looked at her and gave her a sad smile. "ho-how did you find me?" Bryanna's mind was racing. So many questions, but then again he was the boy who said he wanted nothing to do with her..why him?

"Miss Benson, if you don't mind, I would like to chat with you." He gave her a hopeful smile, but she could tell by his eyes that he was having trouble trying to stay awake. 

"Haz, I really don't want to talk to you, there is a reason to why I left. I need to forget, move on. You being here isn't helping me at all. And anyway, you look absolutely knackered."  

Harry, suddenly walked forward and in two long strides he was nose-to-nose with her. 

"I will not take no for an answer. We need to talk and you know it." Her eyes went wide. "Ever since you left we have all been miserable. Zayn won't forgive himself for letting you go, Niall won't even say two words to us. Liam and Louis feel awful for not checking up on you, and I feel like a down right twat for putting all my anger on you." Harry was panting and out of breathe from his long rant. All he really wanted was for her to come home. To be there for them again. Even though it will be tough, because deep down he still has feelings for the beautiful girl in front of him. "Come home Bree, we need you, Zayn needs you."

At the mention of his name Bryanna became nauseous. Even now, being gone for a while, she still had some feelings for the mysterious boy.  

She feels awful for leaving, she does, but in her mind it was the best for everyone. In her mind, without her there meant no drama and less fighting. For christ sake she almost broke up the band. It wouldn't feel right going back there.

"Harry..I..I just don't know. I feel like me being there means a whole lot of drama that you guys don't need. I think it's best that I just stay here, and you still haven't answered my question. How.Did.You.Find.Me?"

Harry stepped back and pointed to a both. She understood and the two of them made there way over to the booth. Once they sat down Harry explained everything. He told bree that Niall had been searching relentlessly all over london but couldn't find her any where. NIall called all her relatives, still no sign of her. After a long two weeks of searching he almost gave up, but then remembered Riley. He decided to call Riley and after hours of begging she finally cracked and told the sad blond boy where his best friend was.

"so why did you come and not Niall?" 

Harry looked amused and was wearing his signature smirk. "well you see, Niall is at Riley's. Ya know making up for lost time." He winked at her and Bryanna rolled her eyes.

"Haven't changed a bit styles." She laughed, and in all honesty it felt good. She hasn't laughed like this in a while. She needed it. "Look styles I still don't know."

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