keep yourself in focus

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Connie's POV
I got up and did my morning routine I jumped down the stairs and got my breakfast which was an apple I grab my car keys and drove to school I saw  JC they were standing right in front of me I just moved around him and just started focusing on school besides I'm getting low grades and I need to get I need a boost them up so I could get a good education for my future I thought so see you there talking and Nate Maloley i sat next to her and all he did was stare at me I didn't know if I had something on my face or was it just me and my outfit. I don't know what to do so I stared at him back. Someone behind him patted him on the shoulder did a handshake and then walked away. Who's that and I walk to our first period. Sat next to each other and we did our assigned assignments. Then Nate decides to sit next to me. I just sit there and freeze don't know what to do. I look over Suzette and she whispered talk to him i turn my head and body around to sit on my left side. We talked throughout the entire period Instead of doing that assignment. We got to know each other really good and he invited me to sit with his friends. I asked if Suzette would come. He said yes. I walked to PE and I forgot JC wasn't that period so I just ignored him and shook it off. Then it was snack i sat alone. Third period was history it was boring as always we just took notes and watch the video. Fourth was math. Nate next to me again and reminded Suzette and I that we have to sit with his friends at lunch.
It was finally time for lunch and walk with me to lunch when I got my food he pointed to me where his friends were. I just stood there with nothing to do. Until a blondie said something don't get me wrong I was scared that something was going to happen see me physically or emotionally. She just after my name is basic information and who invited me here I said Nate did. I felt unwanted there I felt like I didn't fit in there then I got out of there immediately.
Fifth period was Science. I've always hated science I don't understand the mathematical equations in science and math. Math is supposed to be in math and science is supposed to be in science at least that's what I think. Kian next to me and cleared things through with me. Finally I understand science. Next was English my final period of the days so I got out my composition book and took notes and watched another movie that's all we did for the day I got home I did my homework I got the snack it wasn't orange for dinner my parents were going to be here so I got to the store and bought a Caesar salad those things are bomb btw. I also bought an Arizona then Nate friends approached me I didn't know what to do. I ignored it until he said something." Say something I heard you talk during first period. Don't be shy," he said nicely I try to take it in but I couldn't. I just ran I paid for my food and drink and ran until I got to my car I got it quickly and drove away. I got to my house I close the door and locked it Madison was here she was on her phone too and doing her homework. Shoot I forgot to get her something so I just went to the 7 11 at the corner and got her and nachos got her a watermelon Arizona. I got home and we ate our dinner by the time we were done mom and dad for home I don't know what to get them so I just got them a salad as well I was already in my pajamas and showered I was basically ready for bed. Then I just heard them argue.
"You know how to win an argument right," my dad said." No," I said." It's by not having one in the first place," he said
Flashback over
That quote was running
through my head why would my mom and dad argue if he told me it to win an argument you he wouldn't have one in the first place. I ran to my room and I told Madison to stay there. I crawled in my bed just fell asleep instantly
Hey guys I updated just like I told you
Love always hope you all had a happy holidays Samantha

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