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~Sometimes you gotta fall in order to see who will be there to help you up.~


"Why would he do this to me?! He doesn't even love me," I cried out on the verge of tears to Mariah.

"Baby maybe he loves you so much he didn't want to lose you," she said uninterested.

You know when someone says something sooo stupid they make you squint? She just made me squint at her!

"Mariah wtf bruh?! Are you really taking his side?! He raped me!" I stood up from the couch.

She stood up and put her hands up, surrendering.

"Look Ke, I love you and I know you're going through alot but I can't just concentrate on you. I gotta focus on me, its my senior year I'm going through stuff too. You haven't even asked about how I'm doing, its only been about you! Instead of sitting here debating on why he raped you I could be working in my own problems...or maybe even be having fun!"

Is she forreal right now?

"Yes he raped you Keke I understand that but it's not gonna change anything, quit dwelling on why he did it! You're pregnant with his child I know you don't want to be but you are!"

I am beyond pissed right now but I tried to stay calm for the sake of the baby. I can't believe she really just said that to me though. What kind of best friend is she??

"Since you feel that way you can leave," I said calmly.

"Ha can't handle the truth? It's alright though we'll see how you like raising that baby alone."

On her way out the door she shoulder bumped me. I know it's really not that big of a deal but I'm so mad right now. Before she could make out the door I punched her in the face.

"Imma make it just fine raising this baby on my own."

I slammed the door on her, walked to my bathroom, and started myself a warm bath.

I laid my head back as I sat in the bathtub. My tears fell from my face and into my bath, I couldn't help but think about how I'm gonna support this baby. I'm not even 18 yet, I'm a child having a child.

One month later

"Hello Ms. Taylor. Are you ready to find out the gender of your baby?" Dr. Monroe asked me.

I'm now 5 months pregnant.

"I sure am," I replied excitedly.

The doctor rubbed a clear liquid on my belly.

"Ok sweetie this will be a little cold."

She rubbed the sonogram monitor around my stomach. At first nothing was there but then she moved it around and a pair of feet showed up.

"Well sweetie it looks like there's two little babies inside is you," she informed me after spotting two pairs of feet.

Oh lord!


"Yes ma'am twins."

I know I haven't updated in a loong time but I'd really appreciate it if y'all would vote and comment please.

Do y'all think the babies are gonna be boys or girls? Or one of each?
What do y'all think about Mariah?

Sorry it's so short but I just really wanted to update for y'all. ❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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