Chapter 3:

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POV: Alyssa

"W-what are you doing?" I asked him.

"I wanted to see your face," he replied. I gulped hard, feeling my saliva go through my body. Harry was known to sleep around with girls. And he had this look, this grin and the way he looked at people. It charmed them. And I wasn't about to hook up with some man whore. "Why don't we get to know each other more? Maybe that will make it less awkward between us."

"What's there to know?" I asked, not daring to look into his emerald green eyes.

"Well everything. But I guess I'll start off with, why did you transfer schools?" I could tell he didn't take his eyes off mine once.

"Didn't like my old one," I answered bluntly.

"But why?"

"Just personal reasons.." I murmured to him, twirling my fingers in my lap. I did that when I got nervous.

"That's what you seem to tell everyone... People at this school know you as the mysterious girl. Why don't you talk to anyone? Or hangout with anyone?"

"Who's there to hang out with? All those slutty girls? No thanks I am good by myself. Can we please change the subject?" I asked awkwardly.

"Sure, so do you have any siblings?"


"So you just live with you and your parents?" He asked interested in the question. I took a deep breath. No one had really asked me about my parents in a long time. Well not since I've moved schools.

"No.." I whispered. "I don't actually." Harry was waiting for me to expand on my story, but I didn't feel comfortable enough to do it. And thankfully he saw that and didn't ask me about it.

"You don't let a lot of people in. Do you?" He asked me. And for the first time, I looked into his eyes and actually saw a genuine person.

I bit my lip and then caught myself and looked away quickly, "should we get back to math?"

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