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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto


I sat on a cliff looking down at my destroyed clan lying in the center of Kirigakure. I felt a lone tear run down my cheek as I realised I'm alone, I have no one else in this world. I escaped the massacre after the clan leader freed me from the cage I was kept in, I didn't want to fight it was rather pointless and also we are an extremely unorganised clan while Kirigakure have some of the most organised shinobi. Why did we do it? We aren't invincible. No one is. One day oblivion will come for us and darkness will consume us but why do we want it all to end so quickly? Why do we want to sit in darkness for all eternity? I looked up at the stars and sighed, there is no point to fight if you do not have a proper goal. I guess this is it, this is my life for now until I can find something that makes my life worthwhile. I swear that I will not throw my life away for some stupid cause but I will let darkness take me when it is my time to leave from the face of the Earth.


I stood up from my spot on the cliff and turned around not wanting to see the clan lying there motionless. I will start a new life, in a place where I'm not feared. I will begin a life where I can socialise with others and not be locked up in a cage. I will find a place that welcomes me and that place will be:



I  hope you enjoyed the revamped chapter. It is a bit longer but I'm happy with it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book


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