Chapter 8 - You Again

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya and any OC's I make up along the way


I walked with Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and Tazuna towards the bridge where Tazuna would get to work on getting it finished. The old man seemed pretty cheerful on the way there but the atmosphere immediately changed when we arrived at the dead silent bridge. I looked ahead and noticed all the workers were knocked out. My blood immediately ran cold and I put a layer of bone beneath my skin. "What happened here?" Tazuna immediately said,

"Guess who's back from the dead," I said back and Tazuna froze up realising I was talking about Zabuza. I smirked a little and noticed a hunter nin standing next to him. I looked at the hunter nin very closely and then deduced that he was disguised to be one. 

"Look at him hiding behind his mask!" Sasuke shouted. Well that concluded my thoughts,

"Well, if it isn't Kakashi and his brats," Zabuza said mockingly and I glared at him. How I want break all his bones, then dismember him and finally burn him in the fiery pits of hell. He is going down. "Look one of them is shaking," Zabuza said motioning towards Sasuke,

"I'm shaking with excitement," Sasuke replied and destroyed Zabuza's water clones with one swift movement. 

"Looks like you've got yourself a rival Haku," Zabuza said and Haku moved forward, a hurricane type wind surrounding him. It all got silent but then the sound of metal be struck was sound and I turned around only to see Sasuke blocking Haku with his kunai. 

"They may be brats to you but these four are some of the greatest genin in our village," Kakashi started, "Sakura is our most excellent mind, Sasuke is one of our most brilliant young fighters, Naruto, who isn't here, is our number one knucklehead, hyperactive ninja and finally Katsume our most deadly young fighter," Kakashi finished and motioned for Sasuke to take down Haku.  

I looked over at Sasuke and saw that he was handling Haku fine. I then looked over to mine and Kakashi's fight against Zabuza. Zabuza quickly threw Kakashi to the side and faced me, a sinister grin plastered on his face behind his mask. "You are going to be crushed to nothingness," Zabuza said,

"And how?" I asked,

"The day I left Kirigakure with Haku we saw a young male Shikotsumyaku user," Zabuza started and my eyes widened, "He asked us if we were of Kiri and I said no, so from there he ran towards the village," Zabuza continued,

"Be quiet," I growled,

"I sent him to his deathbed," Zabuza said,

"Shut up!" I shouted,

"He is dead because I lied to him, you won't be able to live with yourself of you loose to me," Zabuza chuckled,


"Now you are easy prey," He said chuckling and stabbed the Executioner's Blade in my side, breaking through the layer of bone I had as protection. I fell to my knees and started coughing up blood. Zabuza then swung his leg and kicked me into the side of the bridge. I slid across the ground clutching my side while biting my lip to keep me from screaming. Nii-san, Aya-chan I'm sorry but it looks like I'll be joining you on the other side. I smiled and then everything went black.

Sasuke POV

"SHUT UP YOU NEED TO DIE IN THE FIERY PITS OF HELL AND ROT THERE FOR ALL ETERNITY!" I heard Katsume yell and I raised my eyebrow. What has made her that pissed? I then heard a thud and a crack. What the hell? 


I jumped in front of Naruto and saw him freaking out. Hn, dobe you idiot. I heard Naruto yelling at me and that was the last thing I remembered before everything went black

Naruto POV 

I stood by Haku's dead body and started yelling at Zabuza. How could he treat Haku like that, he has some guts! I then noticed a large crowd of bandits on the end of the bridge. "That kid is finally dead and you will be as well Zabuza," Some midget said and Zabuza turned to him,

"What do you mean!?" Zabuza yelled,

"Well I'm going to have to kill you since you are extremely expensive to hire," Short midget replied,

"Well kid," Zabuza said turning to me, "The bridge builder is now safe since I'm out of a job and I'm sorry about hurting your friends. Toss me a kunai would you?" Zabuza apologised and I tossed a kunai to him, which he caught between his teeth. He ran at the thugs and before I knew it he was lying on the ground, various weapons sticking out of his back while Mr. Midget was dead in the water.


We watched as Zabuza passed away and joined Haku on the other side when Sakura asked me where Sasuke was. I looked down and pointed towards his body. She instantly started crying and ran after him. Why? Why am I so useless, I can't even save my friend! Dammit! I ran over to the rest of the team who was with Sasuke. "You guys are heavy," Sasuke said as he opened his eyes,

"TEME! YOU'RE ALIVE!" I yelled,

"Hn. Shut it dobe," Sasuke replied when I felt I was forgetting someone. I looked around and then my eyes widened. "KAKASHI-SENSEI! WHERE IS SUME-CHAN?" I yelled and the whole teams eyes widened. We all stood up and ran around trying to find her.


I looked around and couldn't find her, I had just about given up hope when I saw a lock of pure white hair on the bridge. I quickly ran and looked over the side of the bridge only to see Sume-chan hanging on nail, sticking out of the bridge. "KAKASHI-SENSEI! I FOUND SUME-CHAN, HURRY UP AND GET OVER HERE!" I yelled. Kakashi ran over and saw Sume-chan. He quickly jumped onto the side of the bridge and lifted her off the nail, placing her on the bridge. Kakashi just got onto the bridge when the rest of the team arrived to see a really badly beaten up Katsume.

"Kakashi-Sensei! Look at the giant gash on her side!" Sakura yelled and I saw blood was caked on her top. Kakashi quickly picked her up and started running,

"We got to get her to a hospital!" Kakashi yelled and we ran after him. Hang in there Sume-chan.


Sorry for the long wait and the badly written chapter. Hopefully the next one will be out sooner. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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