Chapter 1 - Arriving

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya everything else belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


I walked into Konoha and saw two sleeping gate guards, I sweatdropped at the sight and sighed. I walked over to them and smacked them on the head, waking them up instantly. "Who are you and why are you in Konoha?" One of them immediately said and I sighed yet again,

"I'm Katsume, please take me to the Hokage. I wish to speak with him," I said as politely as possible and the guards nodded motioning for me to follow them. I complied and ran to catch up, not wanting to be left behind. We walked through the streets crowded with civilians and a few shot us unfriendly looks which made Izumo and Kotetsu confused. I thought about telling them it was because I was a Kaguya and no one welcomed them anywhere, well at least no where I've been but it seemed like they ignored it and continued on towards the Hokage tower.

We arrived at the base of the tower and Kotetsu lead me inside while Izumo headed back to the gate in case anyone else arrived. I followed Kotetsu through the hallways until we came to a door and Kotetsu knocked on it. "Come in," A faint voice replied and Kotetsu opened the door. I walked through the door and stood in front of the Hokage unsure of what to say. 

"Lord Hokage, this girl arrived a few minutes ago and wishes to speak with you," Kotetsu said and Lord Hokage nodded dismissing Kotestsu. I stood there alone and smiled a little.

"What is your name child," Lord Hokage asked and my eye twitched at the world child. 

"Katsume," I said and he nodded,

"What clan are you from?" He said and I froze. Should I tell him? Would I still be welcome? Well I'll just have to find out,

"Kaguya," I replied trying to sound confident,

"So why do you need to speak with me?" He said,

"I was wondering if I could live here because the Kaguya was massacred," I said laughing a little at how stupid I sounded. Lord Hokage looked surprised that the clan was massacred but then regained his composure,

"Very well. You will start in the academy tomorrow, I will send someone to show you there," He said handing me some keys to an apartment. I thanked him and walked out the door trying to find wherever this apartment was. I passed through the most quiet streets I could come across so no one would give me a stare down. I eventually found my apartment and sighed in relief. I unlocked the door, walking inside and looking around. It was pretty spacious, it had a decent sized kitchen and living area which was very minimally decorated. I closed the door behind me and walked towards my bedroom which was also pretty spacious.

I set down my backpack and pulled out my few possesions. I reached to the bottom of the bag and felt something, I pulled it out looking at it only to realise it was a note. I unfolded the piece of paper and started reading.


If you are reading this you somehow managed to escape the prison cell the Kaguya kept you in. I wrote this note a while ago just in case something did happen. I need to tell you something. Whatever village you are in, go to their library and ask where you can find the files on the Kaguya. If they do not tell you give them the password '66' if that still does not work show them Shikotsumyaku. They should believe you after that. Once you get to the files find the file labeled SHIKOTSUMYAKU. This file will help gain complete ability over your kekkai genkai, take it from the library and after you finish with it hide it somewhere that no one will ever find it. 

Good Luck,


I tucked the note into my pocket and sprinted out the door to try and find the library. I ran through the streets completely lost when I bumped into a Jonin. "Where is the library?" I asked urgently and the Jonin pointed me in the direction. I thanked him and sprinted off again. I soon arrived at a large building and I walked inside. I went to the front desk and the lady looked at me.

"What do you want dear?" She said,

"I need to see the files on the Kaguya," I said,

"Did Lord Hokage send you?" She said and I shook my head, "Sorry, the Kaguya files can only be accesed if it is on official business," She continued,

"66," I said and she looked surprised,

"Alright come this way," She said and I smiled following after her. She lead me into a secret room underneath her desk, I climbed down the ladder and walked through a long stone hallway. On each pillar had a clan symbol and a large shelf going from it to the wall filled with files. I looked at each pillar looking for my clan symbol. "Akimichi, Aburame, Hatake, Hozuki, Hyuga, Inuzuka and finally down here is the Kaguya," The librarian said and let me go down the aisle. I looked through the files until I found Shikotsumyaku. I pulled it out of the shelf and then went back to the librarian who showed me out. 

I held the file to my chest as I walked back to my apartment, the cool night breeze blowing my long white hair out of my face. It has been four days since the Kaguya met their demise, surprisingly though I miss them even if they kept me locked up in a cage. At least I knew them and I wasn't thrown into a completely new enviroment but now things are different. I don't have anyone I can rely on 24/7. I don't know anyone here very well and tomorrow is going to be the first day I can make a friend. It will all be a new experience and I just don't know how to react.


First chapter has been rewritten! I hope it is better than the previous one and just to warn you the story will change quite a bit. I decided I wanted to make this book longer so I am going to have to change the plot quite a bit. Sorry if this doesn't make sense with the other chapter but they will be rewritten soon.


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