Chapter 3 - Exams and Teams

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya everything else belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


[Five Years Later]

It's been five years since the massacre of the Kaguya clan and in that time I have trained to become as strong a kunoichi as possible. I have the top grades in the class beating Sasuke by a large amount and being extremely happy about the fact I put the 'oh so great' Uchiha in second place. I've waited for this day since I came to the academy. The day I could prove that I wasn't to be messed with, the day a new prodigy would be created. The Genin Exams. Also I've managed to keep my clan secret for five years and I even asked Lord Hokage not to reveal it, which he agreed. I stood up and got into my normal ninja attire which is essentially a bigger size of what I used to wear.

I ran downstairs, made some toast, ate it and then ran out the door. I jumped onto the roof not bothered to push through the crowded streets. This is my life now I guess and it is about to get a whole lot better.


Iruka walked into the classroom with a clipboard that had the name of each student ready to take the exam on it. "This year you will be performing the clone jutsu, when I call your name please proceed through this door," Iruka said and we all nodded while Naruto freaked out because it was his worse jutsu. 

"Haruno Sakura," Iruka said and Sakura walked into the room wanting to prove to Sasuke she was amazing. Which she really wasn't. This continued for a few hours until Iruka finally called my name. "Katsume," He said and I stood up walking through the door. I stood in front of Iruka and some guy called Mizuki.

"Alright Katsume, whenever you're ready," Mizuki said and I nodded placing my hands in the correct seal and performing the clone jutsu. I watched as five clones surrounded me and smiled. I did it. Iruka handed me a black hitai-ate and I tied it around my forehead, covering the Kaguya clan symbol. I then turned around and started heading back home. As soon as I stepped out of the academy I was met with a half-asleep Kakashi.

"Lord Hokage wishes to speak with you," He said and then poofed away. I sighed and broke into a run trying to get to the Hokage tower quickly so I could get home before the sunset. I walked through the hallways like I had done so man times before and knock on Lord Hokage's door.

"Come in," A faint voice said and I pushed the door open to reveal a large group of Jonin, "Katsume, it's just you," Lord Hokage said and I nodded.

"You wished to speak with me," I said and he nodded,

"We don't know what team to put you in so we decided one of the Jonin will choose, this also means you have to reveal your clan and things like that," He said and my jaw fell to the ground. Reveal my clan? Is this guy insane? 

"Why do I have to reveal my clan?" I said and Lord Hokage sighed probably knowing this was going to be difficult. 

"They'll find out sooner or later," Lord Third said. I sighed he was right, I might as well tell them,

"Five years I have kept this secret and I expect all of you to do so as well. My full name is Kaguya Katsume and I am the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan massacre," I said and all the Jonin were shocked,

"KAGUYA!?" They yelled and I nodded my head,

"Yeah, Kaguya," I repeated,

"Now which one of you would like to take her into your team?" Lord Third said and three jonin raised their hands. Lord Hokage sighed, "You can't all have her," Lord Third said and they started to talk among themselves and eventually decided to do paper scissors rock. We waited for them and they finally finished their game.

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