Chapter 2 - The Academy

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya everything else belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


I woke up a little surprised only to realise I was in Konoha and not in the stuffy cell I was usually in. I got out of bed, grabbed my clothes and started getting ready for my first day at the Academy. I put on a white kimono top with baggy sleeves and a black line running around each sleeve, my baggy gray pants, my black ankle high shinobi sandals and I tied my hair up in a high ponytail securing it with my red ribbon. I was extremely nervous. It wasn't like I didn't know what I was doing. When I was kept in the cell they would take me out and train me from 10am - 6pm which was a painfully long time for me since I was so young. I knew how to fight, the rules of shinobi and how to strategise but I never used that skill.

I waited for another 30 minutes when someone knocked on my door. I picked up my backpack and opened it to see a lazy, gravity-defying haired man. "My name is Hatake Kakashi and I guess you are Katsume," He said while his nose was still stuck in his book. I nodded and closed the door behind me as he led me out into the already crowded streets of Konoha.

"Kakashi, what time is it?" I said and Kakashi looked at me,

"11 o'clock, you are three hours late," Kakashi said,

"WHAT!?" I yelled and he gave me a closed eyed smile. Lazy ass. I sighed and decided to follow Kakashi instead of running off. We continued walking until we reached the academy. I followed Kakashi down the hall when he knocked on a door and pushing me inside. 

"I have a new student for you Iruka," Kakashi said and then he poofed off,

"That Kakashi always making people late," Iruka muttered and I stifled my laugh, "Anyway would you like to introduce yourself to the class," Iruka continued and I nodded trying to overcome my nervousness;

"My name is Katsume, I come from the outskirts of Takigakure but grew up in the outskirts of The Land of Water. Any questions?" I said and a few people raised their hands. I pointed to a boy who had a duck ass for hair,

"Why are you in Konoha?" He said,

"Clan was massacred," I said and he nodded. Next I pointed to pinkette,

"Do you think anyone here is cute," She said in an annoying pitchy voice,

"No," I said rather annoyed. I then pointed to some guy with pineapple hair,

"What clan are you from?" He said. I could always not tell him,

"None of your business," I said back only wanting to keep the information between a small group of people and he nodded. I then walked to the back and sat in a spare seat wanting this to be over already. 


"Alright everyone, we will be learning about extremely powerful clans from all over the shinobi world this week," Iruka announced and everyone seemed to get excited to see if their clan was included. I guess the Kaguya will be included, I just hope he doesn't show off the clan symbol or I will be given away completely. I guess I just have to pray he doesn't do anything stupid.

Iruka dismissed class shortly after his announcement and I headed out of class trying to get to my apartment quickly so I won't be caught in a stampede of fangirls. I sighed in relief when I saw the stampede go the opposite way and I continued my walk home.

Shikamaru POV

I walked through the front door still wondering about Katsume. Why didn't she wan anyone to know what clan she was from? I guess I could always ask father but he might not know either. I guess I have to take my chances and ask him because he might know. I looked around and quickly found my father sitting on the couch. "Shikamaru, how was your day?" He asked and I sat down on the couch opposite him.

"There is a new girl in her class and I really want to knwo what clan she is from but she wouldn't tell," I said and father sighed,

"What do you know about her?" He asked and I relayed the information that she told us to him. I also told him what she looks like and her attitude. He started piecing each thing I found out until he came to a final conclusion five minutes later. "Kaguya, although the white hair is something I've never herd of among the clan," He said and I nodded happily now that I know what clan she is from. 

"Thanks," I replied lazily and walked to my bedroom to sleep.

Katsume POV

I sat on my bed and started reading through the Shikotsumyaku file, testing out each ability and immediately getting happy when it worked. Some things took a few tries but I managed to get through a fifth of the techniques when I decided to get some food. I walked to the kitchen and pulled out some instant ramen I bought when I went shopping a couple of hours ago. I waited for it to boil and quickly opened it up, "Itadakimasu," I said before digging in. I have to admit it's lonely sitting here by myself eating ramen, I don't have anyone to talk to and I probably never will but that is life now. I'll just have to deal with it.


I climbed into bed already falling asleep, wanting this day to be over with and that all happened but maybe a bit to soon.


"Nii-san! Nii-san!" I yelled as I started to get the hang of minipulating my bone structure,

"Good work Katsume," He said with a smile on his face, proud of what I had accomplished. I ran up to him and gave him a hug but the scenery changed. "Katsume, I have to go. I promise I'll see you again!" Nii-san said as a lone tear trailed down my cheek,

"I love you Nii-san," I said before he was dragged down the hall and put in a cell far away from mine. I walked into the corner of my cell and cried for the first time in my life. My Nii-san was gone.

End of Dream

I jolted awake started to shake. I still hadn't seen my Nii-san. Three years since that day and now I'll never see him again. He was gone. Forever. 


I guess you guys have already guessed who Katsume's Nii-san is since it is pretty obvious. I hope you enjoyed the rewritten second chapter!


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