Chapter 7 - Eyes

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya and any OC's I make up along the way


Sakura set me down on one of the futons in a spare room so Tsunami could take a look at my leg and see how badly damaged it was. I winced a little as I shuffled into a more comfortable position and then set it back down to rest. Tsunami came in five minutes later with some bandages. She quickly examined my leg after bandaging up the gash in my arm. She took her time examining and leaned back pretty sure of what had happened. "You've snapped the bone cleanely in half, it should heal naturally in about four months but with your ninja jutsu or whatever you could probably speed it up," Tsunami finished and I nodded.

 I soon started sending chakra down to my leg and let some bone grow slowly around it. If I do this on and off for three days it should be fine but I won't be able to walk if I don't get some crutches or something. Tsunami noticed this and gave me some crutches that were lying in the corner. I smiled at her kindness and she left to check on Kakashi but not before she completely briefed me on what could happen if I do anything reckless or stupid. I nodded and started standing up putting all my weight in the two sticks and started heading out of the room. I started working my way down the stairs but almost fell over when some kid almost ran into me while he was crying, I gave him the tiniest amount of pity but he still hasn't felt my pain. The pain of being ripped away from those closest to you.

I finally got downstairs and noticed everyone but Kakashi and the kid was sitting around the table not talking. "Oi, whats up with the silence?" I asked and Naruto immediately smiled while barreling towards me. I quickly hopped to the left and he crashed into a wall, oops. He turned around and started rubbing his nose while giving me a weird look. "NARUTO! My leg is broken! You know, snapped in two!" I said trying to get my point across and his mouth quickly formed into an 'o' shape.

"Sorry Sume-chan," Naruto said sheepishly and sat back down at the table. I quickly occupied one of the seat and noticed the whole team and Tazuna staring at me.

"Uhhh guys, why are you staring at me?" I quickly asked and Sasuke quickly opened his mouth,

"You've been hiding something from us, what is it," Sasuke said back in a demanding manner,

"He has a point," Tazuna said, "I heard there was someone like you attacking Kirigakure a couple of years ago, news travels fast around these parts," Tazuna finished and my eyes widened. No, no, no, no, no! I can't tell them! I'm such an idiot, why would I mention Shikotsumyaku to them! 

"Also Katsume those powers don't come from nowhere," Sakura immediately stated,

"Sakura, it's Kekkai Genkai not powers. Sasuke should know all about it," I said and Sakura turned to Sasuke with hearts in her eyes. 

"Alright I guess you are on the right track, I have been hiding something from you," I stated and I swear everyone leant forward. 

"Tell us Sume-chan!" Naruto said and I sighed, I might as well now since I told them,

"You must promise not to tell anyone, if you do I'll hunt both of you down and kill you without a second thought," I warned and the nodded, "My name is Katsume Kaguya, user of Shikotsumyaku and the sole survivor of the Kaguya Clan Massacre," I said and I swear Sasuke, Sakura, Tsunami and Tazuna's jaws dropped onto the floor,

"NANI!?" They all yelled and I quickly blocked my ears while Naruto looked really confused,

"Your clan is dead?" Sasuke and Sakura said in disbelief,

"Well, yeah," I replied,

"AND YOU'RE A KAGUYA!" Tsunami and Tazuna said in disbelief as well and I nodded. Well today is going fabulously. Better go. I quickly stood up and headed to the stairs as fast as possible before any of them could stampede me. 


[4 Days Later]

I walked down the stairs with my newly healed leg only to be immediately scolded by Tsunami, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE WALKING ON THAT LEG!" She shouted and I inched back a bit,

"It's fine, see," I said and shook it a bit. She smiled and then pushed me out the door, "Your team is in the forest learning about this chakra thing," She said and I nodded sprinting out the door.

??? POV

Interesting, I should tell our leader this. I walked over to the rest of the group and they looked up at me, "Well?" Our second-in-command hissed and I nodded my head,

"Just as we suspected, she is one of them," I said and she nodded motioning us to follow her. I can't wait to get back and tell him the news.

Katsume POV

I sat at the top of the tree and watched as Sasuke and Naruto failed at climbing the tree with chakra. Sakura was sitting with me and Kakashi was reading his perverted book. Yes, I learnt the contents of the book while he was knocked out. I totally didn't read it or anything. I then felt some eyes watching me and swiftly turned around to see nothing and sighed. Just a figment of my imagination but I can't help but feel I'm lying to myself about this because I most definitely felt someone eyeing me closely. I turned back to Sakura but kept my guard up, prepared in case said person attacks if they're there.

I looked up at the sky and noticed the streaks of red, pink and orange. I smiled and grabbed Sakura, pulling her down the tree with me. I jumped the last two feet and then started running to Tazuna's for dinner which I guarantee is going to be good.


Sorry for the short chapter but things should start getting a little more exciting soon. Trust me.


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