Chapter 6 - Zabuza

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya and any OC's I make up along the way


I looked at the man before me who was still standing on his blade. "Well if it isn't Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye," Zabuza said and Sasuke looked like he was about to faint. "With four little brats," Zabuza concluded and I growled a bit. "It also looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action today," Zabuza said as Kakashi pulled up his headband to reveal the three tomoes.

"Everyone keeps saying Sharingan, Sharingan but what is a Sharingan," Naruto said and I sighed at his stupidity,

"It is an ability that resides in the eye there is much more to the Sharingan though," Sasuke explained and Kakashi nodded,

"Alright you four guard the bridge builder," Kakashi ordered and we created a manji formation. I then noticed the mist around us getting thicker and thicker, "Keep on guard Zabuza is a master of the Silent Killing Technique," Kakashi said,

"S-Silent K-Killing," Naruto stuttered out,

"It happens so fast that you're already dead before you realise what happened," I explained simply and everyone shivered a bit.

"Well lets put it this way, if we fail we'll only lose our lives," Kakashi said and I wanted to burst out laughing right there. 

"How can you say that!" Sakura shot back and I only just managed to hold back my laughter.

"Eight points, larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys and heart. Now which will be my attack point?" Zabuza said from somewhere in the mist. I then saw Sasuke on my side holding a kunai and pointing it at his heart.

"Don't worry Sasuke I'll protect you with my life, all of you. I will not allow my comrades to die. Trust me" Kakashi said with a closed eye smile but before Sasuke could reply Zabuza jumped into our manji formation. I quickly jumped backwards whilst grabbing the bridge builder and added a protective layer of bone under my skin, thick enough to withstand a hit from Zabuza's blade. The other three followed suit and I watched as Kakashi sliced Zabuza's neck only for it to be a water clone. Sakura then freaked out when Zabuza sliced Kakashi but then breathed a sigh of relief as he was only a water clone as well.

"You can't beat me with your imitations," Zabuza said as Kakashi sliced through the second of his water clones whilst and appearing behind the real Kakashi. Kakashi then jumped into the water and I sighed. "Bad idea Kakashi," Zabuza said and Kakashi only then realised his mistake. Zabuza quickly formed a water prison jutsu and now I'm going to fight. Hell yeah! Zabuza sent out a water clone but before any of us could do anything Kakashi started talking,

"You four, take the bridge builder and get out of here. His water clone can only go a certain distance from his main body," Kakashi said and we turned to a sweatdropping Tazuna.

"Go rescue your sensei, it's my fault we're in this mess," Tazuna said and I smirked,

"You four he isn't called the Demon of the Mist for nothing," Kakashi quickly said to try and get us to change our minds,

"Look Kakashi, I don't really care if he killed 100 of his classmates without being entered into the academy. I want to pulverise him and then destroy his spirit. After all his village destroyed me and it's also about time I let out my anger," I said and started to gather up all my chakra. I noticed the other three shaking a bit and I smiled. "It is about time I taught you a lesson about Shikotsumyaku," I finished and stuck each of my ribs out while charging forward. I then formed two large spikes in my palms and stabbed it into Zabuza's clone, I then ran towards his main body retracting the spikes. 

I formed bullets out of my bones and fired them at Zabuza effectively making him free Kakashi. I then signaled Naruto and Sasuke and they pulled Kakashi away so I could have my fight. Zabuza smirked a bit and pulled out his sword. I quickly jumped backwards and pulled out my spine to use as a whip, I swung it towards his face but he blocked it with his blade. He then twisted around in an attempt to chop my head of but instead smacked me square in the shoulder. I winced a little and noticed the blood staining my white top. Nevermind. We quickly moved the battle into the middle of the lake and Zabuza started to form handsigns. 

I watched his hands closely and thickened the layer of bone beneath my skin as he finished his water style, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu," Zabuza said. I quickly jumped back but the jutsu still managed to land a blow on my leg and I heard a crack. No I need to finish this I quickly jumped into the air and smacked the side of his head with my spine sending him into a tree. The minute I landed on my leg pain surged through my body and I fell onto my knees. If this is the pain I'm feeling when I have a layer of bone supporting my leg when I remove it, it will hurt like hell. No kidding. Although thankfully it should only take three days to heal since my bone structure is weird and Shikotsumyaku users bones grow back extremely fast. I looked over to the team and noticed Kakashi was walking across the water to me. 

He finally reached me and helped me onto my feet and got me back to shore where I face-planted after releasing the layer of bone beneath my skin. I then sweatdropped when Kakashi fell over because of chakra overuse. Idiot. "Sume-chan! Help us carry Kakashi-sensei --ttebayo," Naruto said and I gave him an 'are you serious' look.


"Oh yeah, Sakura-chan why don't you go and help Sume-chan --ttebayo!" Naruto said excitedly and she turned her nose up but did it anyway.

"You owe me one Katsume," She whispered and we started on our journey to Tazuna's house.


Chapter 6 complete! Dedicated to Nipsuneiti for being an amazing supporter! Go check out her books.


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