Chapter 4 - The Bell Test

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Disclaimer: I only own Katsume Kaguya everything else belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


I walked to the area Kakashi told us to meet at after eating breakfast, why wouldn't I after all it's my birthday and like I said no one has remembered. At least if since this is a survival test I can finally show off my Shikotsumyaku. I have waited five years to show this off and now I finally can. If this is a test though it has to have some meaning behind it.


"Alright you three today we are doing a test!" Our instructor yelled at us three Shikotsumyaku users,

"What kind of test?" Nii-san asked and our instructor held up a key,

"If you get this key it'll be your ticket to freedom," Our instructor said and we all nodded accepting her challenge.


All three of us sat on the ground panting, we hadn't managed to get the key and only at the very very end did we realise what this was about. Teamwork. If we had used it I could have freed Nii-san or Aya-chan. I don't really mind if I'm locked in a cage as long as they get their freedom.

End of Flashback

That's it! The answer is teamwork, if we are divided into squads and want to become genin teamwork must come naturally to us. If only I had realised it that day maybe one of them would be alive as well and I wouldn't be alone, I would have someone important to me but it's to late now for they are gone.


[4 Hours Later]

After four hours of Sakura and Naruto's endless whining Kakashi finally showed up, "YOU'RE LATE!" Both Sakura and Naruto yelled,

"A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way," Kakashi said back sheepishly and started getting on with the rules. After his explaining he set the timer and I jumped into the bush. This is about teamwork and I am not going to fail now. I masked my chakra and started tracking everyone elses when I noticed Naruto hanging by his foot. I quickly jumped out of the bush, walking over to Naruto and I cut him down. 

"Hey Naruto, want to team?" I asked,

"Sorry Sume-chan, I have to do this myself," Naruto said and I nodded walking away. One down two to go. I quickly tracked Sakura's chakra and followed it only to find her in a genjutsu. I walked over and quickly released her asking her the exact same question.

"Never in a million years, you're completely useless," Sakura said back rather harshly and I walked away going towards Sasuke's chakra. When I reached his chakra I saw him fighting Kakashi and holding his own rather well. I edged forward as he touched the bell but not long after he was a head poking out of the ground. I walked over to the all so mighty Uchiha and asked him the same question,

"No, you'll only slow me down," Sasuke said, okay that's it. Everyone has called me useless. I lined some bone underneath the skin in my hand and formed a fist, adding a small bit of chakra to it and punched Sasuke on the head, effectively knocking him out. I smiled at my victory and started tracking down Kakashi's chakra that wasn't even masked. 

I started walking in his direction and then jumped into a tree without him noticing. I looked down and saw he was reading Icha Icha. Perfect. I grabbed a small bit of rope and grabbed Kakashi's book with it obviously surprising him. He looked up and I smirked running off to open ground. I could feel Kakashi close behind me and I picked up my pace a little. I saw a bit of clear ground and formed a layer of bone underneath all my skin. I quickly reached into my pouch and pulled out my best smoke bombs. I threw them down and a whole heap of smoke surrounded Kakashi, in my small amount of time a grabbed my spine out of my back and whacked Kakashi. 

I heard Kakashi land on the ground with a thud, my surprise attack had most likely caught him off guard. As the smoke started to clear I put my spine back and formed spikes in my hands and arms to use as defence and offence. When the smoke fully cleared Kakashi was armed with a kunai but was visibly shocked when he saw my bones. I smirked and charged forward aiming for the bells, I dodged his kunai and stuck one of my hands towards him and he blocked the bone with his kunai but while he was distracted I grabbed the three bells, poofing away and leaving his book on the ground.

I appeared back where we started and retracted my bones before anyone saw. I walked over to the other three and tossed them each a bell just as the bell rang. Kakashi then appeared in front of everyone still not noticing his bells were gone. "Alright who got a bell?" Kakashi said obviously thinking the answer was no one but was shocked to see that everyone bar me held up a bell. "How?" Kakashi said and I looked at him,

"Simple. Me," I said and the whole team looked shocked not thinking it was me who actually got it but that Kakashi simply gave it to me, "It's pretty obvious this is a test on teamwork Kakashi and I don't mind what it takes as long as they're happy and can be whatever they want," I said and Kakashi smiled but it quickly turned into a frown,

"Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Katsume won't always be there to give you the answer she asked each of you to join into a team but you said no thinking she was useless but in the end she got the bells herself," Kakashi said, "Naruto, you were an idiot and thought you could take me on without a plan. Sakura, you were so into finding Sasuke that you didn't care about Naruto who was right in front of you and Sasuke, you were the worst. You thought everyone was so far below you and you couldn't even think for the team," Kakashi finished. I smiled this team has a lot of growing up to do but they will achieve great things. I just know it.


Woohoo! Rewritten Chapter 4 is up. Be happy, 2 chapters in one day! Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also go check out Jaylin_Of_FairyTail who has been an awesome friend. Check out her 'A Vacation for the Guild' book. It's about her favourite Fairy Tail ships and other things but it's damn good!


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