Ill Set Things Right

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Soul POV

"Soul wake up!" Someone shakes me till I shoot up.

"Huh?!" I rub my eyes. "Mom?"

"Soul my boy!" Mom hugs me.

"I know now soul." Mom says tears in her eyes

"What?" I ask confused.

"What you said the other day."

"About dad?"

"Yes! I know now baby. He isn't a good man. He is a be man! And he needs to be stopped."


"He is the reason you ran away. He is the reason that our lives were horrible. He is the reason why wes turned out evil! I do not blame you for killing him, he was a bad man. Don't listen to your father! I have never hated you! I have always loved you!" She wipes her eyes.

"I only made excuses for wes and your father because I thought there was good in them. But I have realized that, there is none left. And I was scared of them so I did my best. When you ran away, I was going crazy! Your... Your father was watching you your whole life. I tried to get him to leave you and maka alone but, he didn't listen. He waited until mia turned 5 to go after you. I tried and tried to get him to stop. But i only ended up with pain. I didn't want him to oil any of you. I got away with that one. But I really tried. I was so blind before. But now I know."

"You were right! I should've listened!" Mom cries. I hug her and kiss her forehead.

"Its OK mom"

"I love you"

"I love you too!"

"Ill set things right!" She sits up and wipes away her tears. I hear footsteps outside the door. The door nob jiggles. Dad walks in.

"I knew I would find you here!" He walks over. "What have I said about coming in here!?" Mom glares. "Don't look at me like that!" He slaps mom and she falls to the ground. He raises his hand to punch he but I grab his hand and push him. He looks at me with disgust. "How dare you!" He smiles and smooths back his hair. He snaps his fingers and his guards come in. One walks close to me. I hear mom scream no twice before they hit me and I fall to the ground unconscious.


As I lose hope more and more I play the piano, deeper as my hope leaves. Father comes in every hour to listen to my playing. He tells me that I am getting better. I think of my life with maka and mia. I think about how I screw everything up. If me and maka didn't argue. If we didn't argue then we wouldn't have broken up. If we didn't break up we wouldn't have gone to the park. If we didn't go to the park my dad wouldn't have caught us. If my dad didn't catch us we wouldn't be here. Me and mia are goners. We are going to die here.

"I'm sorry mia." I say out loud as a play the piano painfully. Tears drip down my face on to the keys as I play more. I hear the door open. Probably father. I keep playing. A hand touches my shoulder. I stop playing. I turn around to face who ever it is. Mom.


"I am going to get you out of here. You and mia. Tonight! I will find a way. Even if I die doing it. Just hang in there OK? I already talked to mia about it." Mother smiles.

"How is mia?" I ask anxious.

"She is just fine. She always asks about you and maka. She really misses you and maka." She says with sorry eyes. I hear running outside the door. Mom shoots up.

"I got to go!" She runs out the door before I can say bye.

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