Preparations In Progress

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Next morning at Malhotra Mansion

Alia, Mukti & Nyo get busy with party preparations. Mukti & Alia talk to the decorators and give them the required information about the party. Nyo also takes her phone and one by one starts calling the guest from the guest list which she and Raj had already prepared last night. Dhruv also arrives there and help Mukalya. Manik and Raj leaves for office.
Soon there is lot of hustle- bustle in the garden area where the party is going to b held. It is a huge garden with a fountain in the centre. Soon the decorators start their work. Mukalya guide them and Dhruv gets busy arranging his music stuff. The whole garden is being decorated with beautiful lights and colourful drapes. Different shades of lights r arranged around the fountain to give it's water a glittering look. Tables and chairs r also laid neatly with flower arrangements in the centre. Somewhere around 1:15 pm mukdrulya decide to take a break. Nyo  goes to her room for a short nap after having lunch. Mukdrulya decide to go to Cabir's kitchen to hv lunch. They text Harshad also to come there.

Same morning at Murty Mansion

Nandani and Navya as usual finish their daily chores and leave for their respective work. Nandani has some appointments so she gets busy with her work. Here Navya also reaches Malhotra Industries and gets on with her work.

Malhotra Industries 9:30 am

Manik and Raj enter the office. Employees greet them and they head towards their respective cabins. Raj make some important phone calls to his business friends to invite them to the party. Manik is busy checking some accounts.
At 12:45pm Mr khurana - business and family friend of the Malhotras come to meet Raj along with his daughter Soha.

Navya: Sir, Mr Khurana has come to meet you.

Raj wearing a smile : Pls send him in and order coffee also.

Navya asks Mr Khurana to go inside and she goes to the canteen to order coffee.
Mr Khurana enters with Soha.

Mr Khurana: Hello Bhai ki haal hain.

Raj: Oye Khurana, kab aaya Australia se.

Soha with a fake smile: Hello uncle.

Raj: Hello beta come come.

They sit on the sofa and started talking.

Mr.Khurana: I came yesterday only and got to hear this good news of Manik. So I thought of personally coming here and congratulating him. Waise kahan hai woh?

Raj: Switch on the intercom and asks Manik to come. Now that you r back you have to come tonight to Malhotra Mansion as I m throwing a party on Manik's success. Soha u too.
Both Mr Khurana & Soha give a smile showing their consent.

Just then Manik enters Raj's cabin.

Manik: Yes, Pa u called him. He sees Mr.Khurana and Soha. He bends and touches Mr.Khurana's feet. Namaste uncle how r u?

Mr Khurana smiles and hugs him and blesses him. He also congratulates him.
As soon as Soha sees Manik she straightens herself and gives a bright smile.

Soha pov

OMG! He is such a hottie. Just like a Greek God. What physique he has! And his smile is so sexy. Manik now u r my prey and gives an evil smirk.

Soha coming towards Manik: Congratulations Manik. She forwards her hand for a handshake. Manik also forwards his hand. Hi I m Soha.

* Manik does not know about Harshad, Mukti and Soha's incident.*

Manik feels a bit uncomfortable as Soha was not leaving his hand. But he somehow manages to free his hand and moves back a bit.

Here Navya also comes with a peon with the coffee. She knows about Soha so she just ignores her and excuses herself and moves out of the cabin. Manik also make an excuse and move out of the cabin as he was not liking Soha's continues stare on him.

On the other hand Mukdrulya and Harshad reach Cabir's Kitchen. Cabir was already there as he was fixing the party menu. He joins them. Harshad decides to text Manik also to come there to hv lunch.

At the same time in Malhotra Office. As soon as Manik leaves Soha becomes restless to spend some lone time with Manik. She thinks for a while and speaks.

Soha: O Dad, how boring? U both r talking business and I m getting bored. I have an idea. I will join Manik so that we get to know each other better.

Raj and Khurana both knows Soha very well. Although they didn't like her idea but they didn't want to spoil the mood so they kept mum.
Navya sees Soha going into Manik's cabin. She doubts her intentions but can't do anything.
Soha enters Manik's cabin without even knocking it. Manik didn't like this and he was shocked to see her. But as she was Khurana uncle's daughter he controls his anger.

Manik: Hey Soha, how may I help you?

Soha  walking seductively towards manik : Come on Manik, stop being formal. She comes close to Manik and hugs him.
Manik is taken a back. He immediately breaks the hug.

Manik is pissed off but still controls and talks to her politely: So...ha...I think we have already been introduced. And pls I m not use to all such stuff. He moves backwards.

Soha still trying to b cosy with him moves forward: O come on Manik don't tell me u haven't hugged any girl before. I mean u r London return & there greeting each other like this is common. ( She slides her finger on his jaw line) I m also Australia return. U don't need to b so goody in front of me. That u can maintain in front of Dad and uncle. I would love to see the naughty side of urs. I won't mind. ( She winks)

Manik is now hell pissed off. But to his relief his phone beeped to show Harshad's text. ' we all r at cabir's kitchen. If free join us for lunch'
Manik soon replies back ' Need help. Pls come at once to the office'

At Cabir's Kitchen

Harshad reads the msg and tells every one about it. All get worried and immediately drive towards Malhotra Office.

So this is for now. Hope u liked it.

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