Manali Calling...

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"This looks good on you, we are taking this."

(Manik and Nandini had come to the shopping mall.)

"Manik, we're going only for four days not for four years.  You have already bought so much for me when I have already told you that I have enough dresses." Nandini spoke in complaining tone. 

"Seriously God,  kis type ki girlfriend di hai aapne mujhe." Manik looked up and spoke dramatically while Nandini scrunched her eyebrows and looked at him. "No, seriously I mean...I have seen girls driving their boyfriends crazy when it comes to shopping. No matter how much they buy for them...they are always like...bas itna hi!!! like they are never satisfied." Nandini rolled her eyes. "And here, look at you... your boyfriend is ready to buy the world for you and you are like... Bas Manik enough...I already have so much stuff. " Manik mimicked her.

"Really Manik, then instead of complaining to should be thankful to Him for giving you such a nice and sensible girlfriend who is not at all demanding and fussy." Nandini was a little pissed at him. 

"Umm...excuse me sir,  r u buying this dress or shall I put it back on the shelf? "...the salesgirl who was till now watching their cute little fight asked hesitatingly.

"Of course we are buying it, miss."...Manik spoke fixing his eyes on Nandini.  "Pack all that we have selected"

Nandini gave him a 'what do I do with you ' expression and walked past him towards the cash counter.

"Ahh, how I love that look on her face!!" Manik smirked and followed her to pay the bill.

Manik also bought sandals and shoes and other accessories for Nandini. Finally, after having done with the shopping part Manik and Nandini decided to go for lunch as both were feeling little hungry. Manik after dropping Nandini at We Care hospital, headed towards Malhotra Industries.

@Kullu Airport,  11:45 am.

"Hey Harshad, have you checked with the taxi driver coz I can't see anyone standing with the placard." enquired Cabir craning his neck here and there.

"Don't worry Cabir, I have just received  his message, he is waiting outside.  Let's walk ahead. " Harshad informed after checking his mobile phone.

The weather was quite cold in Kullu as the city had received a good amount of snowfall a day before. The boys wheeled out the trolley carrying their luggage while the girls followed them exchanging few words about the place. 

"Welcome Maaraz" the driver said as soon as he saw the group of eight members coming out of the corridor. (People of Kullu greet everyone addressing Maaraz) " Welcome to Kullu. I am Kuntu and he is my brother Kunju." he said introducing his younger brother. 
"Welcome Maaraz "  Kunju also greeted the crew. 

"Kuntu and Kunju...nice names" Mukti said as the girls joined the boys.

" Thank you, Maaraz" the brothers said bowing down .
" Our van is at your service,  please come. " he said pointing at a 10 seater van.

Both Kuntu and Kunju put their luggage at the top of the van and then tied it properly with a thick rope.  The snow covered roads where a delight and everyone enjoyed the ride to Manali which was about 40.5 km from Kullu.  The brothers shared some important information of the place and also told them the names of some worth watching places in Manali. The boys enquired some more about the place while the girls were busy enjoying the view of the snow covered trees and hills all around them. 
After a good and entertaining ride of almost 2 hours they finally reached their destination i.e. Abode Cottages

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