You Are Not Alone

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Everybody was praising Nandani. Soha didn't like this, so she tried to divert everybody's attention, specially Manik's.

Soha: Guys...let's dance.

She signalled to a boy n soon the air was filled with rock music-
Arey Abhi toh party shuru hui hai

Soha forcefully made Manik dance with her. She placed one hand on his shoulder and her other hand held Manik's hand. She made Manik put his other hand on her waist. He tried to go but she made cute pleading face and asked him to dance.

Here Dhruv forwarded his hand to Aliya n she smilingly accepted n both started dancing. Cavya also made use of the opportunity n started dancing holding each other's hand.
Nandani looked at Manik. Manik also saw her and he so wanted to take her in his arms but Soha was too adamant to let him go.
A boy came to Nandani and asked her for a dance but she refused . She wasn't in a mood to dance. She moved away from there n went to an isolated place. She stood there n looked up in the sky. She gazed at the stars n few tears trickled down from her eyes.
Actually the song she just sang was the same that her mother sang when she fell in love with her father. Her mother often sang it for him. She remembered the sweet moments that she spent with her parents. Although she was only 10 when both her parents died she still remembered some glimpses of the time she spent with them. She kept looking at the two bright stars that were shining close to each other.

Nandani pov

Appa....Maa...why did u leave me alone? I feel so lonely....I miss u very much.

She got so emotional that non stop tears started flowing from her eyes.
Suddenly she felt two warm hands on her bare arms holding her from back. She knew the touch because by now she has got used to it. She can feel his touch. Yes...he was none other than Manik.

Manik was dancing with Soha against his will when his eyes moved to the place where Nandani was standing sometime back. But now she was not there. Manik's eyes scanned the whole place but couldn't find her. He grew restless thinking where can she go. He was now desperate to at once to her. Just to his luck a waiter was passing from there carrying drinks. He pretended to b thirsty n picked up a glass of cold drink and intentionally spilled some on Soha's dress. He apologized and asked her to go n clean it. As soon as Soha went away from there, Manik started looking for Nandani. Finally he found her standing alone gazing at the stars. He immediately went near her. His heart was craving to embrace her tightly but his mind held him back reminding of the surroundings. He put his hands on her bare arms holding her from back.
Flashback ends

Manik: So.... a star looking at the stars. (He whispered in her ears)

She turned to face him and what he saw next made his heartbeats stop for few seconds. Tears were flowing from her beautiful doey eyes. Manik felt extreme pain in his heart. He felt as if the world has come to an end. Even he didn't know why her tears mattered him a lot but he felt his heart being stabbed.

Manik: Nandani....what happen? (Worriedly asked) why r u crying? Shhhh...(wiping her tears) Tell me what happen? Kisine kuch kaha tumse. (Hundreds of questions were arising in his mind) Just tell me the name n I won't spare that bas...( She closed her eyes n more tears flowed out) Stop crying please (he cupped her face with his palms and wiped her tears with his thumb)

Nandani slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. She could see great concern for her in his eyes. She somehow composed herself and herself started wiping her tears.

Manik: Nandani...r u fine? Pls tell me what happen?

Nandani: Nothing...I m fine.( still wiping her tears)

Manik: (placed his index finger below her chin n raised her face) Kya hua hai

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Manik: (placed his index finger below her chin n raised her face) Kya hua hai...(looking straight into her eyes)

Nandani: (looked at him for sometime and spoke) The song I just sang was Appa's favourite song

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Nandani: (looked at him for sometime and spoke) The song I just sang was Appa's favourite song. Maa always sang for him. And today all those flashes just came alive. I miss them very much.....why did they leave me alone?...why...(tears again started flowing from her eyes)

Manik: Shhh...Nandani...(wiping her tears) U r a strong girl. And who said u r alone....hmm...Ma-Pa love u so much....just like their own daughter. And Mukti....she considers u to b her bestest friend on this earth. (Nandani calmed down a bit) And Navya...she is just like ur soul sister. Moreover now u have a brother Harshad....then Cabir....Dhruv....Aliya..ur friends....they all r with u...then how can u b alone....hmmm. I know u have lost two precious people of ur life...but then u have gained so many others. (Nandani looked at him) see now u have so many relatives.

Nandani: And u...(She asked innocently)

Manik: Me...(brings her close to him by holding her arms) I m the one...with whom u can share all the pain....u can share anything u feel like...and I won't judge u. (He said all this with so much love in his eyes)

Nandani just admired him. Don't know why but she was at peace. She was now totally calm. The loneliness with which she was surrounded a few minutes back had now turned into companionship. She had so many people around her. She gave a small smile to him and said 'Thank u....thank u for making me feel blessed with so beautiful people and relations. And u...u r special Manik. Thank u for always being there. First making me believe in myself to perform the operation confidently....n today...making me aware that I m blessed with so many relatives n friends in my life. Today I thank God...for sending a person like u in my life who is very special'

Manik n Nandani stood there feeling each other's presence in their lives. Both were thanking God in mind for bringing them in each other's life.

God has planned everything for everyone. These two souls were not aware that God had actually planned something very beautiful for them too. They are meant to b together. Their pair has already been made in heaven. The feeling both were trying to understand is nothing but LOVE n soon these two will know that they r two bodies with one soul. God was just waiting for the correct time to make them realize what they meant for each other n to the world- Epitome of Love.

Hope u all liked it. Readers I m going slow as I want u all to feel the warmth of love.
I dedicate this chapter to all those lovely writers by whom I m inspired. Thank u....
Riya Talreja
Alohomora MaNan
Purna 2015

Thank u all. U r awesome writers.

Pls ignore the mistakes n enjoy the story.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental.

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