She is Nandani!!!

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Manik angrily leaves the dance floor and goes to the bar counter. He orders a beer for himself. Cabir comes and asks if he is fine. He tells him he is ok and they can continue the party. He didn't want to spoil their mood. Suddenly Manik's phone rings. He sees the name of the caller. It is Mr Shah's phone. But as he picks the phone some beer spills on his pants. Due to loud music he isn't able to hear Mr Shah's voice clearly so he moves out of the garden and goes into the Mansion. Mr Shah has called to apologize as he is not able to attend the party due to some urgent work. After talking to him, Manik moves to the nearest room to clean himself. He wasn't aware that Nandani is also using the same room. As he moves towards the washroom he hears some sound from inside. He opens the door without making any noise. But what he sees next makes him dumbstruck. Nandani has gathered all her hair on one side and is washing them. But the thing that made him freeze was the tattoo at  the back of her right shoulder which was clearly visible due to her deep neck dress. Yes, it was the same red rose tattoo that Manik had seen on that girl's back on the rainy night.

Manik pov! It is the same tattoo. That means the girl I admired all this while is Nandani! I don't believe this. She is Nandani!!! His happiness has no bounds. He is happy to find out that the girl who has attracted him at the first sight and the girl who is making him fall for her is same. (Yes, Manik is falling for Nandani.)

Manik (self talk): Happy realisation Manik Malhotra. So u have finally fallen for a girl. Thank u very much God for bringing her into my life.

Nandani is totally unaware of Manik's presence. She is busy cleaning her hair and dress.
Manik is now unable to control himself slowly moves towards Nandani. He comes close to her back. His breath gets faster. His eyes start scanning each and every inch of her exposed back.

Manik pov

What a sexy back she has! And this tattoo is just making her more tempting. God she is making me insane. I m loosing my control. I so want to kiss her now. He brings his face close to the tattoo but at the same time Nandani flips her hair back which hit Manik's face and brings him back to his senses.
He immediately moves back and comes out of the washroom before being caught. He takes a deep breath and palms his face to compose himself.

Manik ( self talk): No no, Manik this is not right. What was I trying to do? Thank god she didn't see me otherwise what she must have thought about me. Shit I need to control myself when she is around me. God what is this feeling? First I need to know about it.

He leaves the room and comes back to the party. Everyone is still dancing. Raj and Nyo r busy with their friends. Soon Nandani also comes there. They both see each other and again have a cute eyelock.
Nandani's trance is broken when a boy comes to her and asks for a dance. She nods and they move to the dance floor.
Manik's eyes are still following her. Here Soha again approaches Manik for a dance but he politely rejects her proposal. He is busy watching Nandani. Suddenly his eyebrows become narrow and a frown comes on his face when he sees the boy holding her waist. He doesn't like it. He clenched his fist. He tries hard to control but he becomes more restless with every passing second. Not able to hold himself further he moves to the dance floor. He puts his hand on that boy's shoulder and gives him an angry glare. The boy senses his anger and moves away. Before Nandani could understand anything Manik holds her hand looking straight into her eyes and his other hand moves towards her waist and gripping it pulls her closer to him. There is great intensity in his eyes. Nandani also looks into his eyes and feels a strange attraction. She slowly places her hand on his heart. Manik feels a certain kind of peace and his heartbeats increase. He pulls her more close to him not even letting the air to pass through. Both r lost in each other.
Thankfully his friends were busy with their partners so nobody noticed them. (Harshad-Mukti drowned in their own world. Alia-Dhruv coming closer to each other. Cabir-Navya trying to know what got them together)
But unfortunately they were being watched by one pair of eyes that were fuming with anger and jealousy. It was none other than Soha.

Soha( to herself): Manik u didn't dance with me and now u r dancing with this orphan. No problem Manik. Take ur time. Do whatever u feel like but very soon u r going to b mine. And this orphan Nandani, I will kill her if she comes between us.
She leaves the party making some excuse as she was no more able to see Manik and Nandani together.

Baatein kuch ankahi si
Kuch ansuni si hone lagi

Manik and Nandani r still lost in each other.

Kaabu Dil pe raha na
Hasti humari khone Lagi

Manik brings his face near her ears and whispers: Someone is looking equally beautiful tonight just like the's..u.

A shiver passes through her spine feeling his proximity and she goes all red. She blushes and avoids eye contact. Manik smirks looking at her and is happy to see his effect on her. He tightens his grip on her waist which makes her once again look into his eyes.

Ho  O  ho ho o
Shayaad yahi hai pyaar....

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