Briefings and Introduction

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Nandani's parents Surya Murty and Krishna Murty were best friend of Raj and Nyonika. Surya and Raj together started their business in partnership. Earlier their business was not going well but after the birth of Nandani their business started flourishing day by day. Nandani had come like a blessing of Goddess Lakshmi to them. Surya and Raj both started investing in new projects in Nandani's name and it did wonders to them. Soon they became the most successful businessmen. Manik, nandani and mukti shared a simple relation of friends. When Nandani was 10 she lost her parents in an accident. Nyo and Raj took her responsibility and looked after her. Manik and mukti were sent to Warrior High for education. After that Manik and Nandani never met because during vacations when Manik came home at that time Nandani went Mangalore to her Amms to spend her vacations. Almost after 15 years they r going to meet each other. Mukti after graduation stayed at home and is an  active member of fab 5 band. Manik after 12th went to London for MBA. Mukti and Nandani became good friends after Harshad and Soha incident. Soha tried to create problems between Harshad and mukti and at one point she was almost successful in breaking their relationship. Had it not been Nandani they won't have been together again. Nandani cleared their misunderstanding and showed the real face of Soha to mukti. Since then mukti trusts Nandani and Harshad treats her as her sis.

Introduction : Harshad runs his own event management company and organizes shows and music concerts. All fab 5 concerts r handled by him. He also lost his parents when he was under graduation. He loves his sis Alia whom he lovingly calls kiddo very much.

Alia is a pianist. She loves her brother and fab 5 very much.

Cabir is a drummer and is happy go lucky kind of a person.

Dhruv is also a guitarist in fab 5 band.

Soha is daughter of a businessman Mr khurana. She is very evil.

Mr khurana is a family friend of Raj. He is a nice person and is offended by his daughter Soha's behaviour. But loves her and hopes that one day she will understand and will change.

So guys from here my story begins. I hope you will like it. This is my first ff so please ignore the mistakes.

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