Party Time

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7:45 pm Malhotra Mansion

Everyone is almost ready for the party. Cabir is in garden area supervising the catering stuff. Harshad and Dhruv r having songs discussion with the Dj. Mukalya r busy with their talk. Both r looking beautiful. Soon the guests start coming and Raj & Nyo welcome the guests.

Nandani & Navya r also on the way. Today Navya is driving the car as Nandani's driver was not well and had left early. Navya is in Punjabi dress and looking good. But the lady of the night is definitely Nandani. She is wearing a black gown with diamond accessories ( u can see it in media box). She is looking extremely gorgeous with minimal make up. As soon as they reach the venue the boys r dumbstruck seeing Nandani. The black gown was complimenting her white milky skin and the diamond accessories were giving a perfect shine to her. She has kept her hair open which r giving her a goddess look. Everyone compliments her.
Just then Mr Khurana and Soha also come to the party. Seeing Soha everyone gets pissed of.
Nandani hugs Mukti and asks her if she is fine. Mukti smiles her assuring her that she is good.

Harshad: ( changing the topic) Where is the man of the hour?

Just then Manik enters and every girl present there starts ogling at him. ( U can see Manik's dress in the media box) Soha's eyes get stuck on him.
Manik not paying heed to the girls present there walk towards his gang but stops as his eyes meet Nandani. His heart skips a beat.

Manik pov
God she is looking gorgeous.
Nandani is also busy admiring him.

Nandani pov
Wow Manik is looking so handsome. This black Tuxedo suits him so much. I m sure the girls here r going to have a tough time.

Their trance gets broken as Raj comes to Manik and takes him to the centre.

Raj : ( taking a mike) Ladies and gentlemen meet my son Manik Malhotra. This party is for his first success and I wish to give him a gift tonight. ( Manik looks at him surprisingly). I proudly announce Manik Malhotra as the new CEO of the Malhotra Industries.

Manik is shocked as he hasn't expected this. Everyone applauds. Nyo comes and hugs Manik and congratulates him.

Manik: But pa don't u think it is too early for me to take that post. I mean I have just started and this is a big responsibility.

Raj: (smiles) Beta ur mom and I have taken this decision after a good thinking. And I have full faith in u. U r the rightful owner of this position. U r capable enough to shoulder this responsibility. Moreover now I also need some rest. I have done enough. Now it's ur turn to take the Malhotra Industries to a more progressive path.

Manik hugs Raj assuring him that he will definitely fulfill his wishes.
Everyone comes and congratulates Manik. Even Soha comes and hugs him which he immediately breaks giving her an annoying look.
Raj introduces Manik to his business associates. He after greeting them move towards his gang.
Everyone once again congratulates him but Manik's eyes r only on Nandani.
She comes near him and forwards her hand: Congratulations, Manik

Manik holds her hand and they have an eyelock.

Manik pov
My name sounds so beautiful from her mouth. Her hands r so soft and warm. I m dying to touch her milky skin. She is looking goddess. And her lips r so tempting...wish I could just taste them once specially her lower lip. It's so luscious, it's making me insane. She is irresistible.

Soha was watching all this. She hates Nandani.
Soon their trance is broken by the loud music. They look here and there feeling awkward. They start talking to their friends but Manik is not able to take his eyes off Nandani. He from the corner of his eye keeps looking at her.

Soha: ( mind talk) Nandani I just hate u. Harshad ko to bacha liya but I won't let u come near Manik. He is mine and I will get him at any cost.

She sees a waiter carrying a tray of juice glasses going in the same direction where Nandani is standing with others. She pretends to b talking on the phone and deliberately collides with the waiter. The waiter looses the balance and spills the juice on Nandani's hair and dress.

Waiter: I...m...sorry but ..this...mam (pointing towards Soha) pushed me from behind.

Everyone looks at her in anger.

Soha : ( pretending) Oh sorry, sorry actually I was busy talking on the phone and didn't see this waiter. Believe me I didn't do this deliberately. (Making a sorry face) I m extremely sorry Nandani.

Manik: (annoyingly) What the hell Soha, can't u see and walk!

Mukti was about to burst but thankfully Raj, Nyo and Mr Khurana come there seeing the chaos.
Soha trying to b all goody goody in front of all : Nandani pls forgive me. Believe me I didn't do this deliberately. I m sorry.

Fab5, Harshad and Navni r shocked to see Soha pleading like this.

Nandani: ( mind talk:Definitely Soha is upto something.) Its ok Soha. I will go and clean myself.

Navya wants to help Nandani but Nandani tells her that she will manage and asks her to stay there. Nandani leaves. Manik so wanted to b with her but he is helpless. What excuse he should give to all.

To divert everybody's attention Nyo asks everyone to go and dance. Fab 5 and Harshad understood Nyo's cue and they walk towards the dance area. Soon all join them. Every girl wants to dance with Manik and try to come near him. Within no time Manik is surrounded by a gang of girls. Other boys were getting jealous of Manik. Fab4 and Harshad r enjoying Manik's condition.  Soha didn't like Manik dancing with other girls. The girls were just thowing themselves on Manik. Soha immediately comes shooing away all the girls and starts dancing with Manik. She encircles Manik's neck with her hands. Manik gets irritated as he was already not liking himself surrounded by the girls and now Soha trying to get cosy with him was making him more angry. He jerks her off and leaves the dance floor.

I m trying my best to write better and better. Hope u r enjoying my story. U will see more manan scenes as the story progresses. So just stay tuned.....

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