Can't Wait To See U

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A new morning with new feelings was waiting for Manan.
Nandani woke up with a smile on her face...the smile that has not left her lips since last night. She got up n was about to move towards the bathroom when she stopped, turned back n with a blush picked up her phone n sent a text "Good morning"
She then went to the bathroom smiling to herself.

Manik was as usual sleeping holding Nandani's accessories close to his heart. Even he didn't know why he did such a cheesy thing. But the fact was that even her things gave him solace.
His sleep was distributed by the alarm. He switched off the alarm n kissed her accessories whispering "Good morning" . He put her accessories back in his drawer n checked his phone. He had got a text message. He opened it n unknowingly a smile crept on his lips. He immediately replied " My morning will now definitely b good. Good morning to u too beautiful".

Holding the mobile in one hand he ruffled his hair with the other one saying 'ssss Nandani, can't wait to  see you'

Manik then went to the bathroom n got ready for the office. He was supposed to handle the morning shift so he quickly had his breakfast and rushed to the office. He tries to complete majority of the work before lunch time so that Raj doesn't need to do much work in the afternoon. He was a caring son so he didn't want Raj to stress himself.
After completing all the important work Manik comes back to Malhotra Mansion by 1. Fab 4 was already waiting for him. They all had a light lunch n then moved to the music room. Harshad also joined them after sometime. They completed the remaining part of the song and now were ready with two complete songs.

It was 5 when they all decided to wind up. Cabir, Dhruv n Alya had brought their changes with them as they had decided to get ready for the party at Manik's place only. Harshad had actually planned a date for Mukti so he left early to make necessary arrangements. He asked Mukti to directly come to the destination as he would b waiting for her there only.

Aliya went to Mukti's room to get ready for the party whereas Dhrucab used the guest room to change. Manik also moved to his room to get ready.

Here at Murty Mansion, NavNi are also back home early. They got ready n headed towards Malhotra Mansion.
Nandani was wearing a blue knee length one piece which made her white milky skin glow more. She had tied her hair into a French bun.
It was only 6 when both NavNi reached Malhotra Mansion. Nyo was sitting in the drawing room reading a magazine. She greeted both NavNi with a broad smile. Mukti had sent a  text Nandani to meet her before leaving for Soha's party so she headed towards her room to meet her. While Navya chose to sit with Nyo for some gupshup. Raj was also back by then.

Mukti's room was just beside Manik's room. She was about to open her room's door when a hand suddenly came from nowhere and pulled her into a room n pinned her to the wall. (Of course who could this b. Our Manik actually saw Nandani going to Mukti's room n how can he let go such a golden opportunity to b with her so before she could go into Mukti's room he pulled her into his room)

Nandani: Manik, u can't just always pull me like's not correct.

Manik: Shhh (putting his finger on her lips) Let me first see u properly.
His gaze moved up n down scanning her whole body. Ethereal (he whispered coming close to her)
He starts tracing his fingers on her face. Nandani closes her eyes. He stops at her lips n caresses them with his thumb.

Do u know...u have very voluptuous lips....specially ur lower lip (caressing it) is so fleshy...(bringing his lips very close to hers)...only I know how I m controlling myself....Don't blame me if I lose my control. U r testing my patience..

Nandani felt a shiver in her body. She felt weak at her knees. She put her hands on his chest for support n slowly opened her eyes finding Manik's face just few centimetres away from hers. Manik slowly rubbed her nose with his nose.

Nandani somehow gaining strength says: Manik...Mukti must b waiting for me....Pls mujhe jaane do.

Manik takes a deep breath: I don't want u to go.

Nandani: Thodi der ki to baat hai...phir hum saath honge.

She slightly pushed him away from his chest but he held her hand and gestured a NO. Nandani made a pleading face to let her go but as she moved away from him her bracelet got entangled with Manik's wrist watch n it's clasp broke.

Nandani: Aiyyo....Aaiyappa now what is this.
(She bends down to pick up the broken part of her bracelet)
Now what I will wear. Aiyyo...

Manik made her stand holding her arms. He went to the dressing table drawer and took out a velvet case.
He comes near her with case in his hands.

Manik: U r lucky Ms Murty....I have something for u.

Nandani gave a confused look. Manik opened the velvet case and the moment she saw what was in it her eyes twinkled n she smiled.

Nandani: Omg Manik I had almost forgotten about these... That day I myself put these accessories in ur car n I forgot to take it back. Thanks for keeping it safely.

She was about to take them from his hands when Manik held her hand. She looked at him and raised her eyebrows asking what happen....
Manik took the bracelet from the case and himself made her wear it. He slid the bracelet around her wrist and then brought her hand near his lips n gently kissed her hand.

As soon as Nandani felt his soft lips on her skin she closed her eyes to just feel the moment. He then slowly came near her left ear n very gently took out the earring she was wearing. He replaced it with the earring from the velvet case. He did the same with the right ear. All this while Nandani was just enjoying his touch on her body.
Manik slowly moved away from her n stood in front of her folding his hands across his chest. He kept looking at her admiring her beauty.
Nandani not feeling him near opened her eyes n saw Manik lovingly looking at her. She looked into his eyes n they had a cute eyelock. Manik finally broke the silence saying " You look perfect"
Nandani gave a broad smile n putting her accessories in her purse moved towards the door. She opened the door and looked back at Manik.

Nandani: I will b waiting for u....come soon..

Manik smiled and picked up his clothes to get ready.

Nandani went to Mukti's room. Mukti told her about her date with Harshad. She is very happy for Mukti.
Mukti also warns Nandani to b careful as she doubted Soha's intentions. She also told her to b careful with the drinks as Soha may have got them spiked.
Nandani assured Mukti that she will b careful and asked her not to worry n enjoy her date.
Soon Mukti after bidding goodbye to all moves to meet Harshad.

The rest also after bidding goodbye to Raj n Nyo drove away in Manik's car.
Manik was at the driving seat accompanied by Dhruv beside him. Navya sat between Cabir n Nandani at the back seat. Cavya were enjoying the closeness. Manik adjusted the rear view mirror in such a way that he could clearly see Nandani's face.
Nandani was aware of this. She kept looking outside the window but couldn't stop herself from blushing. After 45 min of drive they all reached the Khurana's farm house.

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Any resemblance is purely coincidental. 

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