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The World Irish Dance Championships are in 2 weeks! Ahhhh! Everyone at our dance school has been practicing SUPER hard! We also got new dresses! Mine has is black with sparkly white Celtic knots all over and rainbow spikes at the top. Ro's is white the some pink and orange designs!

And stomp two three and stomp stomp treble one two treble toe and stomp up....I practice my set. I've been practicing extra hard this year because I really want to win or get a higher placement! Ro does too! She's been practicing hard as well! We do two hours of practice, but we each get an hour because I start with a half an hour, then she goes for a half an hour, than so on. We leave for worlds next weekend, I'm super excited!

We practice for about 4 hours then head upstairs to shower and go to bed. It's Monday...I go upstairs and brush my teeth and hair, shower and change into pjs before I go on my phone. But it buzzes while I'm brushing my hair so I hurry up but it keeps buzzing! It's a group message with all my friends and those take up sooooo much space along with having a lot of texts.....ugh.
Mallory😜: My sister's having her sweet 16 next Saturday and she said I could invite some of my friends so can you come?
Lia😍: Of course! That would would be so much fun!
Savannah❤️: I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Declan✔️: Count me in, bro, but it can't be a bunch girly stuff or else you won't be seeing much of me there
Mallory😜: Don't worry Declan! The other boys will probably come too...
Brandon👌🏻: Yep! Comin!
Mallory😜: Yay! Now all we need is Jake and Emma and then our squad will be complete!
Jake💁🏼: Dude I'll be there!
Savannah❤️: OMG this is gonna be SOOOOOO fun! Will there be a chocolate fountain?
Mallory😜: Do you think we forgot about that? We all know you an your love for chocolate! Hey I wander if Em is coming....
Me: Sounds fun! I'm in! Wait....did you say next Saturday?
Mallory😜: Yep! Is there a problem?

Next Saturday is the day we leave for worlds! But they don't understand how important this is to me so they'll get mad if I say no.....

Me: Oh uh my mom has this thingy that I have to go to then.....sorry!
Seriously Emma? That was the lamest excuse ever! Nobody's gonna believe that! You'd be better off just telling the truth!

Jake💁🏼: Are you sure? Cause my mom can give you a ride.....
Declan✔️: Oooooo! You and Emma in the car together!

Jake is like the boy of my dreams. He has brown hair and blue eyes. I don't want to admit that I like him though....but I think he likes me. I can tell because we've been laughing about our weird art teacher together and he always looks at me...and Natalie's jealous!
Me: Oh thanks but that's fine
Brandon👌🏻: Oooo you got dissed bro!
Jake💁🏼: Shut up!
But I had to do something! And I can't like date anyone...I'm in fifth grade!

World's Finest (book 5 of the Clearys on their way to victory series)Where stories live. Discover now