"Alright ladies and gentlemen this is competition 405, girls 11 to 12 years. Our adjudicators today are Ellen Richie of Belfast, Jordan Spier of New York, Meg Brohan of Midland, Carrie Cutworth of Glascow, Jamie Long of New York, Sinéad Lyre of Dublin, and Catraione Mulland of Derry. Our musicians today are James Black of Boston, and Ron Donahan of Providence." Everyone claps, "We will be starting with competitors 123, 124, and 125 dancing the jig."
I'm to far back in the line to see Shannon or anyone else dancing, but I saw a couple of people practicing and they're all really good and I'm worried that I don't have a chance. But then I stop. "Stop it Emma," I think to myself, "you deserve to be here. You're third in the world! That means you're better than almost this whole competition. Why would you be here if you didn't deserve it? But you do. Just do you're best!" That seemed to make things a little better.
The competition flies by after that and soon enough I'm the next group to go on! The group before then finishes their jig and I'm walking on! We stand there for a few seconds, then the judges ring the bell, the other group bows, they walk off, and we step forward. The jig booms through the speakers at a steady beat. One, two, and off you go! Kick and kick and stomp stomp one two three four five, tip to three four five and stomp treble step up click down point! Down....I dance my jig beautifully, hitting every single beat until I can't hit anymore. I push myself the whole way through to the very end, and walk back to my spot super confident. The judges ring the bell and we now to them and the musicians and then we walk off.
"Em that was amazing!!!!" Says Shannon and Ro. I say thank you. I'm so happy! This could really be a big jump for me! Well, not to big because I can only jump up two or one place, but still! They then call 201 to 260 up which means Lauren is next. I was going to go out and explore a bit, but mom said I should watch Ro since she watched me and I might get my seat stolen if I leave. So I put on my lights and check them about five hundred times to stall so I wouldn't end up watching Lauren, but I guess five hundred isn't long enough. Right when I finish, Lauren is up. The last group in the section. Ugh. I watch a little bit of her jig, and it was good. Maybe not amazing, but good. I decide not to get to caught up in her dancing.
Soon they called up Ro's group, she was near the end, but when she danced, she was amazing! This is so great for both of us! The four hours went by fast in between dances and soon enough our second round was up! We all did amazing, and I think we'll all get recalls! During the break Ro, Shannon and I went to get our usual star bucks and then sat before the recalls but soon enough they were out!
"Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the recalls for group 405, girls 11-12." That's us!!!! We get out our books so we can mark down the recalled dancers. "101,103,105,106,108,109,110,114,120,124,125,127,130,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,145,150,157....Yes!!! Shannon and I both recalled we silently squealed but Ro looks really nervous so I squeeze her hand. "200,203,205.....Crap. Lauren. I look over and see her rolling her eyes like it was nothing. "259,260,263,265.....Yes!!!! Ro recalled!!! I hug but then the recalls are done and the announcer speaks. "And those are our recalls. We will be starting the set round with competitor 150 shortly. We will need all recalled dancers from 150 to 205 to line up side stage at this time.
I slip into my dress and go right over. I'm the second girl! I run through my set in my head once but then I have to go and dance!
"No onstage is competitor 157 dancing Planxty Hugh O'Donnell at speed 70."
I walk on my shoulders back, on by my side, and a smile on my face to the x mark. the music begins and before I know it I'm off!
"And flick one two three four five treble and one two and and slide down one two three four five kick and kick up click down!!!" I think two myself as I fly through the air, and make every move count. When I finish, I get a huge standing ovation! I instantly don't care about my result. All I care about is that I pushed the hardest that I could and I'm proud of that.
Ro was amazing, and Shannon was good. She fell and had to restart, and was upset because she didn't push it like she could've. I though it was good for falling over though. Now it's the grueling wait for results....

World's Finest (book 5 of the Clearys on their way to victory series)
RandomThe Cleary series has brought many journeys, but with Worlds 2017 it will bring the most! Join the Clearys in their last book as they go through highs and lows. Will they win it all?