"Hi girls!" We walk into the warm dance studio after being in the freezing cold snow outside! It's now less than a week before worlds and everyone is getting nervous.....but I think the most nervous is the girl Kayla that did a team with us at NANs. This is gonna be her first worlds cause she's finally old enough but she's really good so she wants to win. I think it's a really high expectation even though she's a regional, National, GB, BN, and all Ireland champion!
Anyway we have practice from 5 to 9 tonight for worlds classes. We have two hours of teams, and two of solos. It's been like this for three months now! Practice couldn't get any harder though...Miss Erin yells at us like a million times harder than at NANs. Elaine just always stares at is and shakes her head when we finish a dance but doesn't talk...it's kinda weird. Another teacher Miss Kylie yells a lot too and the rest are okay. Classes are a lot quieter in one of the practice rooms that I'm in cause after people finish dancing they're dripping sweat and they just drink water and then practice so they don't get in trouble if a teacher looks in and catches them talking.
"ONE AND TWO MMMMMOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEE THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Erin screams at us. "Guys it's wait one and two and then move all the way on three! I know we switched up the counts but that was about a month ago! Get it in your head!" We take a little water break and I look around, then my eyes land on Kayla. Her face is bright red like a fire truck but her hands are pale. I force myself to walk over to her and ask, "Are you ok?" What was I thinking? Yes Emma! She's completely fine! It's not like her face is red or anything! "Oh uh um not entirely." She was very hesitant with her words. "Well maybe you should go home and rest not be rude but you look red...." She gave me a small glare but then looked away when I started to notice. I could tell she thought I was stupid for saying such a thing. "No! I mean, no I'm fine." Kayla says, nerves started to rise in her body.
We got home at 9:30, and we were so tired! It was even a school night! It was
Wednesday and we had school tomorrow so right when my head hit the pillow I fell asleep! I dreamed of me at the world championships, and I would dance my set and win worlds! I was so excited, then when I jumped off the podium to greet my teachers onstage, I woke up and fell off my bed!"Honey! Are you alright?" Says my mom, she looks confused as to why my facial expression is so happy. "Well I thought I just won worlds and-" "Honey, it was just a dream. You didn't really win...." She looked like she was about to say something else but she didn't move her lips. I decided just to get up for school. I put on the outfit I laid out last night, and Abercrombie shirt, leggings, and boot socks. Pretty simple, but really comfy. I go in to check on Shay. She's still sound asleep, but she looks peaceful. I figured it was kinda weird to watch people sleep, so I left. Then I started to get nervous because we leave for worlds tomorrow!
"Now take the fractions of 5/9 and 4/6 and add them..." My math teacher trailed on and on about random math
stuff and I couldn't stop thinking about worlds! I was super excited and nervous at the same time....it's hard to be in school while thinking about that to because nobody understands what it's like. Like I the other day at recess instead of playing kickball with all my friends like I usually do, I decided to practice with Ro, but then Mallory came up to me and was like, "Hey why aren't you playing with us?" So I just said "Cause worlds is in less than a week and I need to practice!" Then she was just like "Yeah but it's just the Irish dance worlds there's not gonna be that many people I bet..." Then Ro said, "Last year we danced against 155 girls, and there's more this year!" And then Mallory just left us alone. Ro has always been much more of the stand- up kinda person. She doesn't like it when other people are making fun of anything! I like that, though. I always have her by my side.

World's Finest (book 5 of the Clearys on their way to victory series)
RandomThe Cleary series has brought many journeys, but with Worlds 2017 it will bring the most! Join the Clearys in their last book as they go through highs and lows. Will they win it all?