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The projected screen suddenly switched from vender ads to the slide before results. This was it!!!

"Oireachtas Rince Na Cruinne 2017
Results for:
Girls 11-12
Ellen Richie
Jordan Spier
Meghan Brohan
Jamie Long
Sinéad Lyre
Catraione Mulland"

   "Alright settle down everyone, I know you're excited." Says the announcer who's probably Irish, "We now have the results for the girls 11 to 12. We ask that you please do not screen and anyone that is standing in the back, please make sure you're not blocking an exit. There's plenty of room else where, trust me. Thank you."

   The people move and everyone quiets down so he can start.
    "Alright we are ready to begin. Starting with Ellen Richie's results. 101, 39.5..." It was going to be a while. Shannon was up first. "....124,64..." I give Shannon a hug. That's a really good score!!! Next is me..."....157,75..." Yes!!! a 75! "203,57..." Ugh Lauren actually did well. "....265,14..." Not Ro's best...but still good! I give her a hug and she doesn't seemed pissed yet so that's good. "Now for Jordan Spier's result." They do a bunch then ours."124,5.....157,100.....203,4.....265,75..." The results were good so far! They continue and I get another 100, a 58, a 93, an 18, and a 90. Now they're doing overalls.

"Now our overall scores minus the highest and the lowest. 101, 375.." They do the bunch before Shannon's then..."....124, 190...." Shannon look satisfied. I give her a hug and tell her how good that is. "....157, 416..." I instantly start crying. Everyone around me is screaming. This is it!!! They do the rest of the scores and Lauren gets a 234 and Ro gets a 185.5.

"And the winner of the 2017 world championships girls 11 to 12 is number 260, Ellie Richardson from the Sanders Academy western region, USA!!!" Oh my gosh I remember her! Is recognized her today but couldn't remember who it was! " In second place, number 157 Emma Cleary from the Celtic O'Bryan academy, Mid-Atlantic region, USA!!!" We all scream and I'm crying. Second in the world!

World's Finest (book 5 of the Clearys on their way to victory series)Where stories live. Discover now