Wait What?

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Well I finally updated the second chapter. Cx I've just been REALLY busy! (Not!) I've just had my cousins come over and stay for a bit so I couldn't be as non-productive as I usually am and write the story. Lol xD so here's Chapter 3 for you peeps!


"Yo! Girl are you crying on me?!" I looked at her and laughed. I can't believe this! "Bye girls I'm taking Danny to school!" I hear my mom yell. "Kay!" We yell back.

I look back to her and stare at her. "What now?" She says.

I give her a big tight hug and said, "Thank you so much Kae! How the heck did you manage to get 3 front row tickets to Of Mice & Men and VIP passes?!" She smirks, "One,I know people.Two, you know I'm not a big hugger!" I wipe my eyes and smile, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Haha no problemo!" She says with a fake accent. I smile.

Suddenly her face has no expression. "Are you ok?" I ask her. She quickly covers it then jumps off the bed, onto the floor and curls into a ball. "I can hear my fellow crumb brethren calling to me for help!" She whispers. I chuckle ,"What the fudge are you doin-" "Shhh! I can hear them!" She cuts me off and I roll my eyes. I get up and stomp on the ground next to her face. "NOOOO!! What have you done!!!!" She yells at me. "And I thought I was weird." I mumble. She starts yelling and gets up. Her 5ft 6in frame looks down on me.

"Do you have any idea of what you just did little girl?"

"Little? I'm only 2 inches shorter than you!"

"Shortie!"she gets closer.

"My shortness has it's advantages!" I stick my tongue out.

She squints her eyes, "Like what?"

I look around, "I can crawl?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I can crawl." She counters.

"Well...um..I can crawl better!"

Her face turns into a smile and she starts cracking up. "I..I can't ...stay serious... around you!"she says between breaths. I smile and sit on the bed. She stops laughing and sits next to me. "What's wrong?" She questions and I look at her. "Tell me woman!" She demands, and I smile. "I...uh..I had the same dream again." Her face softens, "Aww sweetie...was it the one with Stan or the other one?"

"The one with Stan."

"Ah, I see.",She deepens her voice.

I smile, "It's just that, I know I've seen this before but this never happened to me, I swear! I never remember Stan doing all those things and I'm pretty sure I would've remembered. It would've left me scarred. I've never had that dream before. Only once when I was 13 and I'm starting to think that dream was the reason I'm the way I am today."

"Ha, yeah I remember when we were kids we were so girly. Now we're completely different. Now we listen to rock and post hardcore." she says with a chuckle. I stare towards nothing,"I remember I used to think that by the time I reached this age I would be wearing shorts and tank tips with confidence around boys. Now, even if I'm wearing tights, I just want to cover up the best I can.", I turn to Mikaela and smile, "But honestly, I'm okay with that." "Don't forget I changed with you girl, and I'm glad I did!" She beams.

I smile and turn my head towards my sleep killing device, also known as my alarm clock.

"Oh It's 8:24, we should get going!" I say, standing up. I grab my purse and put on my oversized grey jacket. She nods her head and we make our way downstairs. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" We say in unison. We've known each other for so long, we call each others parents our parents. "Bye girls! Have fun!" They both say from the kitchen. We head outside and make our way towards Shane. Shane is the name of Mikaela's car. Weird huh?

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