Birthday Surprise!

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Hey (~^•^)~ there's not much to say except...READ ON PEEPS!


"Happy seventeenth birthday honey!" My mom squeals. I sit up quickly and look around. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asks concerned. I smile, "Yeah, I'm fine." "Okay now make a wish and blow out your candles!" My dad says excitedly. I sit on the edge of the bed, close my eyes and think real hard, 'I wish I knew who those blue eyes belong to.' I thought and blew out the candles. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" My little bro yells, running into my room. "Happy birthday Jan!" I smile at him. He comes to me with his arms wide and a big smile on his face. I open my arms wide waiting for him to jump in my arms.

All of a sudden a cold feeling hits my face. It was soft. I feel some of it fall on my lap and I finally start making sense of what it was. I reached my hands to my face to touch it and I realized something. The cake! I wipe my eyes and open them to see my mom and dad laughing their butts off while Daniel is on the floor, holding his stomach and laughing uncontrollably. An evil grin spreads on my face. All hell is about to break loose!

"If it's a war you want, then it's a war you'll get!" I say out loud. My brother immediately stops laughing , looks at me, jumps up and runs downstairs. "Oh no you don't! You little booger! Get back here!" I yell as I chase him, leaving my mom and dad breathless.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and stop. "Now where'd that little booger go?" I question, looking around. "THIS IS FOR SPARTA!!!" I hear behind me. I turn my head to see who it is but instead I get jumped. He wraps his little arms and legs around me and starts shouting "TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!" He continues laughing then tightens his grip on my neck "D-Danny! S-stop it...I-I can't ..breath!" I try pulling his hands apart but he has the grip of an anaconda! Then I get and idea.

I turn around and face the stairs. He stops laughing. "You wouldn't." He says seriously. "Oh yes I would!" I counter. I start running up the stairs and to my room. When I get to my room my mom and dad are on the floor, still laughing! "No Jan! Stop! I'm sorry I won't do it again!" Danny pleads. "Too late little booger." I respond as I run over to my bed and jump on it with my arms and legs spread wide open, laying on top of Danny.

"Hminpf phet oph of me." Danny pleads from under me. "What was that Danny? I can't hear you?" I say sarcastically. He moves his head a little so he can breathe."I SAID GET OFF OF ME!" He yells. "No." I respond calmly. I can still hear my mom and dad laughing. Man, they haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I smile. "FOR SPARTA!!!" I hear under me. What? Then I finally realized what he meant. He pushed me off of him then off the bed. At least I have carpet. I get up to see Danny running out the door chanting ,"SPARTA! SPARTA! SPARTA!" Then I hear him lock the door to his room. I smile.

I look at the heap of bodies on the floor. They finally stopped laughing and stood up. "My stomach hurts from laughing." My mom says. She looks at me and starts laughing again. I furrow my brows and tilt my head to the side. Why is she laughing? The cake,I'm so slow! I cross my arms over my chest and wait. She finally calms down and says, "Breakfast will be ready in a bit honey." She walks out with my dad behind her. I close my door and lock it so Danny can't come in any more.

I grab a towel and my iPod and head to the bathroom. I turn my iPod on and put it on shuffle. I wash the cake off my face and brush my teeth. I take my clothes off, turn on the water and step in. I let the warm water trickle down my body for a while and open the shampoo bottle. It's smells like cherry. Damn cherry smells good! I scrub my hair and start jumping up and down as my favorite song comes on, Misery Business. I close my eyes and continue to scrub my hair and then I start singing along really loudly.

I'm in the business of misery

Lets take it from the top

She's got a body like and hourglass

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